Tori's Bloglet

The light has shifted back and I have rainbows in my room in the late afternoon again. _
05:57:41 PM, Thursday 27 March 2003

Lindsey and I watched Tuesday's Buffy episode last night when Mr. Kalkavage cancelled chorus due to lack of men. And I came away from it with the vague thought that maybe the First did the whole Trigger thing that it did for the entire purpose of alienating Buffy from her friends. _
03:56:25 PM, Thursday 27 March 2003

The yarn store just called me to tell me that they are starting a sock class on April 1st. And B&G came by and replaced my AC. _
02:20:46 PM, Wednesday 26 March 2003

The dining hall spent money rather than on fixing the dishwasher on buying a slushie machine. _
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02:19:56 PM, Wednesday 26 March 2003

The Allegra they switched me to from Zyrtec (the switch because my prescription company decided they don't do Zyrtec anymore) arrived today. It is big, possibly too big to swallow without liquid, and pink. I hope it works, at least. _
12:17:39 AM, Wednesday 26 March 2003

You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant. _
07:28:02 PM, Tuesday 25 March 2003

Cassie and I went off to the Annapolis Country Store, where we both bought rose scented body wash, she because she is nearly out of hers, and I because I am just getting tired of lilac. I desperately want rose perfume. I used to have rose oil which made a nice perfume, but I lost it sometime before sophomore year, and haven't replaced it yet. I tried the only rose perfume they had at the store, and it smells more like whiskey than like roses, and that makes me sad. _
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04:59:25 PM, Tuesday 25 March 2003

Lettuce with raspberry vinagrette. A good sort of thing to eat when I'm feeling all weird and shaky. _
06:57:08 PM, Monday 24 March 2003

I was really all set to hate Tara, cause she's not Oz, but she really is just a sweetie. Maybe Oz could come back in the last few episodes and Kennedy could just bugger off and Willow could realize she's bi or something. _
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11:00:34 PM, Sunday 23 March 2003

They threw this thing for us this afternoon, where they threw us in a room with a bunch of local alums, and told us to mingle, talking about alum stuf, wha we're interested in, doing next year, etc. I haven't a clue what I'm doing next year. Probably moving home and waiting tables. Maybe learning how to blow glass. And then, eventually, I will go to grad school and study classical literature. _
07:21:16 PM, Sunday 23 March 2003

I miss my rose bodywash. The lilac is nice, but I'm ready for rose back now. _
04:01:44 PM, Sunday 23 March 2003

Brianne and I found ourselves watching Seventh Season Buffy until 4 in the morning. She balled all my yarn while we watched, which rocked, cause I'd gotten bored of balling yarn earlier in the afternoon, and I worked on Nate and Rebekah's wedding present. _
01:15:10 PM, Sunday 23 March 2003

I think I have eaten mostly sugar and gelatin for the past few days. Some starch thrown in there too, for good measure. My stomach is starting to rebel, so it is salad time for Tori. _
08:12:19 PM, Saturday 22 March 2003

So, we had a math make up class today at noon, and Mr. Beall bought us pizza. We had a good conversation, and just about everyone actually did show up. We called one guy in from playing croquet, he'd forgotten, he told us when he came in. _
01:31:25 PM, Saturday 22 March 2003

And suddenly, we're at the really depressing parts of Season 6, and the next episode will be the one with the attempted rape and the death of poor Tara. _
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01:04:08 AM, Saturday 22 March 2003

So there was me, sitting there at the restuaruant, and she took drink orders. And I'm sitting there with my hair in pigtails, and I'm used to being carded, even when I'm wearing my hair more like a grown-up, and it took her until she'd asked both Cassie and Brianne what they wanted to drink before she asked me for id. When she left Brianne and I both giggled because we'd thought she might not, and had been surprised. _
01:03:14 AM, Saturday 22 March 2003

I like frozen drinks with alcohal, cause you simultaneously get drunk (whoever drunk it may be, tipsy is fine) and a brain freeze. Yummy frozen strawberry margarhita. _
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07:15:47 PM, Friday 21 March 2003

I followed this this morning, and read it, and thought it was lovely, in that utterly depressing sort of way. _
12:49:51 AM, Friday 21 March 2003

I went, briefly, to the Prank meeting they held tonight. It was extremely overwhelming, and everyone else seems to have plans as to what they're doing to their seminar and who they're doing it with, and I have no idea about anything. And everyone was running around the room talking alot, and I sat there and felt depressed and lonely, cause I had no one to Prank with, and then I started going all fear of crowdsy (the word for that, by the way, is Enochlophobia), and I was supposed to be watching Buffy with Brianne and Lindsey anyway, so I stopped by to check to see if anything important was going on, and was told that no, they were going to tell us the date and the theme, and I could be told all that later, and so I left and watched Buffy, which was nice and fun. Except for the whole stupid Riley thing. _
12:47:03 AM, Friday 21 March 2003

Nate asked me to give a cool name to this war tonight at dinner, so I suggested "I really want to get reelected, so I'm going to pick on my daddy's old enemies." He didn't think it was as funny as I did. _
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12:42:40 AM, Friday 21 March 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum