Tori's Bloglet

I should blog more often. _
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10:19:38 PM, Sunday 5 November 2006

I tried to reattach our water filter to our sink, but it doesn't work. (Our faucet stopped working, and our landlord gave us a new one). First, I couldn't find the adapter things. Then I found them, cut my hands up getting the old faucet thing off and putting the adapters on, and then, once it was attached, and the whole thing just rotated, I realized that the faucet itself rotates. Which is something I don't quite understand the point of--it's not just where the water comes out, the end bit of the faucet can turn in a complete circle. So, basically, the water filter blows the balance. I suggested, largely joking, that we duct tape something of equal weight to the other side, to balance it out, Gina didn't get that I was joking. I'm thinking maybe we should switch to one of those Brita Aquaview ones, because they look pretty straightforward and balanced. But still. While I would like to switch back to Brita (the replacements are cheaper than the Pur filters), I don't really feel like buying a whole new filter system. _
10:18:48 PM, Sunday 5 November 2006

(The Great Vowel Shift being a thing that bugged me when Mr. Tuck told us about when teaching us how to read Chaucer, and now it is bugging me again as I have started reading Bill Bryson's Mother Tongue.) _
10:12:43 PM, Sunday 5 November 2006

So, I understand that rhyming things in poems helps us figure out that there was a shift in how vowels were pronounced, but other than knowing that at one point two words rhymed and now they don't, why do we we think we know how they used to sound? _
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10:11:45 PM, Sunday 5 November 2006

Brianne and I are very annoyed with the last Lemony Snicket book, and have suggested forming a lynch mob to go after him to get some fucking answers. I mean, dear god, let's spend, what, seven, eight, books creating mysteries, and then, in the final book, answer not a single question except for the ones no one cares about? _
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10:10:52 PM, Sunday 5 November 2006

Lara and I went last night to this truffle tasting at a chocolate shop nearby. They were introducing a new supplier of truffles, and so they were giving away samples. And, when they ran out of samples, champagne instead. There was a sumptuous pistachio thing, and one that I adored with chestnut cream and chunks of chestnut. It was a nut evening, apparently people had complained about the lack of nuts, so the one that was listed on his menu that was layered with lemon, honey, and Earl Grey wasn't there. I got some of the chestnut ones, some of the pistachio ones, and some of the brie ones they already had from a different supplier. And this beautiful boardeaux lady slipper orchid. I was happy. (Brianne hates my orchid). _
07:46:25 AM, Wednesday 25 October 2006

Lara and I went to see Marie Antoinnette on Friday. It was a very pretty movie, lovely costumes and Verseilles was lovely. It moved inthat slow dreamlike quality that Sophia Copolla does her movies. And as it was a history, there was little question of what was going to happen. When Kirsten Dunst spoke in her formal settings, she sounded bad and stilted. As both she and Jason Schwartzman rarely seemed to speek to their advisors, they would just react, and then do their thing, it seemed as though they ought to just continue doing that, and never make their little speeches. Other than that, I think I liked the movie. _
09:19:21 PM, Sunday 22 October 2006

So, last night on the Sci Fi channel they showed the Dr. Who with Sarah Jane and K9, which brought to mind a ponder. I read at some point that David Tennant started acting because when he was a kid he wanted to be the Doctor. So, how much of a crush do you think he had on Sarah Jane when he was little. _
09:26:44 AM, Saturday 14 October 2006

There was, apparently, "something going on at the Pentagon" this morning, so my bus, which starts at the Pentagon ran particularly late. So late that I called to find out if it was running late, or had run so early that I'd missed it. Brianne wound up taking me to work, because the woman on the phone was like, yeah, you should probably find another way to get to work. _
07:09:42 PM, Friday 13 October 2006

I got a new DVD player, because mine was broken, and Brianne's had moved upstairs, and Woot was selling a good one for cheap, so...It is lovely and fabulous, and will play avis, which means that, should I go through a stage where all I want to do is watch Dr. Who and play the Sims I can now do it at the same time and not depend on the Sci Fi channel and their commercials. Anyway, so I was setting up my new player, and I opened up Brianne's five disc changer to take everything out before sending it downstairs, and there were two disks that I was sure I'd mailed back to Netflix two days ago. I certainly mailed them something in the sleeves that they had come in. Netflix, it seems, no longer returns personal disks which are accidentally sent back (I called Netflix in a panic; Brianne realized that one of the disks was one of her music CDs). _
10:55:24 PM, Thursday 12 October 2006

