1bit gwent
07:13:03 PM, Thursday 9 September 2010


Derby is Concerned
07:12:28 PM, Thursday 9 September 2010


scratching post
Some approaches, while initially promising, don't get you to the summit. _
07:11:14 PM, Thursday 9 September 2010


bent dumfries
07:10:18 PM, Thursday 9 September 2010


self marketing kittens
If I didn't need to find someone to adopt these in a couple weeks, I'd feel bad about this photo. _
07:07:30 PM, Thursday 9 September 2010


Radiating competence and being competent are two different skills, but radiating competence is easier if you have it.  It's the gifted people who radiate competence they lack that are so dangerous to projects. _
04:02:24 PM, Wednesday 8 September 2010


I'm still in act I, but so far, the thing about Birth of a Nation that upends my worldview the most is that it's a seriously meant anti-war movie.  I'm so used to lost causers being military geeks.

I should actually watch the bulk of the movie before really discussing it.   I am looking forward to getting through it so I can watch Intolerance, which sounds like it'll be a lot easier to take. _
03:08:30 PM, Wednesday 8 September 2010


On the way back from South Station, we took a wrong turn and ended up crossing the Tobin Bridge and getting lost in Chelsea, getting back on the bridge back the other way, missing a turn and ending up getting lost in Charlestown. Since earlier we'd got lost in Revere, it sort of completed our tour of Industrial Boston. It could be worse though. At least they put signs up after the lane splits telling you which way you should have gone, so you know immediately that you're doomed. _
03:08:10 PM, Wednesday 8 September 2010


Fidel Castro talks to Jeffrey Goldberg.  Really, you'll like it.  

At another point, he showed us a series of recent photographs taken of him, one of which portrayed him with a fierce expression. "This was how my face looked when I was angry with Khruschev," he said.

respond? (2)
08:33:28 PM, Tuesday 7 September 2010


The art of hatwearing may have reached it's height with Lillian Gish. _
07:09:12 PM, Tuesday 7 September 2010


The thing I find most annoying about Sarah Palin is all the casual misogyny her political career has brought out of the the internet left.  There are other things too, of course. _
respond? (1)
06:21:19 PM, Tuesday 7 September 2010


Ah! The 70' speedboat doing donuts in the Boston harbor is Codzilla. I had vaguely heard commercials for it and had no idea what they were on about. I suppose giant speedboats are less appalling if they have a hundred people on them, but it's worth noting that a boat custom built for 40 minute cruises has a 2000 gallon fuel tank. _
02:17:19 PM, Tuesday 7 September 2010


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