Tori's Bloglet

Getting email that I want to save off of whorfin, cause they are shutting it down. _
01:36:35 PM, Tuesday 19 March 2002

Wegmans, it turns out, has a website. You can do online grocery shopping. Weird o. But I can't find my pillow, which makes me sad. _
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10:07:30 AM, Tuesday 19 March 2002

I burnt my awesome microwave pillow last night. In the microwave. I'd thought that maybe my microwave just burns popcorn or something, cause water and macaroni and cheese always seem to be fine. But it burnt a hole in my pillow, and it smells like burnt popcorn and lavendar at the same time. It makes me so so sad. I cried. I emailed my mom to ask her if she would ask her parents to buy me a new one (we bought the pillow at a this grocery store called Wegman's when we were visiting my uncle for his 40th birthday, and we don't have a Wegman's where we live, but there is one where my grandparent are living). And I emailed Johanna to see if she's managed to lacate the tray for my microwave. SHE brought my microwave back to PA when we left North Carolina, and when I left North Carolina a week before her, the tray was still there. _
respond? (7)
09:43:14 AM, Tuesday 19 March 2002

My mom and my brother attempted over break to tell me about this stove they saw while they were in Sweden which is a magnetic stove. You need special pots and pans, but it cooks things remarkably quickly. Like, a pot of water will boil in less than a minute, I think they said. And you can put a piece of paper between the pot and the "burner" and the paper will be cold. It sounds crazy to me. Has anyone heard of this sort of stove, and anything about it? _
01:49:01 AM, Tuesday 19 March 2002

I had this totally awesome experience this afternoon when I found that someone had removed all the CD's from the car's CD changer. I turned on the radio to my favourite radio station, and there was Joan Baez singing The Band Played Waltzing Matilda, and it was all cool and that, and then Dar Williams was there too, and they were interviewing them both and they sang a duet and I was all happy until the radio station disappeared.
Oh, yeah, I'm back at SJC now. _
respond? (7)
07:13:30 PM, Monday 18 March 2002

The worst part about this fiasco that went down with the satelite modem is not that the thing doesn work, cause that wouldn't be all that terribly, but that the attempt to install the software for the modems seems to have broken Windows. _
01:53:37 PM, Monday 18 March 2002

So tonight we were all going to go out for Indian food, which I was all excited about. We had lost the wooses (my sister and William) and it was so exciting. But instead we wound up going to a wonderful Italian place. It was loads of fun, actually. Except that somehow I wound up sitting at the end of the table where there were grownups talking about business. Dinner was lovely, and the bread they served us was amazing. My mom and I shared a coffee with amarretto and kahlua and irish cream for dessert, and we tasted a bit of everyone else's everything, which was fun. Dinner was lovely; I got a pizza, which everyone made fun of me for, but it had four cheeses (asiago and fresh mozerralla and ricotta and romano) and kalamata olives, which was lovely. And the service was amazing. _
10:35:48 PM, Saturday 16 March 2002

So, last night we were watching Sliding Doors. And we saw a preview for Star Trek Insurrection, and my mom decided we should rent it and watch it tonight. I have this feeling we won't, but that's not the point. The point is, Data looked much paler and his eyes looked much yellower than I remembered them looking. So the question is, are these observations true of the movie, or did I just watch Star Trek with exceptionally bad reception on a TV with colour problems and at tha have I not watched it for more than a year? _
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03:43:23 PM, Saturday 16 March 2002

Hearing covers of songs you know rather well is a really strange experience.

Also, our dogs are really really amazingly dirty. _
09:42:55 AM, Friday 15 March 2002

I am very much too tired. I keep getting up early, earlier than I ever get upat St. John's. Today I went to school (my old school, right, sorry) to cook Ethiopian food, or help, which I did, and it was fun, and I stood there very very tired looking like I was going to fall over drinking my tea, so a very nice young man made me espresso, which was lovely (much nicer than the stuff I drank yesterday at the bagel shop), but I was still exhausted. But the Ethiopian food was yummy, even if the bread was drier than it ought to have been. _
11:42:11 PM, Wednesday 13 March 2002

