Tori's Bloglet

Yay! Hooray! A Beautiful Mind won! And of the four of the five I saw, it really did deserve it. _
01:04:01 AM, Monday 25 March 2002

I just logged into whorfin, mostly cause my moues went to "bettertelnet" instead of "calculator" (they're right next to each other). Bu I logged in to make sure no mail was going there anymore. And apparently it thinks I blogged. Anyway, now I did. In case you were confused. _
12:36:06 AM, Monday 25 March 2002

Christina, over AIM, after I just said the thing about becoming a knight-errant to her: "i'm getting near the point where i believe that all worlds written about in books really do exist in this world, but we just don't notice it. little bo peep is walking around somewhere, talking to an alien about the latest presidential election" _
04:32:25 PM, Sunday 24 March 2002

I'm beginning to think that maybe at the end of this, I'm going to decide I'm a knight-errant and run around and try to fight windmills and other strange things. _
04:29:44 PM, Sunday 24 March 2002

There is a sign on the door to our bathroom saying to call the coffeeshop for their essay night special, get a large pizza and two cans of soda for $6.50. I find this amusing, because I'm fairly sure that is the price of a large pizza and two cans of soda from the coffeeshop. _
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03:24:26 PM, Sunday 24 March 2002

I love Suzanne Vega. Thanks to Tracy who reminded me how much I think she's awesome and made me decide to listen to her right now. _
03:00:00 PM, Sunday 24 March 2002

My rainbows make me so happy. They make my room so pretty and happy looking. Over the summer, they would show up for the hour around sunset, and float around the room, and land on our ugly carpet and our ugly wall and our ugly couch. I still thought they were pretty. They helped make the ugliness less ugly. And they still made me happy. _
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02:00:30 PM, Sunday 24 March 2002

It turned out to be the worst episode I've ever seen. And Tom Baker was on screen for all of like three seconds, and he was unconcious. _
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02:26:24 AM, Sunday 24 March 2002

Happy birthday, Cassie! Be happy! _
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02:25:17 AM, Sunday 24 March 2002

The dining hall was feeling unfriendly towards vegetarians tonight, as they usually are, and so I ate a small bowl of cornflakes (it was small because the only cornflakes they had were in those little boxes, and that was the only cereal I was finding appealling) and carrots with balsamic vinegar on it. Balsamic vinegar my second favourite vinegar after ume plum vinegar. (I've never eaten fancy special vinegars like champagne vinegar.) Mr. Ting and I were wondering at lunch what it is they do to the grapes to turn them into balsamic vinegar rather than just normal red wine vinegar. I think they might boil of water or something. Anyway. So then I came back to my room, and stared at my computer. And eventually I decided that I was getting no work done on my paper that way, and so I sat on my bed and reread the various versions of my paper I have around my room that are marked up by my language tutor and the notes I wrote, and I wrote more notes, and then I realized I was still hungry, so I ate microwave Annie's macaroni and cheese, which is quite good, just not as good as her Shells and Cheddar, which you cook on the stove, drank a fairly good ginger beer, although it was a bit too sweet for my tastes (Reed's ginger brew is my favourite, it just isn't as strong as it used to be) and finished Another Roadside Attraction. Even though Amanda was rather happy at the end, I was disappointed. I quite liked all of them. _
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10:38:07 PM, Saturday 23 March 2002

"I would your worship would take notice, replied Sancho, that those you see yonder are no giants, but wind-mills; and what seem arms to you, are sails; which being turned with the wind, make the mill-stone work."
Look at those commas. And the way the quotation marks are set up. Crazy. The bane of elementary schools. (The only thing her teachers ever had the nerve to upbraid her for was her spelling which was not so much atrotious as 300 years too late.) _
10:31:27 PM, Saturday 23 March 2002

John Pertwee will regenerate into Tom Baker tonight. Unless I got the third doctor's name wrong. But Tom Baker is coming back! _
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08:47:07 PM, Saturday 23 March 2002

"Jesus: Hey, Dad.
God: Yes, son?
Jesus: Wester Civilization follwed me home this morning. Can I keep it?
God: Certainly not, boy. And put it down this instant. You don't know where it's been."
--Another Roadside Attraction, Tom Robbins _
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08:46:27 PM, Saturday 23 March 2002

On the imdb, in their upcoming vidoes section, it says that the first season of Star Trek the Next Generation will be out on DVD soon. I think it would be cool. Especially since that probably means the rest of the seasons will follow. _
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06:56:48 PM, Saturday 23 March 2002

There is a Calvin and Hobbes where Calvin has to write something for class. He and Hobbes are sitting in their sandbox, the thing is due the next day, and Hobbes says "don't you think you should go work on your story?" and Calvin says "I'm waiting for the right mood to hit me." "What mood would that be?" "Last minute panic." That must be what I'm waiting for, too. _
06:49:51 PM, Saturday 23 March 2002

I want to sit here and alternate between playing Civ III and finishing Another Roadside Attraction (and maybe move onto Jitterbug Perfume, but the last time I tried to read two Tom Robbins books back to back my brain balked and I stopped, so maybe read Rousseau instead) while my paper finishes itself. _
01:05:40 PM, Saturday 23 March 2002

I thought it was a wonderful lecture. I didn't think that the arguments were too jumpy, but then I think jumpily, and so it all made perfect sense to me. I was very happy when the lecturer said that the audience of Antony and Cleopatra almost doubtlessly thought of Queen Elizabeth in comparsion to Cleopatra, cause I tried to say that in my language class last year and a certain bitch jumped down my throat (Mr. Allanbrook thought it was cool, and a good comparison and that sort of stuff, but she didn't). And it was funny. And it reminded me that at heart I really am a Classics person. _
01:32:34 AM, Saturday 23 March 2002

There's a prospective GI who is working at the New School in Deleware who visited my old school. I think it's very cool. _
07:20:30 PM, Friday 22 March 2002

Amusing tidbit of paper information: I am on page 3 of 7, at inch 3.7. (I wrote a short paper for language class about what I want to do my essay on back in September, and so I had a 5 page thing already.) _
02:18:24 PM, Friday 22 March 2002

I can understand Mr. Ting's late late essay last year now. I just don't have the guts to do that myself. _
01:58:18 PM, Friday 22 March 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum