Liz's Bloglet

I discovered some of my links to the EPA were broken. I tried to fix them, but the kept turning up broken again. It seemed like the EPA was changing the URL's from minute to minute. Only one of us can do web maintenance at a time, and since they're a vast bureaucratic entity, I'll let them go first. _
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01:55:44 PM, Thursday 29 August 2002


Woman gets gun past security in Hartsfield Airport. But wait, it gets better. "...the screener summoned a supervisor to inspect the carry-on belonging to Nancy Keller of Huntersville, N.C." That's right. Huntersville truly is the source of all evil. _
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10:56:13 AM, Thursday 29 August 2002


10:55:58 AM, Thursday 29 August 2002


Good news for downtown Athens. No condos for football fans, mixed used development, preservation of a historic building, development in the depressed (-ing) west end of downtown, possibly a grocery store? _
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10:51:48 AM, Thursday 29 August 2002


While browsing the Institute's web page I found this interesting tidbit:

"In 1961, research underway at the Savannah River Plant was organized into an on-site facility and called the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. Also in 1961, the Institute of Radiation Ecology was formed on The University of Georgia's campus. Five years later, “Radiation” was dropped from its title, and in 1967, the Institute of Ecology received funds from the University for an executive director."

Wow. _
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01:06:58 PM, Wednesday 28 August 2002


An interesting article about the fate of the public housing on St. John's Street (by Nelson Hernandez (A'99) no less). _
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09:55:02 AM, Wednesday 28 August 2002


The Tempo is all spiffed up. It's running like a Tempo half its age. _
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09:50:01 PM, Tuesday 27 August 2002


Those who pollute more should be fined less. A charming example of the problems with applying statistics and modelling to things involving people. _
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12:31:25 PM, Tuesday 27 August 2002


Alison came into the lab and asked, "Do you know who's bathing in acid right now?" I told her I didn't. We have an acid bath in our lab that various people use to get things super clean. I knew what she meant. It occurred to me that someone walking by might not. _
respond? (16)
04:07:49 PM, Monday 26 August 2002


It took several more months than it should have, but I have finally written an acceptable thesis proposal. Go me. _
respond? (4)
11:03:15 AM, Thursday 22 August 2002


I'm taking two classes this semester. Statistics 6220 is just a generic sort of graduate level stats class with multiple regressions and SAS and stuff like that. Ecology 8210 is Population Ecology which is theory and modeling and just generally neat stuff. As the professor (who is extremely Scottish) said yesterday, ecologists suffer from physics envy. We want everything to be objective and concrete and obey simple laws, but we're dealing with organic things and systems that are too big to watch everything at once on the proper scale, so some things have to be subjective. The goal of population ecology is to come up with rules that explain as many things as possible about the diversity and abundance of an organism with respect to time and space and express them as equations. I like equations. _
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09:52:06 AM, Wednesday 21 August 2002


So yesterday I saw a girl with a North Meck Soccer t-shirt. I suppose I should have said hello. I imagine the conversation going something like this:
Me: Hey, you went to North Meck. Me too.
Girl: Oh, what year did you graduate?
M: 1995
G: Oh, I just graduated in May.
M: I guess we probably don't know any of the same people, huh. Do they still call it Red Neck Tech?
G: No, I've never heard that before? Why would they call it that?
M: The visiting schools from Charlotte always called it that because of the cows and corn next to the school.
G: There aren't any cows or corn next to the school.
M: Oh, right. I guess there probably aren't anymore. So, what town does your family live in?
G: Huntersville.
M: Oh, mine too. Did you go to Huntersville Elementary?
G: No, I grew up in New Jersey. We just moved there when I was in high school.
M: Must have been kind of a change.
G: No, not really. I was kind of worried, because of like movies and stuff about the South. But when we got there it really wasn't very different from New Jersey.
M: Oh, yes, I guess it wasn't. Well, have a good year here.
G: Right. Thanks.

Yeah, it's probably just as well I didn't say anything. _
respond? (5)
08:58:53 AM, Tuesday 20 August 2002


Poof! There are suddenly people everywhere. I had grown strangely accustomed to being able to walk on the sidewalks and sit down on the bus. But summer is over. _
respond? (24)
12:31:37 PM, Monday 19 August 2002


Condaleeza Rice explains why we should attack Iraq, and probably Iran, and maybe some other places, too. While the reporter seemed to think this was an especially strong argument, I'm usually more convinced by "arguments" that include, say, evidence, instead of random accusations. _
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09:47:26 AM, Friday 16 August 2002


Angel: In 243 years, I've only loved one woman.
Buffy: is me, right? _
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10:11:00 AM, Thursday 15 August 2002


