Tori's Bloglet

Last night at like 7, AIM stopped allowing me to receive messages. (So, to anyone who tried to talk me, sorry I wasn't there.) I started doing things like signing off and signing back on. Quitting and coming back. I restarted the computer, and the mouse was permanetly clicked. This happens from time to time, so I tried again. Then I turned it off. Turning it off, was, apparently a bad idea. It got stuck about halfway through my extentions, and so I restarted it. Then it got stuck somewhere else. So I restarted it yet again, and now it's flasing a question mark. By this time it's like 7:20. I panicked. I realized I still had SimCity 3000 in my CD-ROM drive, and so I ejected it and tried again. Didn't work. Panicked some more. Started calling anyone I could think of with a mac (a mac with an "i" before it, I know a guy with like 7 or something, and a disk drive). No one had an OS9 CD. So eventually I gave up on it for then. I called my stepdad, who wasn't home or at work. Dave Prosper told me last night that computer services would be open today, so I took him my computer this morning, and he is going to try to fix it. I am on Brianne's computer. I really hope it works. And that I emailed my Senior Essay to myself. _
11:39:21 AM, Friday 11 April 2003

The sophomores we pranked didn't seem to like the question we tried to get them to debate. The seniors we'd proposed it to thought it was hilarious and wonderful and whatnot. They did like our Jello shots, and our waterguns and our whiskey. It was a fun evening, and my little brother did manage to throw people off and convince them that he was a real prospective. _
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11:20:26 AM, Friday 11 April 2003

JamieRTy: what about something like this: Bertrand Russell‡ once claimed that, starting with any false premise, he could logically conclude any other false statement. "Oh, yeah?" said his friends, "Start with 2 + 2 = 5, and prove that you're the Pope." JamieRTy: So Mr. Russell computed: If 2 + 2 = 5, then (subtracting 2 from each side), we get 2 = 3. Subtracting 2 again, we get 1 = 2. The Pope and I are two people; therefore the Pope and I are one person, therefore I am the Pope. _
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04:37:32 PM, Thursday 10 April 2003

I do actually know what I want to do after I graduate. I eventually want to go off and study Classics in grad school and then teach and be in academia for the rest of my life. However, next year I don't want to be tied down to anything that requires serious thought. I want to live somewhere that's not Harrisburg or Annapolis. I want to be above the Mason-Dixon line, or far enough away that it doesn't matter. I want to live in a city and wait tables, cause it requires no thought and you can make decent money that way. I'm thinking I want to go to Boston or San Francisco, but Cassie warns me away from San Francisco, at least until I've visited first. But I don't want to go anywhere alone, because outside of controlled environments like St. John's I'm extremely shy and bad at making friends. I want to save up money, and I want to take a proper road trip around the country. See pretty things, take lots of pictures, eat at weird little restaurants where who knows what the picky vegetarian I am will eat. Maybe I will translate Euripides in my spare time. I want a dog. A small one, because large dogs should not be forced to live in cities (although a Newfoundland could probably pull it off, what with being half rock/plant and all). I want to decorate an apartment in whites and blues, with bits of purple and green, cause I have massive amounts of purples and greens. I have picked out a dining room table from Ikea that I would like. I want to nest. Everytime I go in that damn store I want to nest. I go in to buy lightbulbs for the lights I bought and Christmas, and I start furnishing an imaginary apartment. But anyway. Yes. That is what I want to do. I think it sounds like it could be nice and fun. _
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01:24:54 AM, Thursday 10 April 2003

I wonder, what would've become of Lincoln if the Civil War hadn't been brewing as he became a politician. Would he have become a politician at all? Would he have been some normal politician, who got the job done fine, but one that no one would remember, cause he didn't do anything special? _
07:10:55 PM, Monday 7 April 2003

I have been craving female angst for days. Maybe it's because I'm reading White Oleander (it's not really the other way 'round, cause I'm mostly reading it because Brianne handed it to me, told me it was good). I have been wanting to listen to nothing but Lilith Fair type music, have wanted to watch angsty chick-flicks. I would like to watch The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood again and Girl, Interrupted, the movie of White Oleander, Playing by Heart. I just put on Heather Nova's first album, because it seems more angsty than most of my music, and since I've been fond of the sad chick with a guitar genre, that's saying something. _
12:04:55 AM, Monday 7 April 2003

We just spent a fucking hour in Annabeth's trying to figure out what movies we wanted to watch. The three of us just couldn't agree. It sucked. So now we are trying to figure the pizza thing. Lovely. Stupid pizza thing. _
07:54:05 PM, Saturday 5 April 2003

Despite the fact that I find Schubert to be dull and Wagner to be painful, I was quite impressed by Mr. Zuckerman's lecture this evening. It was interesting, even though it was interspersed with Tristan and Isolde. It ended with a bit from some thing by Haydn with the "let there be light, and there was light" which was cute, cause I've always found that song funny, and the lights got lower and lower throughout the piece until the final light in "and there was LIGHT" when they turned them all the way up. _
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09:42:05 PM, Friday 4 April 2003

Last night during Seminar someone pounded on our door. (I assume they were doing McDowell in general.) The entire classroom jumped, and after class several people said (and I agreed with them) that the first thought that went through their heads was "It's Senior Prank!" Then we all remembered that we are the Seniors, and we would know. When class ended, Mr. Schulman thanked us for not Pranking on a Lincoln night. _
10:01:27 AM, Friday 4 April 2003

Spring is skirt weather. Libby and I are going to go out to the fabric store, so I can buy stuff to make skirts. _
02:23:25 PM, Wednesday 2 April 2003

Mr. Larsen gave us a bunch of cummings poems to read, and several of them look like he forgot how to use his typewriter. _
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04:05:21 PM, Monday 31 March 2003

Brad, you'll remember, is Spike's identical twin, who has a lot in common with Spike except that Brad is kind, and trustworthy, and not at all evil. You know: Brad! Boy, if Spike ever returns to Sunnydale and finds out how Brad has been ruining his reputation, heads are gonna roll. I can't wait for that episode! But Spike's off somewhere, reunited with Drusilla, having a good time killing people and causing mayhem. In the meantime, we've got Brad. Who's cute and all, and, let's not forget, very old, but he's just no Spike. _
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12:58:14 AM, Monday 31 March 2003

I have been feeling all antisocial this week. I mean, not just like I don't really want to talk to real people, but I haven't really cared about checking my email, which I usually do lots and lots, and I haven't really cared about reading blogs. I occasionally checked my own, and Cassie's and Moss's. And I read Moira's a lot. Several times a day. I like Moira's blog. I think I would like to meet Moira. Yes. Anyway. I am feeling less antisocial now than I was. My head also cleared up today, when the cold weather came back. Maybe I was reacting to the heat. I think I'm going to go to bed now. _
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12:48:08 AM, Monday 31 March 2003

Reading Junior Essays. Spent rather a while and rather a lot of ink on Erin's. Am now reading Brianne's. Which is much nicer, although it's on a computer screen, and my eyes are tired, so it's not that easy to read. _
11:57:31 PM, Sunday 30 March 2003

Brianne and I are considering another round of Assassins. When we put up the signs last time, there was that sniper guy, now there is a war. The sniper guy made people think it was in poor taste. Will people think it is in poor taste with the war thing? Or, suggests Brianne, we could just make it in such poor taste it becomes funny. She hopes. If we're lucky. We're more likely to offend if we do that, though. So, thoughts? _
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11:52:49 PM, Sunday 30 March 2003

Dear god, snow. It was 70 earlier this week, and there's going to be snow today? _
10:38:41 AM, Sunday 30 March 2003

Wow, good lord, that was a long entry. _
11:27:48 PM, Saturday 29 March 2003

So, the thing that annoys me about Seventh Season Spike (aside from the recent Oedipal thing) is that he's gone all Angel. Now, I really liked Angel. I thought he was a big sweetie, and I'm hoping that he and Buffy get back together in the last few episodes. (Brianne might hit me for saying that. Because Tracy and I have this nice fantasy life going where Angel and Buffy get together and Spike will take up with Faith and they will be nice and happy and crazy together. And then Oz will come back and Kennedy will die. She doesn't have to die, but she has to stop messing around with Willow, probably causing Willow to be guilty of statutory ((statuary??)) rape.) Anyway. Right. I liked Angel, with the broody and the "90 years in the sewers of New York really honing your brooding instincts" and sulky disposition and whatnot. And now Spike is trying the same thing, and it just doesn't work as well, cause we used to see Spike as this totally kick-ass scary vampire. Even when he went sort of good at the end of the Second Season, he was still scary. Now he gets knocked out a lot. I mean, come on, when did he forget how to fight? He did a decent job against the flaming fists guy, but he seems to have totally lost it now that he's back. Angel could still kick ass. He didn't get knocked out nearly as often. (That was going to say "he didn't get knocked out" but Brianne is reading over my shoulder as I type and is pointing out my typos said "yes he did, so I modified it.") Our first experience with Angel was as a sulky guy who was all nice and sweet, not as the evil monster who made Spike and Dru (or just Dru, whatever) and terrorized Europe. And we've seen this change in Spike, and I don't think I like it. (Although, well, I've missed the entire fourth and fifth season wherein the change has to happen, and jumped sort of straight into the sixth season, where all of the sudden this evil badass vampire is babysitting the Slayer's little sister. Which is not to say that I don't think Dawn and Spike's relationship is awfully cute and sweet, it just upsets me.) So. Yes. Angel worked great, Spike turning into Angel is not working for me. _
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11:27:18 PM, Saturday 29 March 2003

Discussing love stories with Brianne, I brought up Antony and Cleopatra. As opposed to Romeo and Juliet, A&C being much more realistic. She said she thought Much Ado was more realistic than either, and I pointed out that Antony and Cleopatra was a real story, so...Real people, real love. Their only major problem (aside from the Antony being married thing) was that they were world leaders. Of countries at war. And then it occured to us that that would make this entire war thing more interesting. _
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11:12:52 PM, Saturday 29 March 2003

Last night, while we were watcing Pride and Prejudice, Jackson was telling us which Johnnies he had playing whom, and then Brianne and I started to play the same sort of game using Utena characters. The only one we really agreed on was Ruka as Darcy. _
12:11:08 PM, Saturday 29 March 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum