Remi's Bloglet

A compendium of cool comic links I've run across/rediscovered in the last few days. The first is a short comic by the great Alex Toth (who designed such cartoon luminaries as Scooby Doo and Space Ghost), If I Were King. Toth's art is beautiful, simple, and forceful. He gets many an "Argh" from me. Also high on the "Argh"-o-meter is Tony Millionaire. If you have not experienced his twisted vision and beautiful line work, treat yourself now.
An indescribably frustrating photoshop 'tutorial' by superhero comic art master Brian Bolland. Finally is Gareth Hinds The Comic site, check out his free experimental serial Desu Ex Machina, which was at the end of Book Two last time I checked it. Apparently he's doing a King Lear . . . hmmm, possible present for Mirabai. _
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02:39:58 AM, Friday 15 March 2002


"Why did you kill Sir Hawel? How could you be so mean?"
"Ummmmm . . ."

Man, i love video game dialog! _
01:24:16 AM, Friday 15 March 2002


I thought that perhaps the reason job people weren't calling me back was because I had accidentally left Too Fat (with the address) on my resume. It turns out that I just suck in other ways. _
07:13:42 PM, Wednesday 13 March 2002


Staying up all night drawing comics, watching movies, reading books, and playing old skool RPG's on the Genesis emulator almost has that giddy feeling. Sometimes, though, I feel like Danny Glover's character in Lethal Weapon, "I'm too old for this shit," and all that racket. Those are the times where I feel sort of guilty for hiding in my little hole of indifference, doodling away into the wee hours. _
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09:20:08 AM, Tuesday 12 March 2002


Kab-bal-lahahahahahahaha! _
01:42:58 AM, Tuesday 12 March 2002


Gloo Ha! Moog moog rinumarskanatum elverton! POOOOOP! _
respond? (1)
09:53:05 PM, Monday 11 March 2002


New Too Fat! (I won't continue doing this, it updates Monday, but it's late and I'm punchy.) _
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03:31:29 AM, Monday 11 March 2002


Good Golly Miss Molly! Why couldn't I have had Gunstar Heroes when I was a kid playing on my Genesis. Now, thanks to the magic of emulation, I can enjoy one of the great console games of all time. _
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01:05:39 AM, Monday 11 March 2002


Isaac Asimov died of AIDS. _
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02:30:27 PM, Sunday 10 March 2002


Sometimes . . . I don't want Johnny Cash, Nick Drake, Robyn Hitchcock or any of the other great troubadors or songwriters on my playlist. Just give me pop from blur, Self, or any of the other up-tempo male-fronted rawk bands. ::sigh:: Sometimes my taste in music is so predictable. _
respond? (9)
12:33:07 PM, Friday 8 March 2002


The sjc bloglets are 'gone'. Perhaps Mr. Beall has decided that by allowing them to exist the terrorists have already won. _
respond? (48)
08:08:26 PM, Thursday 7 March 2002


Modern Tales managed to exceed their monthly bandwidth limit today, seven days into their run. However, it looks like one of my old favorites, Life on Forbez is updating regularly again, so that's at least one spot of light. _
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07:59:44 PM, Thursday 7 March 2002


Beautiful and creepy Cuentos de la Frontera is another promising webcomic on Modern Tales. Also worth taking a look at is Vicious Souvenirs, which despite somewhat weak art and a superhero storyline, is a pretty interesting, and engaging, experiment (Warning Flash Required). _
respond? (2)
12:20:57 AM, Wednesday 6 March 2002


Neil-style blogletting is kind of fun. All those posts below were going to be one gigantic paragraph (experimental-Mike-style), but it was completely incoherent, so I split it up. Some of the incoherence comes through, but it's at least more readable. Hmmmm, I wonder how many 'styles' of blogletting there are, and who would win in the event of a to-the-death-steel-cage-match. One of the guys I worked with at Oceans II was really into wrestling. He would go on and on about it. He also was into Reggae. I think he delivers mail now. _
04:03:32 PM, Tuesday 5 March 2002


I have joined Web Comics Awareness 2002. now that I am on a consistent updating basis on Too Fat, I feel like I can finally join the web comics community. This will be the first time I have done a big multi-comic event. _
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03:52:32 PM, Tuesday 5 March 2002


I picked bugs with Liz on Sunday, it was a blast. If anyone comes to visit us in Georgia, we have to do that. I miss having money. I'm glad that I haven't lost contact with my friends. _
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03:52:20 PM, Tuesday 5 March 2002


After a long absence from the want ads, there are three graphic design positions open in or around Athens. The kitchen is filthy and I must clean it before Liz gets home. _
03:52:03 PM, Tuesday 5 March 2002


I don't like history books, especially history books which use long stretches of poorly-written feminist-peacenik agitprop (although it does give you respect for Coretta Scott King's speechwriters). _
03:51:38 PM, Tuesday 5 March 2002


