Tori's Bloglet

I finished my green cable knit sweater. I sat down, bit the bullet, and sewed the damn thing together. There is a reason why every sweater I've made since I made that one (which is, okay fine, two, but there were several in between that I started) has no seams. I despise seams. They feel pointless. Also, you have to make everything match up, and making stuff match up sucks. I tore the sleeves off like twice when I realized my cables hadn't lined up properly. Now all it needs are buttons. _
12:35:02 AM, Tuesday 5 October 2004

We had a gas leek this morning. But they came and fixed it for me, and now it's all better. _
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07:16:43 PM, Sunday 3 October 2004

How long should it take for my phone to dry out? _
11:11:16 AM, Sunday 3 October 2004

I adore popups that are meant to look like Windows XP popping up on my screen. I look at them, sitting there looking so ridiculous in the middle of OS9, and laugh and laugh. _
03:17:09 AM, Sunday 3 October 2004

HR 2028 - Pledge Protection Act of 2004 is really really terrifying `No court created by Act of Congress shall have any jurisdiction, and the Supreme Court shall have no appellate jurisdiction, to hear or decide any question pertaining to the interpretation of, or the validity under the Constitution of, the Pledge of Allegiance, as defined in section 4 of title 4, or its recitation.'. The limitation in this section shall not apply to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia or the District of Columbia Court of Appeals.

(b) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 99 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new item:

`1632. Limitation on jurisdiction.'.

Passed the House of Representatives September 23, 2004.
02:52:55 AM, Sunday 3 October 2004

So, last night, they lit up the skyscrapers in purple. I thought they were purple, Molly thought they were pink. Mari, apparently, thought they were orange. None of us knew why they skyscrapers were all lit up. I like them when they are white. I really like Philadelphia's skyscrapers, and I like that I'm not actually all that cloes to the. I like that they aren't square. As we were driving last night, we wound up driving towards city hall, which is this gothic-type white marble building with a statue of William Penn (it's a rather unforunate statue from many angles, what with the position of his hand and the scroll he's holding out, it looks like he's peeing). But looming up behind this white marble building that looks like it's from many centuries past were these skyscrapers, one with a glass pyramid on top, which was lit up purple. It looked like something from the future. It reminded me of something you'd see in one of those movies that's set in the future in a modern city, but nnot the kind of future like you get in like, say, 12 Monkeys. Right. Now I'm probably going to break the bot again, so I'm going to say post now. _
02:47:50 AM, Sunday 3 October 2004

If that posted twice, I'm sorry, I think I broke the blogbot. _
11:15:11 PM, Saturday 2 October 2004

It was a bizarre city night. Mari and I went out, which was nice, cause I havent' seen her yet, and she lives like less than a mile away. On our way to the restaurant, we saw a guy under the back wheel(s?) of a car. The first fire truck pulled up like as we approached the corner (we what looked like people being stupid in the road, and went "what the hell? must be drunk frat boys" until we got a little closer). We watched as they got him out. It seemed to take a really long time, but really, who knows. It felt like forever after I said "why aren't all the big strong firemen picking the car up so the EMTs can pull him out?" before they did just that. It was rather scary and bizarre, and we stayed until they had him in the ambulence. We spent a while trying to figure out how it had happened. The car was parralell parked (it was the corner space, but it still wasn't in the middle of the road, so we were like, huh, I wonder how in the world that could've possibly happened? And then we turned up 43rd, which we hadn't planned on, we were going to turn up 40th, but that's where all the crowd was, and we were going that direction anyway. And up 43rd, just past the first fire truck was a totally smashed car, which just made it seem all the stranger.

The place we had planned on going was closed by the time we got there, and so we went to the Greek place next door. I wanted pizza with real cheese (Molly is a vegan, and so we don't order pizza, and the only real cheese in the house is my cheddar, and the monchega that I was so tempted by I had to buy some of), but Mari said the only place that was nearby was bad, so we went nextdoor to the Greek place, which was nice. Afterwards, we went to Ben and Jerry's, which had a huge crowd, and we found a cockroach running around on the counter. I grabbed a plastic cup and trapped it, and then tried to subtly tell the scooper, but it was really loud so he couldn't hear me.

