Tori's Bloglet

Jesus, it still takes longer to get to St. John's pages than anywhere else. Stupid new person. _
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10:52:03 PM, Tuesday 2 April 2002

In Civ III, they have changed the colours. I had, over the years, grown totally accustomed to the Romans being white, the barbarians being red, the French being blue...It is the red Romans and white barbarians that particularly distresses me. The Babylonians are also now red, and that also distresses me. _
10:48:54 PM, Tuesday 2 April 2002

I am rereading American Gods. It occured to me that the Easter bit was appropriate, and so I reread that bit, and then I started in on the rest of it. Man, there are clues to the end all over the book. I just didn't get them the first time around. _
07:42:52 PM, Tuesday 2 April 2002

I have been having headaches almost perpetually for several days now. I'd thought it might be caffeine related, but I haven't had any caffeine in any of those days or a few before them, and I don't think I was that hooked to begin with. I then thought it might be due to weather changes, as I seem to bet getting those now, but I had one last night, and it didn't rain and the weather didn't change. Now I'm thinking that it might be allergy related, as I ran out of Zyrtec at the beginnig of Spring Break and cause our perscription company didn't realize I was still a student or something they didn't fill my perscription, and it's going to be another several weeks. And during chorus I watched pollen blowing off of trees. Trees that were at the edge of the quad, and I was in the Great Hall. It was upsetting. It made me itch just to watch it. _
07:40:39 PM, Tuesday 2 April 2002

Saturday night, on our our D&D party could get into this gated locked barred compound. Me: We could build a huge wooden horse. Nat: Um... Me: And then, when they open the gate to look at it and whatever we could sneak in through the now open gate. _
07:36:53 PM, Tuesday 2 April 2002

Christina and I were talking about getting together this summer, so we don't crawl walls and get totally bored and insane without Johnnies around, and since we both live in Pennsylvania, it sounds plausible. She's never been to Hershey (which has very amusing light posts and an amusement park that I haven't been to in ages, but it was fun when I went, and they've put in new more exciting roller coasters), which is near me, and I've never been to Falling Water (which I understand is lovely), which is near her. And we can go to a Rennaisance Faire. Apparently there's one in Pittsburg as well as the one I've gone to for years. It'll be fun. Yeah. I'm looking forward to summer. To my bed, and the only homework looming over my head being War and Peace. To getting a job and making money (which, granted, I could do here, but with being in school, I couldn't work terribly much, and I would go mad from lack of free time). To my doggies and cooking food. I'm going home for my brother's birthday the weekend after next, and am all excited at the thought of making him waffles and angel food cake. _
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03:46:45 PM, Tuesday 2 April 2002

Is there a centre of the universe which would be the centre of the system of the whole world, which is at rest? From which we would all be expanding from? _
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02:07:08 AM, Tuesday 2 April 2002

It would've been very nice if we'd had some time after we'd handed our papers in during which we could not do a damn homework type thing. Very very nice. If we'd had that, I bet everyone would be a lot less apathetic right now. _
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03:06:47 PM, Monday 1 April 2002

My teapot hasn't come back yet. It makes me sad. Of course, I don't know when my family sent it, or how long it will take to get there, but still... _
12:44:49 PM, Monday 1 April 2002

They gave us jelly beans at lunch; they were out in baskets all over the dining hall. It was really cute. Most of them were those that are flavoured like, say, red jelly beans, rather than any other discernable flavour. But they also had out Starburst jelly beans, which were quite tasty. Mmm...Starburst. _
07:24:34 PM, Sunday 31 March 2002

Katherine, Tracy, it appears that while Katherine's pronunciation of "duke" is valid, so is ours. I looked it up in the American Heritage Dictionary. _
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01:24:23 PM, Sunday 31 March 2002

Martin found a comic of the the Grimm Brothers stuff yesterday at Barnes and Noble. He thought the cover, which had blood on it, was upsetting. I looked up from the Mr. Punch I'd started reading and said something along the lines of "well, yes, the Brothers Grimm are rather nasty. Even Andrew Lang had some trouble cleaning them up." This other guy who just happened to be looking at books that were right there when I said this laughed and said "that's why we now ignore what the Brothers Grimm wrote almost entirely." _
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11:50:58 AM, Sunday 31 March 2002

I have found that the best way to see of a collection of Grimm's faerie tales has been tampered with and toned down is to look at Sleeping Beauty. I have yet to actually find one where the prince impregnates her, etc. However, if you are lucky, you will be able to find one where the prince kisses her marries her, takes her home. (I think there are sometimes mentions of her clothing being 100 years out of fashion.) His mother is an ogre, and decides he wants to eat first the children and then Sleeping Beauty. Sleeping Beauty manages to fool the mother into thinking that something, fawn maybe, is actually the children, and hides the children away. Then she does some pushing the mother into a pot trick when the mother decides she wants to eat her. _
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11:48:54 AM, Sunday 31 March 2002

The Easter bunny seems to have visited my hall and left mini milky-ways and hershey kisses outside people's doors. I am almost entirely sure that the bunny in question was in the form of Sonia, as she is the person on this hall most likely to do such a thing. It was very cute. _
11:41:33 AM, Sunday 31 March 2002

Has anyone read Mr. Punch, and is it good enough to read? Also, was it written before or after or during Sandman? _
02:07:26 AM, Sunday 31 March 2002

Noah and I were sitting on the quad, watching the rehersal for Much Ado About Nothing, talking a bit. He was there cause he's in the play, and was at rehersal, just wasn't on stage for a few more scenes, and I was there cause I'd been walking back to my room from the pottery studio where I failed miserably to make anything other than a mess. This old lady came up and watched the rehersal, very happy to be watching. She asked when it was going up, we said Croquet, and she was a little concerned that the actors might be a bit of a mess. She then proceded to tell us that back in her day, they had to have some tutors in the show or else there were never enough actors, Mr. Williamson was just about always in the plays. She and her husband met while in a performance of "A Winter's Tale" and they did indeed have someone dress up as a bear and pursue a man off-stage. Then she went off to the art gallery, cause she had a piece in the exhibit. I thought she was delightful, and so did Noah. _
02:38:48 PM, Saturday 30 March 2002

According to the what wine are you test, I am eisweine, which I have never heard of. _
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10:58:03 AM, Saturday 30 March 2002

I want to be the lupine lady. I want to travel all over the world, and then come home and ride my bike around and throw flower seeds everywhere so I could watch them come up the next year and make everyone happy. _
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03:51:08 PM, Friday 29 March 2002

My dad sent me a package. It was all full of Easter Candy and an Easter card with money. And two Christmas presents that two of my aunts had sent to his house, apparently, and I'd just never seen. One also included money. It was a very cools surprise. _
06:46:23 PM, Thursday 28 March 2002

I have started Jitterbug Perfume. I find it far more interesting than Rousseau, which is why I usually do my non-seminar interesting readings on the weekends, so I can do nothing but read them. Is the painter Ellen Cherry Charles who is mentioned in the Daughters of the Daily Special the girl from Skinny Legs and All? It's been years since I read that book. _
06:12:35 PM, Thursday 28 March 2002

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