Remi's Bloglet

That was pretty satisfying, as far as book-to-roleplaying-game conversions go. I took the main ideas (and the best images) from Italo Calvino's The Cloven Viscount and applied them to a Hong Kong style action story. I probably couldn't get away with it again. Too much GM-drive plot and pushing. This is something that players new to the system and the world won't notice, but experienced players wil. That sticks out in my mind as a major weakness, but as an introduction, a one-time gimmick, and a way to introduce a grateful, helpful NPC, it's not bad. _
12:23:05 AM, Monday 13 January 2003


MartAnne and Mirabai, game tomorrow night, 9-ish okay? _
respond? (3)
09:53:17 PM, Saturday 11 January 2003


You know it's going to be a bad night when the drunken neighbors go from violence to philosophy. _
respond? (5)
06:47:40 AM, Saturday 11 January 2003


Cory Doctorow not only talks the talk, but he walks the fucking walk. Download his new novel, now available at bookstores, for free, in its entirety. _
respond? (1)
03:09:07 AM, Friday 10 January 2003


A not-so-romantic view of Antarctica. _
respond? (11)
12:22:00 AM, Friday 10 January 2003


"It seems to be fruitcake," I said, after shaking the Amazon package.
"Yes," she agreed, "fruitcake."
So why is Amazon sending us fruitcake? Their fruitcake sucks! It turns out that remarkable similar to fruitcake in an Amazon wrapper is the Buffy Season 3 DVDs! YAY! _
respond? (7)
04:56:02 PM, Thursday 9 January 2003


Here's the first chapter of my new ongoing series Idle Peace. There will be one or two 7-10 page chapters a month, all things being equal. Enjoy!
Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven _
respond? (14)
05:52:33 AM, Thursday 9 January 2003


Apparently, like not telling actors to 'have a good show', you don't tell martial artist 'not to get their asses broke'. I told this to my pal Dave Wisdom as he left band practice yesterday to go to a Martial Arts demo-thing. He seriously injured his left knee,possible ACL tear, while doing a grappling excercise. His foot caught between two of the mats, there was this huge CRACK and one of the guys watching said, "I'm gonna throw up now." Yeah. _
respond? (1)
12:11:25 AM, Thursday 9 January 2003


Yesterday I felt the job interview went well, so I took a chance on Max Tundra's Mastered by Guy at the Exchange. I've spent time trying to find Techno I like, and I could only ever find single tracks that I could enjoy, but Max Tundra (on this album, at least) tears up techno patterns, applies them to pop songwriting, and comes away with a choppy masterpiece that's one part Momus, one part Instrumental Cex, and one part Super Mario Brothers, but better. That tears it, I've liked everything that I've tried off Pitchfork's Top 50 of 2002 has been really satisfying, I will endeavor to pick up more of the list as the year goes by. _
respond? (9)
11:58:59 PM, Wednesday 8 January 2003


Spent the day fantasizing about having a job and was mildly uplifted by the return of Wigu. _
11:56:27 PM, Wednesday 8 January 2003


Liz just showed me her prescription bottle, and thanks to the doctor who signed for her antibiotics, I have found the perfect name for a character in my new comic series: Ron Forehand. _
respond? (8)
10:40:42 PM, Tuesday 7 January 2003


Moss, you're supposed to be on AIM! _
respond? (2)
10:14:33 PM, Tuesday 7 January 2003


Neil: I have been reading about the horrible things the fascist state is committing, and thinking about dinner _
respond? (2)
10:12:42 PM, Tuesday 7 January 2003


Snow Girl is an art-comic-thing that's as enigmatic and beautiful as it is silent. Read them and be delighted. _
respond? (2)
09:45:46 PM, Tuesday 7 January 2003


I wanna play octaNe so bad. The Psychotronic Game of Post-Modern Trash Culture America would allow me to effectively run that Six String Samurai-inspired setting that's been bouncing around in my skull since, well, since I saw the movie. _
respond? (5)
01:33:42 PM, Tuesday 7 January 2003


The interview went alright. I didn't choke when it came to technical questions, but there were some rough spots. It's a job designing car ads. Super high-pressure, Illustrator-intensive, but nothing terribly fancy, just a lot of work. The interviewer said I'd know Monday. _
respond? (13)
01:29:47 PM, Tuesday 7 January 2003


