Tori's Bloglet

Dinner with Destruction would be a cool title for something. Except a self-help book, where it would sound like Dance of Anger, or whatever. The same thing holds true for the rest of the Endless, although Dinner with Desire sounds like a romance novle of sorts. _
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11:58:37 PM, Wednesday 7 November 2001

Don't anyone who has read all the Sandman tell Cassie who the funeral at the end of World's End is for. Let her worry about it those of us who read the end in comic book form did. _
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11:45:58 PM, Wednesday 7 November 2001

I dyed my hair. _
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08:41:28 PM, Wednesday 7 November 2001

It's not about suicide, it's about cutting yourself, generally across the wrist as the people I have known have done it, to rid yourself of something, and to see yourself bleed. _
respond? (7)
07:23:54 PM, Wednesday 7 November 2001

Straight Lines, Suzanne Vega ŌthereÕs a sound / across the alley / of cold meta / touching skin // and you can see / if you look in her window / that she has gone and cut / her hair again // in straight lines / straight lines // those soft golden lights in the morning / are no on her wooden floor / the wind has swept them through the apartment / she wonÕt need them any more / any more / any more... // sheÕs cut down / on her lovers / but she still dreams / of them at night // sheÕs growing straight lines / where once were flowers / she is streamlined / she is taking the shade down / from the light // to see the straight lines / straight lines // she wants to cut through the circles / that she has lived in before / she wants to finally kill the delusions / she wonÕt need them / anymore /any more / any more... // but thereÕs a sound / across the alley / of cold metal / too close to the bone // and you can see / if you look in her window / the face of a woman / finally alone // behind straight lines" _
07:23:05 PM, Wednesday 7 November 2001

I want a milkshake. This is odd. I hated milkshakes this summer, but that was mostly because they seemed to wind up on my face or in my hair, or at any ratstickying and it was nasty. I would occasionally drink one, though, and think, yum, and then I would go around complaining about too much dairy. But still, I want a milkshake with the nasty scary mint syrup they have at Dairy Queens so very badly. _
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07:12:46 PM, Wednesday 7 November 2001

I think we should give up on the Poulenc, admit that whatever we may like to try to do with it, it will sound shitty, and sing more Mozart. In particular, I think we should sing the confutatus maledictus bit. _
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10:42:52 PM, Tuesday 6 November 2001

Should I dye my hair red? _
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03:34:17 PM, Tuesday 6 November 2001

I figured out how to do some of the math problems for my homework all by myself and I got the right answer! _
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10:48:36 AM, Tuesday 6 November 2001

One thing must be said for Amazon/Borders is that each of the two times I've ordered something from them, it came almost immediately. _
06:51:10 PM, Monday 5 November 2001

I have never had a dream wherein I flew. Perhaps this is why I wish I could fly so much. _
06:50:47 PM, Monday 5 November 2001

I had the experience earlier today where I was listening to this song I've heard tons of times before, and suddenly I had this flash that at least part of it is about cutting yourself (or the singer cutting themself, or at least the character in the song who may or may not be the singer cutting themself). _
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04:19:13 PM, Monday 5 November 2001

The books Mr. David ordered for our precept still aren't in. _
01:18:19 PM, Monday 5 November 2001

I would just like to once again state that I am mad at the Waltz Committee and I think they are a bunch of pretentious snobs. _
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01:14:53 AM, Sunday 4 November 2001

I have heard this theory that all rock concerts start off with five songs off the new album. Well, Ms. Vega last night walked on stage said "wow, this is intimate. This first song is called 'Marlene on the Wall'." I twas lovely and great. _
10:26:27 PM, Saturday 3 November 2001

I want Ozy's dad. _
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10:15:07 AM, Saturday 3 November 2001

If anyone else was a little concerned when they went to and found it to be Amazon, they have not merged, they just have a deal set up for internet stuff. _
09:51:36 AM, Saturday 3 November 2001

The problem with going to a concert is that you come home and you go, wow, I want to hear more...and so you put on a CD, and it sucks compared to the concert. _
01:23:04 AM, Saturday 3 November 2001

I tried very hard in my French paper no to talk about an accountant who got bored with his job and decided he wanted to be a lion tamer. _
04:20:19 PM, Friday 2 November 2001

I have Ozy and Millie on my door. _
respond? (3)
10:38:03 AM, Friday 2 November 2001

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