Tori's Bloglet

I like listening to the freshmen do their freshmen chorus thing. It's an interesting background to Newton, and it's lovely to stand on the balcony and watch them after class. Last year I had no classes on Thursday afternoons, so I never had that experience before. _
02:36:35 PM, Thursday 28 March 2002

So, now that I have gone out and purchased a new watch, my old watch will suddenly resurface. This is the way of my disappeared watches. Ah well. I like my new watch. It's still a Pooh watch, and that is cool. _
11:56:36 AM, Thursday 28 March 2002

Everytime I fill my pen, it gets tons of bubbles in with the ink. And I get ink all over my hands. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to avoide the bubble problem? _
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12:50:20 PM, Wednesday 27 March 2002

Today I will buy a watch. Yes. Cause it is driving me nuts not having a watch anymore. _
12:49:34 PM, Wednesday 27 March 2002

Last night, I sat there and played Civ III for several hours. I gave up on my Babylonians, cause it seemed I was honour bound to protect the Iriquois when the English attacked them, and the game was about to forceably end, and I hadn't done anything spectacular. So I started an Egyptians game, where the Zulus and were stuck in North and South America, which mystified me. And then, I told myself I would do my lab homework when they discovered magnetism (electricity was a long time coming). Eventually I gave up. Still. It's a bit more pathetic than making your SimChild study for school when you ought to be doing homework yourself. _
12:00:07 PM, Wednesday 27 March 2002

I couldn't fall asleep last night. I fell asleep close to 3. I just lay there in bed, not falling asleep. I was exhausted when I would leave my room, but when I was in my room, and particularly in my bed, I couldn't fall asleep. At 2:45 I realized it was very warm in my room, and cold in the hall, and I was much more tired in the hall, so i opened my window and hoped that would help. It did. I still have a 9 o'clock lab to go to now, so I barely got any sleep. _
08:50:50 AM, Wednesday 27 March 2002

Why do people always get depressed in April around here? It makes me begin to think that Eliot might've been right. _
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03:41:59 PM, Tuesday 26 March 2002

This paper has made me exhausted. I am so tired I am going to let not reread Phaedra and go back to sleep and get up, take a shower and go to lunch. _
10:28:13 AM, Tuesday 26 March 2002

My friend Lyndsay, well meaning, sent me a chain letter to sign and pass on to try to stop rainforest destruction in Brazil. Apparently their government recently voted to do major chopping down to grow cows (PEOPLE! The land in the rainforest SUCKS without the life of the rainforest there to continually replenish this! When will you learn this?!). Like, they are planning (according to this letter) to chop down a part of the Amazon that is larger than Portugal. This depresses me immensely. And yet I know that the chain letter isn't going to do anything other than upset me and other people like me. Rrrr. I hate it when people do this. (Interestingly, when I was scanning through the letter, i don't know why I was scanning through the "signatures", but I thought I saw Anne Needham. I didn't, but I did see a bunch of other Needhams.) _
12:20:47 AM, Tuesday 26 March 2002

I am happy with my essay. I think it is a good essay. I hope my tutors think it's a good essay. Mr. Kalkavage asked me if I drew the cool sketch I found on a Terry Gilliam page while I was looking for news about the Good Omens movie and also about his Don Quixote movie (the Don Quixote movie failed miserably due to nasty nasty sickness on the actor they had playing Don Quixote; Good Omens is $15million short) and stuck on my cover page. Happy happy happy. _
12:17:06 AM, Tuesday 26 March 2002

It looks like this is just about the end of my black printer cartridge. And I had to go find a neighbour with printer paper, cause I ran out. _
07:49:16 PM, Monday 25 March 2002

4825. Go me. _
07:45:17 PM, Monday 25 March 2002

Bunnies upstairs. Rrr. I wish they would stop, or go to her apartment. Until this year, there was never anyone living above me, so this is a relatively new experience for me. _
04:28:43 PM, Monday 25 March 2002

People should not edit other's essays who are writing on the same topic they are. Although I will ask Christina to edit my essay, and I just read over hers. _
02:30:03 PM, Monday 25 March 2002

And suddenly, you are writing on Don Quixote, and "To dream the impossible dream" pops into your head. Granted, you only saw the musical once, and that was a long time ago, but the music is quite familiar as both of the unicorn music boxes you have play the song. So all you really know is "to dream the impossible dream" and after that you sort of go, um..."to feel the impossible feeling? No, that seems silly." And so you search. And find the right lyrics. And blog about it, and go back to your essay. _
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01:57:15 PM, Monday 25 March 2002

Why do I look so much more like a kid when I wear my hair in two braids? Is it just cause I wore my hair in two braids all the time when I was a kid? That always seemed like the logical solution, until over Spring Break I was at a grocery store, buying stuff with which to make dacquiris, and the woman behind the counter nearly carded me. I wasn't even buying the rum there. Just the frozen stuff they sell at every grocery store. The guy at the liquor store did card me, but then they always do. And he didn't look at me like he thought I was sixteen. My sister pointed out when I got home and was all upset by the woman at the grocery store that I had my hair in braids that were being held in by pieces of yarn. _
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01:23:46 PM, Monday 25 March 2002

Quixana is not the same as Quixada. _
11:00:11 AM, Monday 25 March 2002

I want my last thousand words to write themselves. _
02:24:38 AM, Monday 25 March 2002

I have Word set to turn DQ into Don Quixote. Hopefully if I ever write memoirs of my Dairy Queen experience this summer in Word, I will remember that and change it. _
01:47:06 AM, Monday 25 March 2002

I would've liked very much to see Terry Gilliam's Don Quixote movie. Especially now that I am writing about it. _
01:28:10 AM, Monday 25 March 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum