Tori's Bloglet

Sam and I both need grooming. I don't know how to find a place to get your hair cut (clarification: I don't know how to find the right place to get your hair cut, and I really love the woman who's been cutting my hair for the past couple of years, in Harrisburg). Brianne seems to think I'm nuts for being willing to spend that much money and effort on getting my hair cut. Am I just being odd? _
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12:00:26 AM, Tuesday 7 February 2006

The agreement Jamie and I made when she went to see Rent with me was that if she went, I would watch Angels in America. AIDS for AIDS, I suppose. She lent me the DVDs. I started watching it tonight. The few random thoughts I've had are that I keep thinking Harper out to be called Nancy (it must be because Andy was in it as well as in Weeds); Joe is acting like he is on stage, while the people around him (most notably Ms. Harper/Nancy) act like the (she) is on stage; it is depressing, but good, and I would be curious to see it on stage. But the cast is such that it's pretty perfect as a film. _
11:50:20 PM, Monday 6 February 2006

I just emailed Trivial Pursuit because of many repeating questions in the Book Lovers game, and also a question about a "red haired orphan" which pissed me off because the only red haired orphan I could think of was Anne Shirley, and they were looking for Pippi Longstocking, who was not an orphan at all. _
07:16:13 PM, Monday 6 February 2006

My iPod, on shuffle mode, because I didn't feel like trying to figure out what I wanted to listen to, played "Angel of the Silences" and "Soma" back to back. It hit me like a relief I didn't know I needed. It was like "it's Adam and Billy come to sing to you" and it made me so incredibly happy. _
06:57:29 PM, Thursday 2 February 2006

There is something absolutely delightful about spending a Saturday in your pajamas reading trashy vampire novels. _
01:42:50 PM, Saturday 28 January 2006

Cassie fell asleep on my couch watching West Wing last night. "I'm just going to take like a 20 minute power nap," she said. "Okay," I said. Over the next two and a half hours, I finished a silly vampire novel, played with the dog. The dog jumped on her more than once and squeaked his squeaky toy in her face, and she pushed him away, and he would go sleep by her legs, then get distracted again. I went to bed. Brianne got home from work, Sam went nuts. Cassie slept and slept. We moved cushions around so she'd be more comfortable, put a blanket next to her, turned out the light, and went to bed ourselves (well, I went to bed. I think Brianne watched TV and played computer games for a while.) When we woke up, she was gone. It was all in all rather amusing. And she missed stupid cartoons, and buckwheat pancakes. _
11:30:57 AM, Saturday 28 January 2006

You know what would've been awesome? If at the end of The Brothers Grimm one of the brothers had turned to the other and said something like "Sod this ripping of villagers with fake mosters crap, let's go make a dictionary!" That would've definately made me hate the movie less. _
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09:25:43 PM, Friday 27 January 2006

I went to Trader Joe's last night after work. I was starving. I wound up getting these Yogurt Dill Papadum Chips, and I ate, I'm sure, about half the bag while waiting for my bus. They were very good. Or I aws very hungry. Or both. _
07:22:29 AM, Tuesday 24 January 2006

I watched Closer on Sunday morning, and I think it made me feel dirty, because, every couple of minutes, it would occur to me that it was absolutely necessary to put on new toenail polish, wash all my clothes, wash my sheets, clean the kitchen. Clive Owen is amazing. _
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07:21:25 AM, Tuesday 24 January 2006

Whole Foods has really really good marshmellows. _
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11:09:39 AM, Saturday 21 January 2006

I am seriously considering getting myself a susbcription to the New Yorker. I grew up with it, and I love it, even if I haven't raed it regularly since before I went to St. John's. Actually, I was reading it pretty regularly freshman year, for a couple weeks, in the library. I was checking it out, and it works out to $1 an issue, which strikes me as remarkably reasonable. Just, maybe, after the enxt paycheck. _
07:19:24 AM, Thursday 19 January 2006

We went to Caboose last night, for Mandi's farewell dinner (it was low key, just the three of us roommies and Cassie), cause we kept looking at their Ethiopian dinner menu, and thinking "Ethiopian is yummy, and it's just a bit away from our house" (well, not just a bit away from Cassie's). It was truly wonderful Ethiopian food. And we got slices of cake to bring home with us, to eat while we played Book Lover's Trivial Pursuits.

Also, they opened Whole Foods in Old Town, and I was aching for produce (and Trader Joe's sucks at produce), so Mandi and Cassie and I met there. I love Whole Foods. Tonight, I'm going to make stir fry. _
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07:14:41 AM, Thursday 19 January 2006

Brianne and I have decided that, among other things, we need a trash can in the kitchen that's the sort where you step and the lid goes up. And Ikea was sold out of the plates and pasta bowls I wanted, so, after Mandi is gone, and we can reinventorize our house, we will be going to Ikea, the one in Virginia, not the one in College Park (because I am mad at them for not having my bowls). But checking to see if Ikea has a trash can is a lot like trying to buy a trash can in the Sims, you can't figure out where they would categorize it. _
10:41:48 PM, Tuesday 17 January 2006

Yesterday afternoon, while waiting for Brianne to get home from work, Sam and I went outside, and I didn't put on my coat, which had my key in the pocket, but a sweatshirt. But I locked the door anyway. And I had no idea when Brianne was coming home from work, but I knew it would be a couple of hours before Mandi got home. So Sam and I went to Barnes and Noble, where Brianne was working, and hung out until she got off her shift. All the little kids at Barnes and Nobles thought he was very cute. He met a large poodle and freaked out. _
07:24:59 AM, Tuesday 17 January 2006

Why do blue and grey go together, but not (almost ever) blue and black? _
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07:21:52 AM, Tuesday 17 January 2006

Chris gave me yet another new/old monitor, to replace the one that is so dark it's hard to see, but this one was missing a lot off pins. So I tried to figure out if I could pull the one from the really dark monitor and put it in, but I don't think I can. Computers are stupid. _
03:45:52 PM, Monday 16 January 2006

I love Fiona Apple. _
02:39:52 PM, Monday 16 January 2006

Mandi is moving to Antartica. _
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12:27:00 PM, Monday 16 January 2006

Cassie and I went off to visit my family this weekend, which was nice and fun, and we went to the awesome yarn store a bit north of Gettysburg on our way there, and managed to not spend a fortune (the reason why I adore going into nice yarn stores is you can hand them a pattern you're buying and say "I'm thinking of using Patton's Merino, will that work?" and they say "I think that might be a medium, not heavy weight, let me check. Oh, no, that will work just fine." They know their shit. They don't let you knit with chenille, well, because they know their shit). We played games and got Thai food. Sam got to play with his family, which always makes him very happy. And then, on our way home this morning, we went to Ikea, where I got a few top sheets, and some extra pillow cases, and measuring cups and spoons and other random things, because I need them, and curling ribbon, because it was massively on sale. _
12:26:46 PM, Monday 16 January 2006

Martin, my dear, Cassie and I went to Ikea at College Park this morning. We tried to call you, twice, but you didn't answer your phone. _
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12:22:45 PM, Monday 16 January 2006

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bloglet script by Moss Collum