Tori's Bloglet

Pennsylvania passed a law mandating the pledge of allegiance/national anthem every day in schools. Religious schools may opt out, and students are not forced to do so, but everytime they choose to not sing/pledge, the school is obliged to send their parents a written note. My school is protesting and in court about it. I'm proud of them. _
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07:39:28 PM, Friday 14 February 2003

Feeling depressed and bitter about Valentine's Day, I was going to wear all black, but I have no black pants. I contented myself with wearing no red, this includes my watch which has garnets on it, which are like red. I am wearing a black sweater I got from J. Crew on sale in July and have never worn. It's mostly angora. Roy thought it was most amazing thing in the world, and spent most of lunch petting my arm. _
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01:08:40 PM, Friday 14 February 2003

Katherine said that Mr. Datchev told them that Monday was the deadline for hearing that your essay was rejected. I would still like very much to receive a note saying that my essay was not rejected. _
01:44:52 AM, Friday 14 February 2003

When I bought my pink pearls two years ago, it was towards the end of the summer I was living at the beach. I had more of a tan than I have had in a long time, enough of one that I could, say, go without sunscreen for rather a while. The pink pearls looked nealry white against my skin. Now my skin has reverted to its traditional pallor, and I look white against the pink of the pearl, and am closer in shade to the silver between pearls. I am lighter than this pale purple shirt I am wearing. I think pastels take colour away from my skin, or at least emphasize the lack of colour in my skin, which is why I rarely wear them. _
01:32:26 AM, Friday 14 February 2003

Valentine's Day makes me all depressed and lonely. _
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07:46:53 PM, Thursday 13 February 2003

All my friends seem to come in pairs, and when Cassie pairs up with Bill, then I feel all alone. _
03:53:29 PM, Thursday 13 February 2003

Utena tonight hurray hurrah. My computer is running on delayed time, I think it needs a nap. _
07:40:47 PM, Tuesday 11 February 2003

My hair has, lately, taken much more kindly to the whole sleeping thing. So much so that I can wear my hair down two days in a row without it looking all weird. _
10:10:38 AM, Tuesday 11 February 2003

Or c, the person who sits there and acts all smug about their interpretation about poetry and cracks up hysterically blowing off others interprations completely because they disagree. _
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10:02:25 AM, Tuesday 11 February 2003

Which do you suppose is worse? The person who sits next to you and bounces their leg making you slightly off throughout class, but you can tap them and make them stop, at least for a few minutes, or the person sitting across the table, who does the same thing, but you can't subtly tap them and tell them they are making you illish. _
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10:01:19 AM, Tuesday 11 February 2003

Over the past week, my room lapsed into a states generally known as "messy." I just put away my clean clothes, which freed back up my hamper, and already I feel better. _
06:58:59 PM, Monday 10 February 2003

Lia died this afternoon. Or rather, she is in a bubble in suspended animation somewhere. So I am making a wizard, and all will be happy. _
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07:44:36 PM, Sunday 9 February 2003

Yay! They closed school today! _
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07:05:23 AM, Friday 7 February 2003

Somehow, my mom has not yet learned that calling on Thursday nights at 9 is a Bad Time to reach me. _
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01:13:51 AM, Friday 7 February 2003

Mr. Whitney told our math class this afternoon that he'd heard in Santa Fe that Tristan and Isolde was about tantric sex and yoga. Mr. Beall said that it may be about that in Santa Fe, but the same was not true in Annapolis. I asked him what it was about in Annapolis, and he said he wasn't sure, but it that certainly wasn't it. _
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07:37:25 PM, Thursday 6 February 2003

Mr. Larsen does executive seminar things in New York once a month. This month he did a thing on Chaucer. He said the opening question was about humor in the Miller's tale and someother tale, and the President was there too. We all sort of jumped, then realized he was talking about the St. John's president. We then proceeded to make jokes about Mr. Bush and Middle English. _
07:16:34 PM, Thursday 6 February 2003

Today in math class Mr. Beall talked about his rocket and the shuttle that blew up last week. _
11:59:01 PM, Wednesday 5 February 2003

Roy and Libby took us to the Tea Room which was lovely. There was good food and good tea and it was...lovely. Much better dinner than the dining hall. _
06:13:00 PM, Wednesday 5 February 2003

This morning in lab I wanted to pat Darwin on the head and tell him that it's okay, they'll discover genetics, it'll all work out allright. _
06:12:19 PM, Wednesday 5 February 2003

I seem now to be resuming my lying in bed thinking murderous thoughts in the genera direction of upstairs sort of morning. _
08:35:27 AM, Wednesday 5 February 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum