As we were going into the kittenery, as the small bedroom is now known, Atari was sitting on the landing where the mother could see him.  She ceased nursing and shot out the door, snorting and hissing, and chased him into the basement: I managed to get down there before she worked out the cat door.  He has shown no further interest in trying to get in there, and when he crosses the landing, he does so at a trot.   So that seems to have sorted itself out. _
07:55:56 PM, Sunday 21 March 2010


Kittens!  6 of 'em.  They can barely walk and are little squeaking cutebombs. _
06:24:30 PM, Sunday 21 March 2010


If all goes to plan, any minute now we will be providing temporary lodging to five five-week old kittens and their mother.   _
04:27:38 PM, Sunday 21 March 2010


 Bushes have a surprising number of roots and aggressively resist being dug up. _
respond? (7)
06:52:58 PM, Friday 19 March 2010


I am excited about this.   HHS is trying to build a all-payer database for outcomes research.  They're the only ones who can.  In general, consumer protection is an obligation of the government, and the criminal justice system isn't the best way to do it. _
10:27:15 AM, Friday 19 March 2010


The word is hired!  Not onboarded!  We're talking about people, not shipping containers! _
respond? (5)
12:51:08 PM, Thursday 18 March 2010


I am wearing a shirt that I have had for about 10 years.  It has a large tear in the elbow, that I managed to make it almost to lunchtime without noticing.  I guess it's time for another round of shirt-shopping. _
11:13:03 AM, Thursday 18 March 2010


American democracy in action!  Okay, action may be the wrong word, but it's nice to see a full list of ditherers. Sorting by percent uninsured is interesting, particularly for smug Massachusetts residents.

respond? (3)
02:13:59 PM, Wednesday 17 March 2010


Fallows on how to think about Chinese monetary policy. I am linking to this because a) it's interesting. b) I double posted and have to put something here and c) Because it's an excuse to link to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, and Reed Smoot in general, the only apostle ever to serve in the senate. Smoot-Smoot-Smoot! _
02:13:29 PM, Wednesday 17 March 2010


 This basement flooding thing is fascinating.  Water continues to flood in, days after the rain stopped, even though we aren't all that far from the top of the hill.  However, we are on a ridge, and our basement is extremely close to the granite bedrock.  So we are more or less in the middle of an aquifer at the moment.  And, If I think about it, there is a lot of soil on this hill: the ballfield a block from our house is above us, and is a giant pool of water at the moment, with no above-ground way to drain.  So it must all be working it's way through the soil.  The notion that water can move so slowly, that there can be enough water pressure in dirt to fill our sump pit every 90 seconds, and that the pressure can last for days and days and days, is sort of boggling.  There's life underground. Contour maps are superficial. _
respond? (3)
12:42:58 PM, Wednesday 17 March 2010


 The thing I forget when I go through an unproductive spell is that I also go through massively productive spells.  I'd be happier if I could avoid the unproductive bits, but I'm not sure it's feasible.   _
12:16:50 PM, Wednesday 17 March 2010


 They miss me over in my old area of the cubicle farm.  Not because they ever spoke to me, mind.  Because I sat under a motion sensor that kept the lights on.   _
11:39:55 AM, Wednesday 17 March 2010


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