It all in all felt very city, and I felt out of place. Less out of place than I felt at the gay guy bar we went to for Moe's birthday party, where they were all gay girls, and everyone around us was gay guys, and then there's me. I felt like I was in a bizarre foreign country where I didn't belong and I didn't have my passport to be there. At least when you're watching rescue workers rescue someone, you know exactly what your place is, and when you're in a trendy-hippy-overpriced-chain ice cream parlor and you're surrounded by college students and you find a roach and you've been working in foodservice for years and years, you know what you should do. Ah well. I think I'm going to go curl up in front of the TV and watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. _
11:14:36 PM, Saturday 2 October 2004

Dude, they found the car! _
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05:25:36 PM, Saturday 2 October 2004

Today was going to be the only day I don't have to go to Penn, but it turns out I have to go to Penn, cause I lost my Hippocrates and I need to make new copies. I'm starting to hate Hippocrates. _
11:37:20 AM, Friday 1 October 2004

My AC is dripping into my room and I can't figure out how to make it stop. It was working just fine till the last hurricane came through. _
12:36:22 AM, Friday 1 October 2004

I screwed up when I made my copy of Hippocrates, and I wound up cutting off the top of half the words in the first line of one page. I feel incredibly foolish. I was going to go to Perseus and find them and write them down, but Perseus doesn't have Hippocrates. They also don't believe in the word I can't figure out, so now I'm really stuck with it. _
12:17:07 AM, Thursday 30 September 2004

I love the Counting Crows. I disregard the whole Recovering the Sattelites when I say this, but I adore them. _
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12:11:19 AM, Thursday 30 September 2004

My cell phone won't turn on. It sort of flashes on, but it won't stay on. I think it got wet in the rain, and now I'm worried that it's broken. _
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01:49:38 PM, Wednesday 29 September 2004

Yay! I figured out how to make my computer talk to my digital camera! _
01:43:05 PM, Wednesday 29 September 2004

I've been watching Smallville lately (or, at any rate, I got the first disk from Netflix and Molly and I consumed it) and it makes me wonder what happened to the traditional Superman superhero. The comic book movies with superheroes to have come out lately have been X-Men and Spiderman and other angsty movies, and Michael Keaton was in the angsty Batman movies more recently than Christopher Reeve was in the Superman movies. There was Lois and Clark. But, anyway, it makes me wonder. Was Superman a fluke anyway? Do we like our heroes to be angsty, and therefore more human? _
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11:53:07 PM, Tuesday 28 September 2004

I got called on to translate in Latin today and managed to do so without making a complete fool of myself. Unlike when I tried to do Greek this morning, and stumbled so much so badly I felt like a total idiot. _
11:25:26 PM, Tuesday 28 September 2004

We went out to this Tex-Mex place for lunch (remember, always, that I don't actually like Mexican food), and three of the six of us decided when we were finished with our meal to share a dessert. We picked this brownie sundae which was described as a Mexican brownie loaded with cinnamon and then normal brownie sundae stuff. Our waitress accidentally put chipolted barbeque sauce on our sundae, which grossed us all out significantly, but, after seeing Chocolat, we thought maybe it was intentional. We then realized that it was far to gross to be anything other than an accident and so we told our waitress, who was mystified, and took it back, and then realized her mistake. Her manager didn't really believe her until he tried the "chocolate" sauce himself (apparently he just started working there like yesterday and she started working there like two weeks ago) and we wound up with a very good free dessert. _
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11:06:20 PM, Tuesday 28 September 2004

I walked twelve blocks home in the pouring rain. I have an umbrella, but it kind of sucks as an umbrella, and every crosswalk was at least three inches deep, and my boots are waterproof. I came home feeling like a drowned rat and my clothes are hanging all over the apartment drying off. I don't know what to do about the leather boots or backpack, though. _
10:57:50 PM, Tuesday 28 September 2004

The richest chariot driver in Rome at one point apparently had ugh money that he could have funded the entire Roman army at the height of the Roman army for 1/3 of the year. Comparatively, that would be around one hundred billion dollars, for our army. Which is roughly equal to two Bill Gateses. _
10:19:53 PM, Monday 27 September 2004

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bloglet script by Moss Collum