Last week, I felt incompetant and stupid in my pottery class. Nothing worked. Like at all. This week, however, everything did pretty much exactly as I wanted it to do. I made three progessivly taller and narrower cylinders until I decided I was sick of cylinders, had about half an hour before I was supposed to start cleaning up, and I still had a wedged ball of clay. So, since we're still not supposed to be making bowls, we're supposed to be doing things based on the cylinder, I made a vase, starting with a cylinder. And it was lovely. And I feel better. _
06:58:12 PM, Sunday 8 October 2006

It is one of those cold wet miserable sorts of days. I stumbled into Trader Joe's looking for spiced apple cider to heat up, but they didn't have any. They did have gingerbread cake, which I got, and I have mead to mull when I finally decide to get up off the couch. I am, at the moment, watching the crap werewolf/Victoria Dr. Who episode, but it will endsoon. And I'm curled up in my favorite sweatshirt, which Connor so wonderfully found for me. _
08:51:45 PM, Friday 6 October 2006

Brianne came home from work and told me about talking with some guy about Homer, and how he was into reading it in Greek, and then challenged her with "what word appears in the first line of both poems" and was proud of her for knowing that it was "thea." She came home, said all this, and told me the story, and I said, um...there is no word that appears in the first line of both. I am right. It is "thea" in The Iliaid (Menin aeide thea and so on), but in The Odyssey it is Mousa, he addresses the muse, not the goddess. _
08:49:15 PM, Friday 6 October 2006

A perk of a laptop: I can take the computer in the kitchen and not worry about copying out the recipe for bread I'm going to make, just stick it somewhere where the food is not. _
10:17:47 AM, Sunday 24 September 2006

So, I watched (well, mostly watched, sort of also played cards, because neither of my roommates particularly care about Aaron Sorkin) the pilot of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. As a pilot, I thought it was fine. It wasn't truly Great, but it was smarter TV than is mostly on. It seemed to be largely laying groundwork, which is what a pilot is meant to do. I liked most of the characters, and I think Matthew Perry did a fine job of not being Chandler (Bradley Whitford seemed to not so much do a great job of not being Josh, but that seemed to work out fine for him). West Wing at it's height it certainly was not, but was it, as a show, on par with, say, the first episode of West Wing? Probably. I will continue to watch, possibly on Brianne's TV downstairs, where there aren't distracting roommates. (Gina might be able to help me to get Brianne to shut up during Lost but she doesn't care about Studio 60 so it will be them against me.) _
07:32:40 PM, Tuesday 19 September 2006

I am tired of how my blog looks. I don't have a clue how to fix this. I have a Macbook, they're supposed to have a spiffy built in program to make it all super easy, and I can't even figure out the for dummies thing that Apple has. Not that I know what I want in a new look, but...I am also feeling particulary obstinant about not learning how to do any kind of programming thing since they sent me off to learn Crystal Reports at work which turns out to use rather a lot of SQL, which I don't know a thing about, and don't want to learn. (I spent, it is worth mentioning, at least 12 hours trying to do something in Crystal for my boss before I gave up and called the guy who trained me, and then it took five minutes to set up, and I spent a while doing layout, because I am anal about layout. I felt quite stupid.) _
07:10:01 PM, Tuesday 19 September 2006

One of those utterly depressing I'm growing up and am losing touch with old friends things: Norm McDonald was on Jon Stewart last night, and I had no idea how to call Johanna to tell her. _
08:42:15 AM, Friday 15 September 2006

Jon Stewart is going to interview Bill Clinton on Monday. _
11:17:51 PM, Thursday 14 September 2006

Lysistrata in Colombia. _
06:40:32 PM, Wednesday 13 September 2006

Virgil's special Bavarian Nutmeg Rootbeer makes the best rootbeer floats. Especially if you use the French Vanilla Double Rainbow stuff you can get at Trader Joe's. _
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12:35:40 AM, Sunday 10 September 2006

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bloglet script by Moss Collum