Tori's Bloglet

Our living room looks like a disaster zone. I'm rather pissed off about it, because it's so gross. And I tend to keep it rather clean. Also, the DVDs are all out of order, and I spent rather a while putting them in order. They were categorized and alphabetized, for crying out loud. And they're all in a wallet. How hard can it be to put something back where you found it? And to not throw blankets all over the floor. And to put the controlers to the Nintendo away. And to not get crumbs all over the floor. And...any number of things.

Along with not eating all the ice cream I wanted to eat before I get a chance to have any. _
10:57:38 PM, Thursday 15 July 2004

I have this bruise on my leg and I don't know how it got there. I figure I bumped into something and just don't remember it. It's all very strange. Chris says it worries him a little that I don't remember how I got it. I pointed out that I bump into stuff all the time and so I don't remember it, and I probably don't get much iron in general, so I might be going slightly anemic. (Chris: well, you'd have very little energy. Me: but I have very little energy. Chris: maybe you should eat some spinach.) _
10:52:40 PM, Thursday 15 July 2004

So, say you knew an almost nine year old who was reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Would you think it was a good idea? _
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10:01:47 PM, Thursday 15 July 2004

It occured to me the other day that iTunes selling of MP3s was actually probably really smart. No one really wants to spend somewhere between $15 and $18 on a CD, especially if there's only one or two songs they want to listen to. My general inclination is to buy CDs anyway, cause I like supporting the artist. But paying for a single song seems like a brilliant idea. Not that I've done it. iTunes was trying to get me to buy some MP3 the other day that was off a CD I'd ripped (a CD I owned, which I'd purchased, I just wanted it to be MP3s), and that was what brought me to think of it. _
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10:51:07 PM, Wednesday 14 July 2004

There were tornadoes here this evening. Tornadoes. We didn't actually see any, but we heard about it on the radio, and there were houses like in the street in Hershey. The sky was yellow. Marija was freaked, cause you don't get weather like that in Germany. We tried to explain what to do. We said "turn on the radio, put it on NPR, cause they will tell you to worry if you need to be worried, and then, if they tell you to be worried, take the dogs and go downstairs into the closet with the door." (The basement has floor to ceiling windows, cause it's only half a basement. There are two closets, one with a door and one with out, and I was the one who pointed out to mom that she should go into a closet at all, if there was in fact a tornado sweeping by, cause of broken glass flying around.) _
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10:46:46 PM, Wednesday 14 July 2004

It has occurred to me that, having seen King Arthur, Spiderman 2, and Harry Potter, that the movies yet to come out this summer that I particularly want to see are movies that I'll (probably) wind up watching at the independant midtown rather than at Regal. _
06:27:15 PM, Tuesday 13 July 2004

How in the world do I manage to forget I volunteered for something a week ago? _
08:06:44 PM, Monday 12 July 2004

There was this huge bang of thunder in the middle of the night which woke me up (I jumped out of bed waking up, like people do in movies, it was kind of funny.) It was the start of the storm; it wasn't raining yet when that crack of thunder went off. I wandered off, found Jamie's cell phone, turned on the alarm clock, in case the power went out, and went back to sleep. _
07:27:38 AM, Monday 12 July 2004

I'm tired of this. Stupid thing I was trying to find. _
10:45:13 PM, Saturday 10 July 2004

Has anyone see Before Sunset? I was curious about seeing it, as I enjoyed the other one, but I can't seem to find it playing anywhere. (Shocking, that, for Harrisburg.) _
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10:41:00 PM, Saturday 10 July 2004

Going through my blog archives to find the humours thing about Bush saying stupid stuff they ran on Morning Edition, and I found my response to Sirius dying. _
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10:17:16 PM, Saturday 10 July 2004

I slept for like 12 hours last night. It was really wonderful. My body hasn't adjustedd to the whole "work at 8 in the morning" thing, except that my internal alarm clock will wake me up when my normal alarm clock goes off (today, I just went back to sleep). But I've still be falling asleep somewhere after midnight, and it just sucks. _
10:05:30 PM, Saturday 10 July 2004

So, Clive Owen is 40, and Keira Knightly is like 19. And Lancelot was really cute. And when was the crossbow invented? _
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10:36:52 PM, Friday 9 July 2004

Also, we got an apartment in Philly! _
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07:08:16 PM, Friday 9 July 2004

She also met Grace Kelly, but that was less relelvant to the magazine I was looking at that sparked the conversation with my mom wherein I found out that she danced with Marlon Brando. _
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07:07:59 PM, Friday 9 July 2004

My grandmother danced with Marlon Brando. _
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07:07:10 PM, Friday 9 July 2004

I have spent far too much time playing around on JK Rowling's website. _
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10:03:39 PM, Wednesday 7 July 2004

Who is Mark Evans, wonder internet Harry Potter geeks. Why does he have the same last name as Lily? How is he important? Let's all vote for that question, see, so that instead of finding out something interesting we can all find out that it's a random name for a random kid who Dudley beats up. _
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10:03:09 PM, Wednesday 7 July 2004

So, I finished reading Sunshine. I'm not at all sure what I thought of it. I think I enjoyed reading it, but I also certianly don't feel as though I just read a book by Robin McKinley, which was an odd feeling. Yes, Con had moments of feeling like Luthe or Corlath or either Beauty's Beast, but I felt like the resemblance ended there. It had times of feeling like Buffy with mono, which was an odd kind of annoying feeling, and Sunshine whined a lot.

Also, I spent a rather ridiculous amount of time trying to figure out why there's a blurb from Amber Benson on the back. It was like, what, did they send the book to all the Buffy people, and none of the rest of them read? It was totally random. I always felt like the point of blurbs was to help you realize that it was like something else, by someone you'd heard. (That was something Sue said, once, that if she didn't know anything about the book, but it had a good blurb by an author she respected, then she would take it as a good sign for the book.) And if that's the case, fine, but wouldn't you want, like, Joss's name there, or Sarah Michelle? Not Tara. (I did very much like Tara.) _
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12:02:40 AM, Tuesday 6 July 2004

Connor and I figured out what was wrong with my digital camera (turns out I fried the memory card) and so we ordered a replacement from this place on the internet. Since I apparently can kill memory cards, I decided to spend the extra $4 to get lifetime warrantee. _
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03:31:23 PM, Monday 5 July 2004

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bloglet script by Moss Collum