Okay, so TNN got the bright idea to advertise their airing of 'The Perfect Storm' by making the Emergency Broadcast Alert beep, complete with bottom scroll starting with 'Sever Storm Warning' followed by information on TPS. I associate that sound so deeply with going through Hurrican Andrew, ice storms, blizzards, and all kinds of nasty severe weather that it puts me in immediate high alert. Co-opting it for a Cloonis McCloonis movie is sick. _
respond? (8)
10:33:13 PM, Monday 6 January 2003


Gives new meaning to the words cock rocket. _
respond? (8)
09:29:49 PM, Monday 6 January 2003


So, I have an interview tomorrow for a design position tomorrow! YAY! But I haven't interviewed for a job in like three years. Any suggestions? _
respond? (11)
06:33:49 PM, Monday 6 January 2003


Feng Shui folks, we have a game in a couple hours. 10pm EST. _
respond? (1)
08:11:13 PM, Sunday 5 January 2003


ouch _
respond? (18)
03:54:45 PM, Sunday 5 January 2003


I have these urges, late at night, to write long and terribly maudlin passages in my blog. Often I search the internet to find interesting links to channel this impulse. _
03:21:46 AM, Sunday 5 January 2003


There's an open spot in the IRC Feng Shui game. Feng Shui is a fast-moving RPG with a focus on creative combat and interesting characters drawn in broad strokes, has a simple 2-die task resolution system, and can offer a style of play that will fit with any movie trope. We're playing between 10pm and 1am EST on variable days, weekly (more-or-less). Experience with the game is not necessary, nor is prior roleplaying experience. If you're interested, drop me an e-mail, or comment here. Character generation takes about 2 hours, and you'd be entering the game in about a week and a half. _
respond? (1)
12:30:47 AM, Thursday 2 January 2003


I am posting from deep inside the Goodrum HQ just outside Detroit. It is a warm and comfortable house, and there is much food and expectance in the air. Chili, the wiener dog, has been going berserk all afternoon due to all the new people in the house. We took a quick trip through downtown Detroit when we arrived. It looks like a city that's right on the edge of being revitalized, but still hasn't quite made it. Still, hearing Mike say, "This looks so much better than the last time I was here," gives me hope that the improvements will continue. Tomorrow: More cooking, possible art museum-going, more eating, MORE cooking, and somewhere in there a wedding is supposed to happen. _
respond? (1)
10:33:03 PM, Monday 30 December 2003


The self check-out line at Wal-Mart is a special kind of hell. _
respond? (5)
09:22:55 PM, Sunday 29 December 2002


Donnie Darko is mine. _
respond? (2)
09:03:05 PM, Sunday 29 December 2002


You fall before the fury of his thousand-snakes attack. _
12:42:21 AM, Sunday 29 December 2002


Just so y'all don't forget, the modern visual idea of Santa Claus was created by cartoonist Thomas Nast, from whom we get the word 'Nasty'. Apparently, it was a self-portrait _
09:49:08 PM, Saturday 28 December 2002


You Doctor Who Loving Bastards now have an episode finder based exclusively on Monsters and Plot Points. "It was the one with the Giant Ants!" _
09:42:21 PM, Saturday 28 December 2002


Just in case MartAnne were wondering, there is no game tonight. Go Go Gadget Swizzle-Stick! _
respond? (5)
07:05:57 PM, Thursday 26 December 2002


Go read this. It's really amazing. I know it's incomplete! Support independant comics.

(I will be posting links to some of the non-Salon-carried political cartoonists on the web that were featured in Attitude: the New Subversive Political Cartoonists as I find them. Derf seemed like a good and engaging way to start.) _
09:56:40 PM, Wednesday 25 December 2002


Happy Birthday, Liz, my love. And here's to five years of happiness, while I'm at it! _
12:06:09 AM, Wednesday 25 December 2002


I'm sorry I was late, guys, I got on about quarter to and no-one was present. I knew I should've said 'wait 'til 10:45'. Can we try again later? _
respond? (3)
10:48:14 PM, Monday 23 December 2002


Good-bye, Joe. The Clash's Joe Strummer is dead. _
respond? (1)
10:03:06 AM, Monday 23 December 2002


I enjoyed Two Towers the over-long movie more than I enjoyed Two Towers the over-long book. That is all. _
respond? (1)
05:45:31 PM, Thursday 19 December 2002


If you haven't seen Neil's comicollage today, go look at it. (Just a little bit of continuity, the two on the end are the Li'l Vampire and Cthulu, who are dating each other). _
respond? (4)
02:14:49 PM, Thursday 19 December 2002


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