Tori's Bloglet

My computer is making an odd buzzing noise. I think I need to turn it off. _
10:27:17 PM, Friday 16 December 2005

My cell phone fell out of my pocket at the busstop this evening. Brianne took Mandi and me back to King Street to search for it, and we went back and forth over the few blocks I'd walked without finding it, and we called it and called it, and eventually someone answered and told us she'd picked it up. She told us how to get to her place, and we went off to pick up my phone. By the time we got home, Brianne was in a right pissy state, and we still don't quite know why. _
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10:22:51 PM, Tuesday 13 December 2005

It speaks wonders for my right wrist that I had to go out to buy painkillers over lunch yesterday. (Because I realize this could go either way: the painkillers were for something else; my wrist used to hurt pretty constantly and I always carried painkillers with me.) _
07:04:19 AM, Tuesday 13 December 2005

I am so very tired. I actually went to sleep before 11 last night, but Sam woke up several times to be sick throughout the course of the evening (he ate a lot of cardboard while we were all at work, and maybe some plastic too). And he was sick on my bed. I only didn't catch it once. But I keep thinking of how nice and cozy and warm my bed is, and how tired I am. _
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07:00:14 AM, Tuesday 13 December 2005

I fell asleep last night with the door to my bedroom open, because I had kicked Sam out to play with Brianne while I made my bed, and it took him a while to get back. Then when I woke up, he was not there. He is still not here. I assume he is with Briane. It is a distressing thing to wake up and not have your puppy. _
07:03:41 AM, Monday 12 December 2005

Also. Kelsey Grammer is cool. Sideshow Bob was on the Simpsons. I haven't watched the Simpsons in ages, and I think it was new, or at any rate it was newer than anything I'd seen in a while. And Sideshow Bob now has a twisted evil son. _
11:51:38 PM, Sunday 11 December 2005

I played with Brianne's hair straightener on Friday, because I had a two hour delay for work, and nasty bed head, and with short hair I don't realy know how to deal with it. So I spent an hour pulling it straight, and it was still a bit wavy. On Saturday, I made it even straighter. Then this morning I washed it and put curl-up spray in it, and it was such happy good hair it did beautiful perfect ringlets for me. I think it's like Crowley and his plants, you threaten it with a hair straightener and it will do exactly what I usually try to make it do, because it is to scared of me. _
11:50:39 PM, Sunday 11 December 2005

I liked The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe better than I'd actually expected. My expectation for the children was particularly low, and the CG animals as well(I was still a bit dissapointed by the CG animals, and I wish there were some noncrappy way of doing anthropomorphic animls in a movie), and so I was pleased when they didn't totally suck. I rememberd the story less well than I thought I did, and, in fact, had forgotten, well, what apparently was most of it. But it was pretty, and the children were pretty good. And Tilda Swinton was amazing. _
11:48:11 PM, Sunday 11 December 2005

Mandi and I decorated two small fake trees while we watched Charlie Brown Christmas movies. One is gold and red, the other is blue, green and silver. They are very pretty. Brianne sulked that we were being Christmasy, watching Charlie Brown instead of Are You Being Served (which she had just checked out of the library) and started to do the crossword in pen and totally screwed it up. Which annoyed me when I went to snitch it to work on it myself, as she was asleep, because she'd used a pen. So I did the sudoku instead, and wound up erasing everything I had a couple of times before I got it right.

I like decorating for Christmas. On Thursday, I'll make snowflakes. And on Friday, it will snow. _
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10:23:27 PM, Tuesday 6 December 2005

This morning, I saw the sun rise over palm trees and the ocean and it was close to 80. Then when I got off the plane in Philly, there was snow on the ground. Now I am back in VA, and totally exhausted. _
12:10:32 AM, Monday 5 December 2005

My eyelashes hurt. I didn't really realize eyelashes could hurt, but mine do. _
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07:11:58 AM, Thursday 1 December 2005

They came over yesterday and fixed our dryer. Apparently there was 25 years worth of lint built up in the hose in the wall. No wonder nothing was getting dry. _
07:11:18 AM, Thursday 1 December 2005

I've gotten used to the slowly changing tropical beach scene that is my screen saver at home, and so the stupid exploding ball I have at work drives me nuts. Stupid PCs. _
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06:42:43 PM, Tuesday 29 November 2005

At Christmas, Beth and Jim would have TCS families over for a party, and Jim would tell this story he made up when Julia was a baby called "The Magic of the Sleighbells." At the crucial part in the story, the evil gremlin pulls the plug of the Christmas tree, and the lights go out. You must understand, of course, that the evil gremlin is being acted out by one of the dad's at the party. Off goes the lights on the tree, and we are sitting there in darkness. Until Jim would shake the bells, and the lights would turn back on. Off and on, and off and on, as you shake the bells. It's totally cool. No one, no one has ever been able to figure out how it works, and most of us who have seen it more than once or twice have given up, and are willing to let it be magic. He has been doing this for twenty four years, and hasn't changed how he does it, and for the past few years, Jancey strung the lights on the tree.

Magic of the Sleighbells and magic snowflakes (snowflakes the way my dad taught me to make them make it snow within 24 hours, if you don't push your luck and make them when it's like 90 in July or anything) are my favorite bits of Christmas magic, even though I generally find magic silly. _
06:41:41 PM, Tuesday 29 November 2005

For those of you who are like me and didn't know that there was a fifth Chrestomanci novel, there is. I thought there were only four, I was convinced of this for a very long time, and then Cassie showed up with book five and was flabberghasted that I'd never heard of it. It's called Conrad's Fate and came out this year, and other than that I realy know just about nothing about it. _
10:19:52 PM, Monday 21 November 2005

Martin's blog hates me. _
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10:18:33 PM, Monday 21 November 2005

This weekend I played with Brianne's hair straightener, with more luck than I had this summer, because I ahd Brianne to help me rather than Jamie. I thought it would shock the hell out of Tracy for me to show up at Borders with short straight hair, but she didn't seem to notice. _
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10:18:17 PM, Monday 21 November 2005

Who wants to go see Rent with me soon after it comes out? I don't think Jamie will. _
10:54:29 PM, Wednesday 16 November 2005

Grizzlies are making a comback. _
10:24:45 PM, Tuesday 15 November 2005

I am glad that Crispin's dome was (sort of) the Aya Sofya instead of the Blue Mosque. I am glad that Valerius II...was (on switching from the densely beautiful prose of Kay to Pratchett's...well...Pratchettness in Thud! I have decided Valerius is like Vetinari if Vetinari were his own Vimes and were married to a totally cool brilliant former dancer/actress/courtesan.)

It is jarring to go from one to the other, my two books, but the jar is necessary, I think, to not compare Tigana to Sarantium too terribly, to move away from the one work a bit, relax, and be in familiar, safe, funny, ground. _
06:40:25 PM, Friday 11 November 2005

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bloglet script by Moss Collum