Tori's Bloglet

So, I tried to knit a hat, which you were supposed to felt at the end. I was very excited. I started last night, and finished the knitting today. So I threw it in the washing machine, like they say to do, and went and checked on it, and it shrank far beyond my ability to wear it, and it won't stretch back out. Ah well. It looks nifty, and is blocking over a saucepan (two sizes down from the one I'd planned on using), and I guess I'll just have to find someone with a small head to give it to. _
11:51:33 PM, Saturday 26 August 2006

The health benefits of tea. _
07:35:22 AM, Friday 25 August 2006

Apparently, the V Chip on my TV is on, which is making them bleep out words on Comedy Central that they don't usually beep. And I don't know how I turned it on, let alone how to turn it back off. _
11:21:55 PM, Thursday 24 August 2006

I have been reading Running With Scissors. I think I quite like it. It's utterly surreal, and it reads more like a novel than, say, the story Alex tells in Everything is Illuminated (there are, in fact, no similarities between the books, other than both having a surreal quality and that I've read them in the past few months. I'm nearly finished, now, I am in the last chapter. Anyway. I thought I would say something more, but I am out of words. I am a rotte blogger lately. _
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11:50:32 PM, Wednesday 23 August 2006

So, I haven't blogged in so long my computer has lost the address in its history. I went through a depressive funk for a while, while my grandfather was dying. All I wanted to do was watch Dr. Who and play the Sims and it was a great tragedy for me that I couldn't do both at the same time. I'm mostly over it now, and then I went through a "well, there ought to be something to blog about, but nothing is interesting enough to break my silence" funk. Brianne and I have renewed our lease and got a new roommate, asn Mandi is in Antartica, and then I don't know where she's planning to go. _
06:58:11 PM, Monday 21 August 2006

The Amber Spyglass annoyed me, and it annoys me when things remind me of it. Naq Ebfr naq gur Qbpgbe ner sne pbbyre guna Ylen be Jvyy pbhyq ubcr gb or. _
08:05:56 PM, Tuesday 11 July 2006

Okay, has anyone gone to Amazon lately and seen a "plog?" Cause I don't understand how it wound up on my page. _
09:01:04 AM, Saturday 8 July 2006

My sister, when she heard I had "the boringest MySpace page ever" figured out my password, and put a picture up. If you go and find it, anything interesting is there because Jamie is smart. _
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08:55:17 AM, Saturday 8 July 2006

I found this yesterday, and thought it was one of the funniest things ever. _
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10:37:42 PM, Friday 7 July 2006

It has been so hot and humid lately we have had trouble getting our back door open. Brianne said at some point yesterday she busted a window and went out that way. I managed to wrench it open this morning so I could let Sam out, and I don't think the wood is dealing too well with this total stuck togetherness. _
07:31:17 AM, Friday 7 July 2006

I haven't cooked a proper dinner in more than a week. Not one that will, say, supply leftovers which I can take to work the next day. I keep going out of town on the weekends, and find it silly to go to the grocery store right before I do, so I don't have much food in the house, and keep eating eggs. Brianne and I went to see The Devil Wears Prada last night (which was fun and cute in that incredibly silly sort of chick flick sort of way, which should come as no surprise if you know anything at all about the book and the fact that the movie had Meryl Streep) and I ate far far too much popcorn, so instead of coming home and making tofu and rice, I felt a little queasy from too much salt. I am now, finally, since I am sick of eating out at lunch, seeing how quickly I can make some torelini which I had in the freezer. _
07:29:52 AM, Friday 7 July 2006

The problem with riding the bus to and from work and having an hour long lunch break is I invariably wind up with a book with not that much left to it. Enough so that I know I will finish it halfway through lunch if I take it to work. So I leave it at home. I have three books like that, right now, and don't quite know what to do. I would like to finish them. Maybe today I will take more than one book with me to work, and that will solve that problem. _
07:51:03 AM, Friday 16 June 2006

Sam's dad is visiting, because Sam's mom is going into heat, and my parents decided they needed to seperate the two of them. He is being very sweet and nice. Sam is being an insufferable brat and won't share his toys. _
07:40:19 AM, Thursday 15 June 2006

I honestly have no idea if my iPod is broken at the moment or not. I took it to the store, and they actually sort of fixed it (which, given the Click of Death it was doing on Friday and Saturday, I have a hard time believing), and so they sent me home. I thought, well, at least this will give me time to back it up. So, I plugged it into my computer, started copying songs out of it with Senuti, and it started beeping. Loudly. I tried to call tech support, but they were closed. It stopped beeping, and everything froze. I got it to turn off and back on and got everything off of it. I don't actually want to go to the mall again today, I have to do laundry and pack. Maybe I it will break for real today or tomorrow, and I can go to Pentagon City and cry. _
07:39:19 AM, Thursday 15 June 2006

My iPod has broken again. I am furious with Apple. This is absurd. The last time it broke was something like two months ago, maybe three. This is the fifth time I have had an iPod break, and will have it replaced at the same Apple Store. I have decided there must be something wrong with the model of iPod that I have, and they should give me a newer model, rather than continually replacing it with the same old one that is no longer made. _
08:55:10 AM, Friday 9 June 2006

I'm not sure I've ever seen a movie with other people that I disagreed with them about so much when it ended. I was completely unimpressed by X-3. I think the New Yorker's review was quite apt. _
06:16:43 PM, Thursday 1 June 2006

I figured out, last night, how to pretend that my touchpad mouse has a trackball thing, I was very proud of myself. _
12:23:27 PM, Friday 26 May 2006

My biggest gripe with the second season of Lost is the pacing. They say as much time has passed in the second season as passed in the first, but in the first, when the annoying guy who blew up got pissy at Hurley for not losing weight, it made sense. You had seen Locke and Boone dig out the hatch to such an extent that it seemed like it couldn't possibly be ust a few days, Claire was the eternally pregnant woman. Then, now we're in the second season, and each episode feels like it's taking forever, and then it ends, and you realize the next one is just the next fucking day and people push the goddamn button over and over and over, and that's about it. It seems to have picked up again by the end. I might not have even started watching again had Jamie not convinced me that I should. But. Still. Each eternally long episode is a day, or two, and not much has happened. They need to figure out how long they are going to go on, so they can pace the show correctly. _
09:44:43 PM, Wednesday 24 May 2006

My new computer is here! It's so very incredibly exciting! Yay! _
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07:03:04 PM, Tuesday 23 May 2006

This morning/afternoon, I took our bottle of mold/mildew bathroom spray and attacked our bathroom. It is heavy in bleach, that cleanser, and my pajams got a bit on them. But, there is no more mold on our walls, which is a good thing indeed. I have been slowly cleaning up in the living room as well. The living room is more daunting, but I think I have cleared away the trash, so it is now down to moving my books to my room and Brianne's books to her room. I will let Roomba take care of the floor when I am done, and I will let Brianne take care of the kitchen. _
04:21:08 PM, Sunday 21 May 2006

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bloglet script by Moss Collum