Tori's Bloglet

There was sign on the metro I was riding yesterday, advertising for people to be guinea pigs for an experimental HIV vaccine; you were to be healthy, and it promised money, and that you wouldn't wind up infected with the virus. It struck me as interesting, and something that, surely, does need to be developed, but also, well, scary. I'd been pretty sure that we were pretty far away from an AIDS vaccine. And my knowledge of how vaccines work is a little shaky, but aren't you essentially injecting someone with a weak form of a virus, so the body can build up the immunity? An experimental chicken pox vaccine is one thing, you know, cause kids get the chicken pox and are sick for a week, and get better, but a disease that kills...strikes me as scary. Does anyone know anything about this? _
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08:45:26 PM, Sunday 26 March 2006

There is probably something wrong with me that I read Martin's blog entry about the Turkish hospital after being attacked by wild dogs and my thought was "there is no way he was carrying 5 Turkish lira! They did not recenter the lira!" Isn't it something like a million lira to the dollar? It was shortly after I left the country. _
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07:22:05 PM, Thursday 23 March 2006

What do you suppose Google will present with gmail this year? When I was avoiding Cicero I would sit there and watch the numbers go up (Cicero might not suck as much as I thought he did when I was 14, but the Verres Oration was dull) last year. _
07:20:04 PM, Thursday 23 March 2006

I have no idea where I put the power plug thing that goes into an outlet for my iPod. Fortunately, my cmoputer will charge it if I need to. _
07:14:22 AM, Thursday 23 March 2006

I have been disappointed with the turn-aroud time for Netflix lately. Has anyone else noticed this? It had been if I dropped a movie in the box across the street, or in the mail with work's mail, it would take two days. But then I found a box on the street that collects in the morning, and it was getting there in one day. But now, lately, it has been taking at least two days from that box. It always takes one day once they get, for my movies. Briane's movies, however, seem to be sent from Timbuktu. I tried calling to complain, because I particuarly started noticing this after the news broke about how they like to make long term users wait longer for new movies, and if you check out too many movies in a month, they'll take time in checking them back in. They said it sounded like it was a postal service thing, not a problem on their end. It was a great conversation. Not at all helpful. I hate bad customer service people. So, yes, has anyone else noticed this? And Nate and Bek, if you haven't noticed this, where do you mail your movies back from? _
10:44:23 PM, Wednesday 22 March 2006

I got new jeans last night, cause I only have one pair (this is an improvement over what I had for pretty much since I moved to Virigina, which is none. They fit fine in the store, a little stiff as new denim is. They were the same size as the last pair of jeans I bought, from the same store, in the same line; the only difference is these are darker and flared, and the others were light and bootcut. So I bought them, brought them home, and washed them. And now they are stiffer, and feel tighter than they were in the store, and it distresses me. _
06:53:12 PM, Friday 17 March 2006

I have decided to join a book club. Cassie has told me I may join what had been hers. I need a social group. And I think I will take pottery again. _
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07:50:08 AM, Thursday 16 March 2006

I never see Katherine on AIM, and this makes me sad. _
07:49:18 AM, Thursday 16 March 2006

Our house is a mess. It probably won't get cleaned up til next week, either, unless Brianne and I are feelinb particularly industrious tonight (we are going away for the weekend). Cassie leaving trumped the dishes all over our kitchen from the party, and we haven't really been eating at home, since we keep going to Cassie's and getting take out. And my clean clothes are all in laundry baskets which I dump out on my bed from time to time. _
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07:48:56 AM, Thursday 16 March 2006

It is, perhaps, the first time has given me a useful word of the day--I can never remember when the Ides of March is...Happy Ides of March, all, enjoy the death of Julius Caesar. Not that he wouldn't be dead now even if they hadn't assassinated him. _
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07:17:38 AM, Wednesday 15 March 2006

We went into Barnes and Noble this afternoon, so Brianne could take back Post Secret (she works there, and they are allowed to borrow books). There were the new copies of Good Omens which I became absolutely fascinated by, and quite liked all the stuff at the end, and would've considered buying one if they had been paperback, or if my copy of Good Omens is cooler than most. _
10:33:44 PM, Saturday 11 March 2006

I certainly wasn't expecting the plumbers to be back til Monday, but they were back this morning, and they were (apparently) here at least an hour earlier than I'd realized, as when I went outside a second time with Sam, they said "this is the second time you've taken the little dog out." It is a very deep hole they have dug, and an even larger pile of dirt (or clay/rock combination). The one plumber is sure they'll be done this afternoon, and that they will mop our floor (they are inside and outside, and going back and forth, tracking mud through) and the hole will be refilled with dirt, and grass seed. The other guy was a bit more skeptical about that idea. But. Still. The possibility of running water this afternoon, even if the floor is still a mess, and there is still a giant hole in my yard, is really appealing. _
12:18:38 PM, Saturday 4 March 2006

There is something wrong with our pipes. My landlord tried to explain what he thought it might be based on the quasi-description I gave him over the phone: we run the kitchen sink, the upstairs sink, this little drain in the closet in the basement bubbles water; you run the upstairs sink or shower, and the basement toilet bubbles up. It's really gross. We are doing our best to not use any water, or at least to keep it from going down the drain. We walked to McDonald's to pee, we went to Cassie's to shower (we were going to go the Y to shower, but by the time Brianne finished cleaning up from our "let's see what happens when we turn on this faucet" experiment, they would have been closed). Our landlord should be sending us a plumber, as soon as possible. But, as is, it's really unreal. _
12:04:46 AM, Monday 27 February 2006

When you watched Twelve Monkeys, and it got the end, where the guy with the virus was on the plane with the woman from the future, and they were talking, and she said she was "in insurance" what did you make of it? I was (and still am) convinced that she is insurance in case Bruce Willis stopped him, to spread the virus around the world. Cassie didn't get it at all, what I thought. So, any thoughts? Who remembers this movie all that well? _
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12:01:40 AM, Monday 27 February 2006

So, my mom and Chris changed their minds several times about how I was going home this weekend, and I wound up leaving from work, directly (well, first I was going to kill time at Starbucks, and they were going to meet me at Trader Joe's, but then I had to go to Greenbelt). This wound up meaning that I had no clothes with me other than what I was wearing. And I love weekends, because they mean I can wear my Docs instead of my heels. But no. So I was in work clothes, and work shoes. And I had nothing like socks or underwear. So today Mom took me to Old Navy and I got a pair of jeans and some long sleeved casual shirts and pjs (and a pair of new pants to wear to work, because they looked nice). It's very exciting. I haven't worn jeans that, well, look good in a while (or any, since the pair that looked bad finally developed holes that allowed me to not feel bad about throwing them away). It's very exciting. _
09:39:03 PM, Saturday 18 February 2006

I was in this weird depressive funk all afternoon that I couldn't explain, and seeing the blogbot made me far happier than it really ought to have.
Maybe I've just been listening to too much Fiona Apple. _
06:33:19 PM, Wednesday 15 February 2006

I tied (literally) my hair back at some point this morning, to keep it from flying in my face. It's not the sort of thing that lasts long with my hair, lately, cause it's healthy now. But it stayed long enough that when I answered the door to the DHL guy's ring, he was shocked and thought I'd cut my hair. Really, this just ought to show that the DHL guys come to our office a lot. _
06:10:50 PM, Friday 10 February 2006

I have been meaning to write Christmas thank you notes since, well, Christmas. It bugs me. I took my cards downstairs, where now they sit, waiting for me to write them. Maybe I will write them tommorrow while I watch the opening ceremony for the Olympics. But, anyway, I just got an email from my grandmother (the grandmother who expects thank you notes) saying thank you for the sweet note from Puerto Rico. I wasn't in Puerto Rico. I feel terribly guilty about not writing to her at Christmas, and now I don't know know if Jamie and Connor wrote a card from Puerto Rico and signed my name. _
11:10:27 PM, Thursday 9 February 2006

We were going to go swimming. We went to Sports Authority, to get those silly rubber caps that keep your hair protected from chlorine, and then we went to Target, to get locks. And then it was 8:30, and we were tired and hungry, so we went to Giant and got stuff to make baked ziti instead and came home and made baked ziti and watched Big Trouble. (Which means that my very long movie is no longer sitting in the DVD player on pause, which is a shame, because I will have to try to figure out where I was again when I go back to it.) _
12:13:52 AM, Wednesday 8 February 2006

I lost a single earring. I put my hands up on my ears, thinking of taking them off before I head off to go swimming with Cassie and Brianne, and one wasn't there. It makes me sad. I love those earrings. They were some of the earrings I made for FanDangles, so I could get another one, probably pretty easily, but still... _
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07:33:35 PM, Tuesday 7 February 2006

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bloglet script by Moss Collum