I have been listening to NPR. My favourite radio station will start playing nasty stuff that's too twangy for my general tastes. It's very odd, this listening to NPR thing. I was voluntarily listening to All Things Considered yesterday, whcih I have never ever done before, or at least not before I cam ehome for this particular break. But I was quite enjoying it. Which was odd. I think I'm growin gup. _
11:13:46 PM, Wednesday 13 March 2002

So, whien I blog right now, even though no one can see it, where does it go? Does it in fact go anywhere? I've been assuming that it will be there when we get back to SJC, but is that right? And if it is going somewhere, why can't we see it? _
10:10:45 PM, Tuesday 12 March 2002

This is kind of pathetic, but I think I liked Heather Nova better when she was depressed and singing about bad relationships than when she's singing about beinghappy with her life. _
06:42:18 PM, Tuesday 12 March 2002

I wanted to buy ice cream from them, cause I felt kind of bad just running in a nd asking how to get to the mall, but I had no money, or rather I had about a dollar in coins, but I also needed to buy gas at some point, at least enough to get home, and a dollar is frankly not going to get you ice cream. Besides which I miss Dairy Queen ice cream. _
06:37:19 PM, Tuesday 12 March 2002

Today I went off to my old school to pick up William cause I'd promised to watch him this afternoon but I also had a doctor's appointment, so he needed to be at school until I could take care of him. So I was driving up to TCS, and the highway got all backed up, but that was fine, I thought, cause I was at an exit. So I got off at the exit, thinking that I knew how to get to school from inside the city. It turns out that I know how to get to school from any of the exits off 83 while remaining in the city EXCEPT for the one I got off at. I wound up drng down the road, quite lost, trying to find the road I was supposed to be on, and eventually I had to turn cause I came to a T and there were all these foreign food stores which didn't even have English on the signs. And so I almost crie,d and then I turned around and went back to the Dairy Queend I'd passed before I got to all the weird food stores, and I went in and I asked them how to get to the mall right by school, and they told me. _
06:32:38 PM, Tuesday 12 March 2002

I like putting Willaim to bed cause it means I get to read to him. All the other stuff, the getting him to brush his teath, sucks cause he doesn't want to do it, cause, well, he doesn't want to go to sleep. But he likes to be read to, and I have fun reading to him. Tonight I started reading him Mary Poppins. It was loads of fun. _
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08:01:23 PM, Monday 11 March 2002

We just keep eating totally yummy food. Tonight we ate this garlic baby tiny red potatoes baked in parchment paper and we had some more baked tofu, and this chard and spinach thing my mom whipped up with pine nuts. Yum yum. Then as a sort of dessert my mom and I ate the last two bananas with the Happy Cream stuff Peg e bought from the nice Bosnian man at his import store. It's nutella on one side of the jar and this stuff that's like nutella without the chocolate on the other. It was so yummy.
The croissonts weren't nearly as good this morning as they were when they were fresh out of the oven, but then, very few things are. _
07:13:52 PM, Monday 11 March 2002

25 hours. It took us 25 hours to make the croissonts. And we still have half the dough in the freezer. _
10:29:48 AM, Monday 11 March 2002

Last night for the first time in the years and years that I've been eating steamed artichokes, I actually choked on the nasty shark tiny leaves right around the heart, which I've never done before. My stepbrother Zeb was convinced for a very long time that you couldn't eat the heart of an artichoke cause it would choke you or poison your or something. This made us happy, cause it meant more for us. My stepbrother Jyles explained to us last night that he had once eaten the stem of an artichoke, and that might've had something to do with it. Or else it was just that Zeb is silly. Last night's dinner was lovely with artichokes and baked tofu that had been soaking in yummy salad dressing and sauteed asparagus and zucchinnis and this artichoke-parsley angel hair I'd picked out at the Ithaca Co-Op when we were there. Yum yum. Tonight we ate pizza, which was very cool, but not nearly as exciting. And my sister grilled pineapple and my brother made pina coladas. Without the rum on the side, cause he's a kid. _
10:51:16 PM, Sunday 10 March 2002

Use an iMac keyboard long enough, and the "normal" keyboard your family has makes you very confused. _
10:48:33 PM, Sunday 10 March 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum