Tori's Bloglet

I pulled out my suitcase this morning to measure it, to see if I can carry it on the plane (I think I can), and I found that it was full of all the clothes I've been looking for since I got here, as well as the extra dish clothes I'd put down as lost. _
02:10:32 PM, Monday 18 October 2004

I think, possibly, after the freezing for no apparent reason, the thing I hate most about my computer is the way sometime Netscape just decides that it doesn't like any windows, and won't show you any content. You think, oh, gee, must just be some java or something my computer doesn't like on this page, and then, voila, nothing works at all. _
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02:08:49 PM, Monday 18 October 2004

Oh, I forgot Bridget Jones. _
09:17:43 PM, Sunday 17 October 2004

I went to my grandparents, cause I was sick and tired of studying in my apartment, and that seemed like a good change of scene, studying at thei house. Their computer is having some massive issues, and I haven't been able to do anything online since Wednesday, except (apparently) read comics. But it was nice being somewhere other than here. And I washed all my clothes. Last night we rented a movie. I thought they might enjoy Calender Girls, or at least I thought my grandmother would, but it was all checked out, and we wound up with Cold Mountain instead. I hadn't seen Cold Mountain, and hadn't particularly wanted to see it when it was in theatres, but I did quite like it. My grandfather has major hearing problems, and my grandmother couldn't make out words, so we wound up with the volume turned up really really high (cause she couldn't make out the words) and then eventually I had the brilliant idea of turning on the subtitles. Anyway. I liked the movie. My grandfather had read the book, and his memory of the book seems a little shaky, and he was convinced that first Inman never got back to Cold Mountain, and then that there was no girl at home. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie more than I expected to, and it's been in my head all day. This is the fall of Jude Law, after all, and I think he's coincidentally in all of the movies that I want to see that are coming out between now and Christmas. _
09:15:53 PM, Sunday 17 October 2004

Molly fixed my cell phone. Apparently as dead and that was all. Huh. And I ordered a new one off of eBay just tihs past week. _
09:08:13 PM, Sunday 17 October 2004

My voter registration card showed up in the mail today, with my last name spelled with only one "r" and with my birthdate listed in 1989. I don't think people born in 1989 can even vote yet. I called them up, and they are fixing it for me and sending me a new one. _
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06:17:04 PM, Wednesday 13 October 2004

I ran to Trader Joe's this evening shortly after I had a breakdown about all our food being white or brown (it really was. We had some vegetables, but they were getting icky) and we had a lovely dinner of polenta and baby broccoli and sundried tomatoes. But I forgot to get a new salt grinder, and that makes me very sad. The one Martin gave me, which I could have refilled, broke, and the one I bought to replace it couldn't be refilled, and I used it up. Molly buys ground sea salt, which cannot handle humidity at all. I threw some rice in it, but I don't think rice works all that well. _
11:53:29 PM, Monday 11 October 2004

Bloomsbury has screensavers that go with some of their books. I downloaded the ones for Wolves in the Wallsand The Day I Swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish as well as both Harry Potter ones. The Gaiman/McKean one are way better. Wolves in the Walls is rather creepy as a screensaver (rather creepy as a book, for that matter) but it seems appropriately October. Especially after I was convinced I was hearing stuff in the walls the other morning. I was sure it was rats. Moe was sure it was squirrels, and I haven't heard it again, so maybe it was just squirrels on the roof. _
11:49:41 PM, Monday 11 October 2004

A sign that you've been doing too much work with a Greek lexicon, and not enough with a normal English alphabet: you are trying to find the "r's" in a dictionary, and when you hit a letter (that is "q") after "p" you think you are misremembering the alphabet, and that "r" must come before "p." _
12:13:39 PM, Monday 11 October 2004

I want a puppy. _
12:14:02 AM, Monday 11 October 2004

I'm the only person in my family whoever takes NyQuil, why didn't I pack it up and bring it with me? _
12:11:54 AM, Monday 11 October 2004

Oh, and my cell phone is still broken. That should be added to the list of stupid stuff that Tori has that's broken. _
10:41:42 PM, Sunday 10 October 2004

Wow, that was probably way more personal that I just about ever post. _
10:40:05 PM, Sunday 10 October 2004

I have been majorly depressed lately due to not having any money (my loans haven't come through, which is stressing me out consirably), most of my stuff being broken (broken mattress, broken CD player, broken dishwasher, broken bathroom sink, oven which is stupid, computer which is probably about to break) and not really knowing anyone. And having issues with time and homework, so that I went to Greek unprepared one week, then got called on the next and was feeling a little sick and out of it and flubbed, and so he's worried about me (I finished my quick read through of the Hippocrates yesterday and spent today working on Cicero, and tomorrow I will spend rereading Hippocrates a couple of times), but it knocked me for a loop, cause I'm actually good at Greek, most of the time. And then Cicero like knocks me down and says "ha ha ha, you are stupid, and I am mean." And my mom kept having to not talk on the phone with me everytime I called her. And, so, I've been majorly depressed, and today my mom and stepdad didn't even have their phones on. _
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10:39:17 PM, Sunday 10 October 2004

My computer sucks. _
12:45:53 AM, Sunday 10 October 2004

I remember how excited I was when I started Greek cause there was no ablative. I thought, yay, none of that nasty "why the hell is it in the ablative?" that you go through when translating. Little did I know it would get itself split up into the genetive and the dative, but, starting at this Cicero passage, I remember why I was so excited by it's disappearance. _
11:21:23 PM, Saturday 9 October 2004

My bed is just a few inches too long to put the canopy and the end top decorations on. I also can't get the side bits up. But, other than, that, it is set up. I discovered today that the mattress is broken. _
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06:42:00 PM, Thursday 7 October 2004

I am debating cable, because I miss Jon Stewart _
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12:01:06 AM, Thursday 7 October 2004

Will there ever be a pilot thing where we don't think of Han Solo? I spent a lot of time during Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow thinking of Han Solo, and just when I stopped thinking Jude Law was having an identity crisis about not being Han, it suddenly started reminding me of Indiana Jones. _
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09:23:34 PM, Tuesday 5 October 2004

Dan Bern is playing in Bryn Mawr on Wednesday night, twice, and I would like to go, but I don't really have $20 to go to a concert (plus whatever it would cost to take public transportation out to Bryn Mawr) and I don't really want to go alone. But I would also really like to go see him play, cause I haven't seen him play in years, and he's really great. _
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12:36:19 AM, Tuesday 5 October 2004

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bloglet script by Moss Collum