Tori's Bloglet

Computer ads should not be allowed to talk. _
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08:55:11 PM, Thursday 29 July 2004

I think there should be more movies that are almost entirely character-driven. With little plot and no special effects, just people. _
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08:15:16 PM, Thursday 29 July 2004

Chris and I have been having this argument for the past few days as to whether or not The Princess Bride is a cult movie. He says it is definately for everyone, and I said that it may well be for his generation, but not for mine. And he insists that I'm wrong. I'm extremely miffed about this, and I think part of why I'm so pissed at him about it is that he's presuming that he knows more about my generation than I do. _
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07:06:59 PM, Thursday 29 July 2004

There were women totally bashing Teresa Heinz-Kerry today at lunch. It started out as almost a reasonable reason to dislike her (she allegedly said something along the lines of all Pennsylvanian Republicans are unAmerican, which I can grant is offenseive), and it denigrated to someone talking about how stupid it is that she took a while to take the name Kerry. I didn't say anything, cause I think I'm probably the only democrat at work, and didn't really feel like getting into a fight, but I wanted to say something like "so, she didn't lose her dead husband's last name right away, and so she's a bad person, but changing the state you're a resident of so that your vice-presidancy isn't illegal at the last minute, that's okay." They started making fun of her because of the amount of names she has. (I'm being serious.) They were saying things about never wanting to buy another heinz product ever. The whole thing made me want to go out and buy all the ketchup I could find. But I don't like ketchup, and I'm broke. _
08:48:41 PM, Tuesday 27 July 2004

Except that I can't seem to move songs around in a playlist, which frustrates me. _
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08:33:00 PM, Monday 26 July 2004

I love iTunes. _
08:32:31 PM, Monday 26 July 2004

Tomorrow my mom starts taking the bar. _
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08:28:41 PM, Monday 26 July 2004

Today I had the thrillingjob of shredding old cheque stock. It took forever, and it was even more boring than normal shredding, cause it was all that paper with the holes in the side. I have two more weeks, and then I'm done with my job. _
08:26:26 PM, Monday 26 July 2004

I really really hate waking up in the mornings. I want to go back to my bed, curl up under my blankets, and not wake up til I'm good and awake. My job sits there and kills my brain power for four hours, then I go to lunch, which I read through. I tend to read the comics in the paper someone always brings in, and then whatever book I'm currently reading. Right now I'm reading Contact cause I just watched the movie and suddenly was come over with this desire to read the book as well. It's a much geekier book than it is a movie, full of scientific and mathematical explanations, and it turns my brain back on. And then I go back to work for another four hours and feel my brain shut back down and I almost fall asleep. It's really a dreadful way to be. _
07:01:23 AM, Thursday 22 July 2004

I think there should be like two settings for your labels (at least two), cause I have tons and tons of labels, and it's getting a little ridiculus. Like, you should be able to label it by category, and then have a sublabel of person it's from or something. _
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06:50:39 AM, Thursday 22 July 2004

Kerry and Edwards will be in Harrisburg, according to this piece of paper I found on our kitchen counter. _
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11:07:10 PM, Wednesday 21 July 2004

I want really really good French bread. Like the kind that breaks off in crumbs the moment you like touch it. Like I ate while I was in Europe. And I have no idea where to find such a thing, so I think I might have to go off experimenting in the kitchen. (I found an interesting recipe which the woman who wrote the book claimed she learned from like a 70 year old man in a small town in France which I might try.) _
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11:06:37 PM, Wednesday 21 July 2004

So, there are a finite number of cards, and so there are a fininte number of possible hands, right? So, at some point, if you played enough cards (and I'm sure we're talking numbers so high I can't begin to imagine) you would start to repeat hands. Right? _
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09:59:57 PM, Wednesday 21 July 2004

Our neighbour has a pet squirrell. It was really quite cute and friendly. It ran up me as though I were a tree, and then tried to build a nest in my hair. And then we got him off my sholder, and he curled up on my arm leaning against my stomach and was all cute and soft and rodent like. The dogs were very excited/confused, cause there was a squirrell, that was mostly standing still and I was holding it, and it was a squirrell, and they are dogs. _
11:27:30 PM, Monday 19 July 2004

I think I have decided, for the sake of lack of clutter, to not take a desk with me. My mom and Chris have both pointed out that I'm going to be a student, and might want to have a desk as such, and I pointed out that in all my years as a student, I never used a desk, I used my bed, and that my desk was a place to store my computer under a pile of mail and other stuff that got thrown places, and that clutter is making me feel a little nuts, and so I think I should just not take a desk, as I'm planning on getting a laptop. _
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11:25:54 PM, Monday 19 July 2004

My sister is trying to figure out if she can buy a movie while she is in England and bring it home and watch it. Can she? Would a tape work? Are the programs that make it so it ignores the regions thing on DVDs? _
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03:08:51 PM, Sunday 18 July 2004

Today, on my way home from the farmer's market, some stupid driver decided that they should just pull into the intersection in which they had a stop sign and I did not just as I was approaching. We almost hit. It was freaking scary. _
06:11:55 PM, Saturday 17 July 2004

I'd always wanted to hold a squirrell. _
12:10:12 AM, Saturday 17 July 2004

I miss my copy of Tigerlily. _
11:02:37 PM, Thursday 15 July 2004

I'm feeling very pissed off with people I live with. I am looking forward leaving. I don't want to take a lot of stuff, cause stuff causes messes. _
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11:02:24 PM, Thursday 15 July 2004

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