So awhile ago I mentioned that I was alone in the mac lab and one of the imacs started talking quietly to itself. Well, it happened again, only this time it played "The Star-Spangled Banner." _
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02:53:04 PM, Wednesday 14 August 2002


The Fundamentals Are Not Sound. A wake-up call for the president that things are falling apart and the only people who don't see a problem are his buddies. _
10:35:48 AM, Tuesday 13 August 2002


Dr. Odum died over the weekend. They told us he had been gardening, which he loved. I had seen him on Friday coming into work, as he had everyday, despite retiring in 1985. I have the joy of working at this peculiar institute in this peculiar discipline which he founded. He was one of the truly great scientists of the 20th century. _
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10:16:46 AM, Monday 12 August 2002


Margaret Palmer, one of the principal investigators of the working group which I have somehow lucked into being a part of, is spotlighted in a story on restoration ecology in today's edition of The Economist. She was hoping the project itself would be mentioned in the article, which it's not, but the ideas are there. _
respond? (5)
08:58:18 PM, Saturday 10 August 2002


For anyone who still wants to find out how the story finally ends, Avalon has started updating again. _
08:47:54 PM, Saturday 10 August 2002


For that person out there who cares (whoever that might be) my stream restoration bibliography is now online. _
respond? (8)
12:51:20 PM, Friday 9 August 2002


Reason #77 to listen to college radio:

Where else can you hear two female DJ's argue over who's going to have Stephen Malkmus's babies? _
09:02:36 AM, Thursday 8 August 2002


massive head explodee! _
10:36:12 AM, Wednesday 7 August 2002


The humidity yesterday was 33%. This meant that the heat index was actually lower than the temperature. This is a very strange state of things for Georgia in August. _
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10:55:12 AM, Tuesday 6 August 2002


I do not intend to post the 100 facts thing, because I am a private sort of person. One might notice how boring and lacking in personal information my blog is. However, Debbie is the only person I know more private than I and she did it. That does not mean I'm going to do it. I think Debbie's secret exhibitionist streak is showing. _
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09:59:35 AM, Saturday 3 August 2002


The Evil Class of Doom made the front page of the Athens-Banner Herald. _
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11:46:34 AM, Friday 2 August 2002


Today is the birthday of Wes Craven, 64, and Kevin Smith, 32. And that's all I'm going to say about that. _
08:33:36 AM, Friday 2 August 2002


The evil class of doom is over. _
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02:11:41 PM, Thursday 1 August 2002


Today is the big move-out day here at River Mill and we are not moving. The last August I did not move was 1994. I can not express my rapture at simply staying put in this apartment. _
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11:44:53 AM, Wednesday 31 July 2002


Today one of my classmates expressed a strong dislike for one of our computer guys, who happens to be one of my favorite people at the 'tute. Her problem seems to be that he's funny looking, weird, and likes computers. To me those are not problems but prerequisites. _
08:01:03 PM, Monday 29 July 2002


There was a story on NPR about the Miracle Cars scam (sorry about the shoddy St. Petersburg journalism, it was the best online story I could find). The story went that some rich guy had died and left a fleet of cars and he wanted them to be sold at rock bottom prices to only "good Christians". Problem was, of course, that no cars existed, nor any freaky dead philanthropist. Church's were actually collecting the money and giving it to finders, who of course got a percentage.
So anyway, the thing that bugs me about the story is that somehow we're supposed to feel sorrier for these folks than for ordinary victims of scams because somehow it was exploiting their "goodness". Ordinary victims of scams say they thought they were lucky. These people said they thought they deserved these cheap luxury cars for being good people. But, really, Christian goodness is all about not seeking earthly rewards for faith. Quite the contrary, a Chritian is supposed to expect to be despised and persecuted for his belief. No, it was exploiting self-righteousness. Sure I feel bad for them because they lost a lot of money. But you never get something for nothing, and you certainly never get something for thinking your faith creates entitlement. _
08:30:23 AM, Monday 29 July 2002


Because I've always wondered what crazy British desserts look like. _
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10:35:54 PM, Friday 26 July 2002


I'm in the field this weekend and the following but I am seriously considering some sort of vacation-type-thing for the weekend after that, for two reasons 1)Cathy is using the van so I can't collect algae like I had planned and 2)Fall classes start the following week. I'm trying to figure out where summer went and why it will be a relief when it is over. _
09:31:50 PM, Friday 26 July 2002


So, can we now officially declare political correctness the new political incorrectness and move on? _
01:31:02 PM, Friday 26 July 2002


I'd wondered what my brother does at Cisco. Here's an article about his work for the Evil Empire. _
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09:18:11 AM, Friday 26 July 2002


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