Tori's Bloglet

I keep getting emails trying to steal my password to PayPal. Today I bookmarked This depresses me. _
11:13:54 PM, Wednesday 9 November 2005

It is mean to tell a girl on TV she cannot be in X-3 or they will kill you, and then to kill you anyway even if she agrees to not be in the movie. _
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10:44:19 PM, Wednesday 9 November 2005

Lord of Emporers is so wonderful I keep breaking my "stop reading when the bus turns on Russell, or at least look up frequently" rule and I have missed my busstop more than once.

I feel bad for Thud! because I'm too wrapped up in the Kay. _
08:01:59 PM, Wednesday 9 November 2005

Since I'm on a Broadway bent, when was the last time something truly original was a hit show? Or even a show at all? Sunday in the Park With George is one of the most original things I've seen, but then you think, oh, but it's also sort of just like the history of Serat and then Sondheim's own feelings of despair. _
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11:04:15 PM, Monday 7 November 2005

I want, very much, to see Rent when it is in movie theatres. I loved it on stage, I love the soundtrack, and so forth. And yet, I worry. I worry vaguely that the actors are all ten years too old for the parts, but I can dismiss that: they defined the parts, they knew the writer, and, well, I want to hear Indina Menzel sing in the movie theatre; Chris Columbus did Home Alone and the particularly crappy Harry Potter movies. But, those are only vague, half hearted worries.

The biggest worry is actually the pacing of the show. A musical like that builds and builds and brings you to a climax--"La Vie Boheme", Maureen was a success, there is a riot, the boys are locked out of their flat, and Roger realized that Mimi's baggage goes with his (phrasing is deliberate). It is a finale type song, but the show isn't over. But, you are ready for a break, and you are provided with your intermission, to breathe, to come back to your world and pee and get a drink of water, a smoke if you do. And then it continues, but slower, and it rebuilds. How do you do that in a movie? The obvious answer would be to intermission the movie, but that rarely goes well. Phantom wasn't particularly good, and they partially solved that problem by waiting to drop the chandelier (oh, for god's sake "to a prosperous year to our friends who are here" could they not think of any better rhyme? Couldn't they've just dropped the damn thing at the appropriate time?). And, frankly, I care more about Rent than I did about Phantom.

I know nothing about The Producers except that it was the thing to see when Lane and Broderick were still in it in New York, and that Gene Wilder wasn't pissed off about the idea of them making it into a show, like he was about Burton's Willy Wonka. And so I'm not going to worry about how they're going to pull that off, and just be mystified that in Toronto, getting ready to hit Broadway next summer, The Lord of the Rings musical is being prepared. _
11:02:50 PM, Monday 7 November 2005

Firefly is cool. _
10:39:11 AM, Saturday 5 November 2005

We are having Mandi's birthday party today. She wanted a bonfire. Brianne and I discussed getting a straw man and burning it. Mandi didn't get it.

It's a shame V for Vendetta didn't come out this weekend, as it was meant to, cause that would've been pretty nifty. _
10:38:56 AM, Saturday 5 November 2005

Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder treason and plot
I see no reason why the fifth of November
Should ever be forgot. _
10:37:51 AM, Saturday 5 November 2005

This will, I think, be the last of my random posts about how wonderful the Sarantine Mosaic is for a bit. It would bore me if I weren't the one being caught up in the books. They are so wonderful it is almost a bit like torture--I crave to know what is going to happen. I have considered calling Tracy and making her tell me, because that would be faster than reading the books. The problems is that I can't read fast enough. And it's also not just that I want to know what will happen, I want to know what's actually going on. I don't think he's actually letting on. It's quite tricky. It's like each person is, well, a tessarae, and you have no idea what it's all going to turn into until you get to the end. Or, I suspect, are Valerius (they were giving out chocolate things at Trader Joe's the other day, coffee beans, cookies, and they had a box. They said you could have anything from the box, just look at the book thing and pick. I must say I picked the piece called Petrus more for Valerius than any other reason) and are, in fact, completely in control of everything. _
06:38:30 PM, Friday 4 November 2005

A shameless plug for my uncle. I've been listening to it every day this week. It's a wonderful CD. Not that I'm biased. _
06:30:45 PM, Thursday 3 November 2005

Halfway through the Sarantine Mosaic, twenty-ish pages into Thud! and having watched the first disc of Firefly I'm sort of strung out between the three, oddly. The Pratchett least of all, and I have this vague thought that I'm dreaming a mix of Sarantium/Constantiple and Firefly, but I cannot remember my dreams. _
06:27:15 PM, Thursday 3 November 2005

I crave tapioca in sweet cold fruit flavored drinks. Damn. Bubble House! Why can't you be down here too?! Although I suppose I would be disappointed if you were a chain, like I was disappointed to see Mad 4 Mex. _
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07:14:36 AM, Monday 31 October 2005

Euterpe Mark II is slowly gathering more songs. Hopefully, given that the Mark II is at the end of her name because of K-9 Mark II, she will never wind up in the ocean because of some stupid blonde twit. _
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11:19:30 PM, Sunday 30 October 2005

Watching the first episode of Firefly with Cassie last night: "Is it Mutant Enemy?" "What?" "Grr. Arr." "What?" _
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11:15:28 PM, Sunday 30 October 2005

The available disk space on my computer dropped to below a gig tonight (I got music from my stepdad and haven't gotten videos off that I've been meaning to). Should I do that defragmenting thing, and if I should, does anyone know how to do that in 10.4? _
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11:14:44 PM, Sunday 30 October 2005

Grr. Rar. _
08:01:24 PM, Saturday 29 October 2005

Interesting thing: I compulsively read the news when I'm bored at work (which is often). I read most of the stuff at and I've been watching Jon Stewart all week And yet, this morning, when the Washington Post showed up and the front page was about Cheney's chief of staff resigning, and the paper didn't say why, and neither of my roommates knew what was going on, all I really knew was that there was a giant scandal and a grand jury investigation and on Wednesday all the major news networks could report was that there was nothing to report. Which just goes to show. Maybe I ought to go back to going with Paul Simon and getting all the news I need from the weather report. _
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01:03:53 PM, Saturday 29 October 2005

When do the winter Olympics start? I started wondering this today at work while I stared at someone with the last name Thorpe. _
10:54:14 PM, Tuesday 25 October 2005

The sort of casual throwing off of intelligence/Oscar Wilde witticisms works very well for, say, Oscar Wilde, but it didn't go over particularly well for Sherlock Holmes. It was a bit sad, actually, given my deep love of Rupert Everett. _
10:51:16 PM, Monday 24 October 2005

I miss my away messages. I used to have lots and lots. And now I have like five. It took me years to collect those quotes. _
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11:50:59 PM, Thursday 20 October 2005

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bloglet script by Moss Collum