swallow feeding
Cliff Swallow mud nests under Lee's Bridge. Some of them looked just about ready to jump. _
11:15:27 AM, Wednesday 7 July 2010


neglected to chew
This is a great blue heron that has just eaten a rather large fish, and has it halfway down. _
02:42:16 PM, Tuesday 6 July 2010


lilypad attack
The river was low, and so a lot of lilypads were beached. This heron was very close to the popular boat launch, and followed us for a bit. I think it was actually using the paddlers to help flush out the fish. _
respond? (1)
02:41:29 PM, Tuesday 6 July 2010


Ah well.  So much for making it through the summer without air conditioning.  One really warm night is entirely managable, by strategic opening and closings of windows, it's possible to make a little bit of cold air last a couple days.  But 3 nights in the high 70's are too much, particularly if they're like last night, with no wind.  With the house already at 83 in the morning, it would have been problematic today.  I wish it was just a little bit easier to put in and take out.  I hate having it there blocking the window in nice weather.  I need a cart for it.   _
respond? (15)
02:36:16 PM, Tuesday 6 July 2010


the mandatory lilypad photo.Went kayaking on the Sudbury River in Lincoln today. Saw herons, swallows, swallow nests, a muskrat, hawks, ducks, ducklings, blackbirds, killdeer, small children and a dog in a life jacket. _
respond? (1)
03:29:06 PM, Monday 5 July 2010


 I am attempting to make pulled pork.  I am not sure running a smoker for 6 hours on a 1/10th of an acre is exactly kind to the neighbors, but hopefully they'll like the smell.   I suppose if anyone complains I can offer them some. _
respond? (1)
01:53:08 PM, Monday 5 July 2010


 Err, Moss?  When you get chance, can you remove the image from my title?  We turned off our webhosting, and now I have no photo to link to. _
respond? (1)
11:03:48 AM, Saturday 3 July 2010


 I just called Verizon to cancel the TV portion of my service, which would have saved me $50 dollars a month.  It isn't worthless to me, but it isn't worth that much.  They ended up giving me $30 a month for 12 months to keep it.  I'm pretty sure this is evidence of a market failure of some kind.   _
respond? (2)
04:07:46 PM, Friday 2 July 2010



 Choose your own reality: reposted from the Town list, without permission or attribution.


Never Ever use Snopes ..  run by two far left wingers, with an agenda,  sorry but

No thanks.


respond? (4)
12:40:13 PM, Friday 2 July 2010


 The meaning of visionary, illustrated. _
respond? (2)
10:32:13 AM, Friday 2 July 2010


*facepalm*  Local stupidity graduates from town list flamewar to Fox's 5 minute hate of the day. The media/internet is like a gigantic stupidity magnification system. _
respond? (8)
03:13:25 PM, Wednesday 30 June 2010


 The future now contains vacations!  Much better. _
02:48:01 PM, Wednesday 30 June 2010


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