I am trying to slog through Pynchon's 'V' and have decided to give it to at least the midpoint before I give it up as the literary equivalent of jerking off in someone's brainsoup. _
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03:51:19 PM, Tuesday 5 March 2002


I just went on a small rampage across Martin's blog, and decided I like Katherine's 'impressions' thing, but probably won't attempt my own, as it seems the sort of thing that comes from a lot of thought, and I'm currently anti-thinking. _
03:50:44 PM, Tuesday 5 March 2002


A neat article on the joys of dollar-bin records. _
respond? (1)
01:56:13 PM, Monday 4 March 2002


New Too Fat. Yay! _
respond? (10)
04:52:06 AM, Monday 4 March 2002


Well, Modern Tales has launched. It doesn't seem like they've got all their stuff up, but of the things that they have posted, I'm especially excited about Bitten Apple which appears to be a sort of twisted fairy tales type of thing. Gene Yang's American Born Chinese looks interesting with an American animation-style that is reminiscent of the the Cartoon Network stuff like Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Lab. Lea Hernandez's Near Life Experience looks promising, with a more traditional (for webcomics, at least) Anime style. Much to my joy, they picked up James Kochalka, doing Fancy Froglin, and while I can't recommend it to everyone, it makes me happy. Sign up now for their $1.95-a-month/19.95-a-year introductory offer and get access to a lot of other cool stuff. _
06:45:55 AM, Saturday 2 March 2002


Stayed up too late. But at least I inked my comics. _
03:40:49 AM, Saturday 2 March 2002


Dave Eggers cartoons!
shamelessly stolen from Tom Tomorrow's blog _
11:38:04 PM, Friday 1 March 2002


Why I Should Be The Blogmass's Shadow Government Representative When the US Government Falls:
1) Live in strategically unimportant Athens, GA.
2) Lots of time on hands to devote to planning.
3) Graphically inclined.
4) Experience with autocratic control of production
5) Experience living in a hole in the ground for long periods of tim (Secret Location:8 Maryland Ave, Apt B, during Senior Essay Writing Period and Huge Snowstorm)
6) Can't drive, so you don't have to worry about me abandoning my post (who would take on a nuclear wasteland on foot?)
7) Plays the drums. _
10:17:58 PM, Friday 1 March 2002


Johnny Cash has sung Beck, Will Oldham, Soundgarden, and The Rolling Stones. On his new album, American IV, he will cover Nine Inch Nails 'Hate'. I suppose it's better than that Danzig song . . . _
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01:20:15 PM, Friday 1 March 2002


I stop liking TMBG, they win a Grammy. It makes a cosmic sort of sense. OTOH Radiohead only won one award, for packaging. PACKAGING! _
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01:42:09 AM, Friday 1 March 2002


A long interview with Evan Dorkin, creator of Milk & Cheese,Dork, and the soon-to-be-aired Welcome to Eltingville on Cartoon Network. Interesting takes on the comic industry, hobbies, signing, and a wide variety of subjects, pushed along by the eloquent (and verbose) Dorkin. For a counter point, read John 'I drew the X-men and made them popular, but I've always been an asshole' Byrne's article on fandom. Same opinion, but you want to bury one of them in the ground and allow ants to gnaw out his eyeballs. Amazing! _
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08:49:58 PM, Thursday 28 February 2002


He used to sing, but now he blogs. SHATNER BLOG. _
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12:28:59 AM, Thursday 28 February 2002


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05:51:47 PM, Wednesday 27 February 2002


"Abe Lincoln looked like an axe murderer . . . " _
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02:31:58 PM, Wednesday 27 February 2002


Just to make it clear that Liz isn't the only one with SUV-hate. _
03:41:33 AM, Tuesday 26 February 2002


Staying up late used to be such a giddy thrill. Something vaguely forbidden, and so therefore dangerous, and fun. Staying up late at St. John's was usually a lot of fun. There was always some fellow insomniac awake to talk to or have an adventure with. But now, even when I'm having a good conversation on AIM or something, I just start to get depressed, little by little. Staying up late used to be fun, now it's just a chore, and I wind up kind of sad, even after a pretty good evening. _
respond? (4)
01:14:15 AM, Tuesday 26 February 2002


I was sad when Living In Greytown ended, but now that madman of webtoons Dave Kelly is back with 'Lizard!' which follows Greytowns nicest character through his life. Only two strips so far, but this is one to watch. Updated daily. _
respond? (42)
01:37:58 AM, Monday 25 February 2002


Remember that silly 'political leanings test'? Well this takes the same 2x2 axis graph and puts it to good use bypredicting where we're going to bomb next. _
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11:57:30 PM, Saturday 23 February 2002


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