We have cheesemaking supplies! _
11:39:14 AM, Sunday 27 September 2009


This is a heck of a photograph.  (Via Sullivan) _
02:08:32 PM, Friday 25 September 2009


It looks like I'll probably be voting for him, but this email from Mr. Capuano  irritates me.  

1) should Day One ever arrive, he will fight for me.  

2)He appears to be campaigning on a platform made entirely of pork.  Pork and belligerence. 

3) He posts the same link 3 times.

For the past 50 years we have had a fighter in the Senate, working tirelessly for progressive causes. With the loss of our beloved Senator Kennedy, we must find someone who can continue his work for the Commonwealth and for the country, someone who is ready to fight for you on day one. 

I believe I am that person. 

Please stand with me and my campaign. Sign up today to ensure we send a strong voice to the Senate ready to fight for you! 


No other candidate in this race has a record that is closer to Ted Kennedy's positions on the most critical issues facing our nation and our state - issues of war and peace, jobs and the economy, justice and equality, and a strong public health care option. 

In this tough economy - and in the absence of Ted Kennedy's clout in the Senate - this is no time to send a newcomer to Washington for on-the-job training. I've done the job of securing record federal funding for our roads and transit systems, and I will continue to secure the funding we need for our vital health care, research, bio-tech and other job-creating industries. 

Join our campaign today to ensure we send a Senator to Washington with the experience and tenacity to get things done. 


The support we have received so far has been overwhelming and I am grateful for it, but we have a long path ahead of us. 

I respectfully ask you to join my campaign today and help send me to the Senate so I can continue fighting for you, as I have done in the House of Representatives. 


I thank you for your consideration and I respectfully ask for your support. 


Mike Capuano
respond? (7)
02:57:00 PM, Thursday 24 September 2009


This makes me feel queasily claustrophobic. Also, immersing your brand new camera in water is a serious act of faith. _
respond? (4)
08:02:45 PM, Tuesday 22 September 2009


 "What is the best thing to do with broccoli?"

"Dioramas." _
07:20:37 PM, Tuesday 22 September 2009


Okay, so let's say you had destroyed your last 3 cameras, 2 in water, 1 by dropping from a height.  So you buy a waterproof, shockproof camera, which comes with one of those stickers you have to tear, agreeing that if you use it underwater without following the instructions they will not be liable, do you:


a) treat it the same way you treated all the previous ones, thankful that it's more likely to survive
b) start taking portraits of your fish? _
06:55:17 PM, Tuesday 22 September 2009


If I had any point below, it was that being a professional novelist doesn't mean you know how to write well.  It means you know how to get paid to write, and the publishing industry has created a certain sort of writing that it knows how to sell, and this has led to pressures that create smooth industrial prose.  A novelist is insulated from their audience by 3 layers:  first, they have to write what a publisher thinks it can sell, then it has to be something a bookshop will stock, and then finally, just because someone buys it, doesn't mean they'll enjoy it.   I've been in many bookstores, and I'm pretty sure I've never come out with the book that would make me happiest.   So the idea that someone who managed to make a living in the booktrade would have anything useful to tell someone who can make me eager for the next supreme court hearing bugs me.  But it's mostly that it was just resentful, striving for authority, and flailing for any stick.  There seems to be a notion that it's unseemly for a journalist to write a novel.  This is specialization at it's craziest. _
06:49:36 PM, Tuesday 22 September 2009


I'm entirely enjoying Dahlia Lithwick's vacation project.   It is bad in many expected ways, but it's a collection of lighthearted Lithwick sentences, so I am content.  But alas, something is wrong on the internet.  What sort of ninny runs a word count on an online story and sniffs, that's not a novel?  This sort!  You'd think such a self-professed professional writer could manage her tone better.  Unless she was trying to sound snooty and huffy at the same time.


Along similar lines: Kinsley on umbrage

 "No matter how important or otherwise the underlying issue may be, it seems that about three-quarters of American politics can now be distilled down to "How dare you say that!" Taking offense at someone else's possibly over-vigorous exercise of free speech, demanding an apology and so on has replaced much serious discussion about, oh, health care, the financial crisis, Iraq, Afghanistan, stuff like that. Umbrage is so much easier: You can do it in your sleep, or on talk radio."

Yes, I enjoy Kinsley for the same reason that enjoy online chicklit novels.  This may be a good reason not to take me seriously.   _
05:50:59 PM, Tuesday 22 September 2009


Othello scandal!

"The French have suspected that Bintsa was cheating in tournaments since 2008 and they claim they finally caught him. Apparently, he was at the table with a PDA attached to his leg underneath his pants and by stretching the fabric of the pants he could see the screen. When they caught him the PDA had a position that matched that of the game in progress on the screen. They claim he has admitted to cheating in several tournaments since the French Championships in 2008 (though not in all games). My understanding is that the French kicked him out of the tournament and have put in place a 3 year ban on his participation in French tournaments. Bintsa has been given the opportunity to respond to the allegations and has declined." _
09:02:47 AM, Tuesday 22 September 2009


Dazzle Camouflage . I really want to paint my car like this. _
10:32:27 PM, Saturday 19 September 2009


Also, if you're ever in Provincetown, they have the best Army-Navy surplus store ever I now have a soviet winter hat.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to remove the pin before wearing it in public.  _
05:12:35 PM, Saturday 19 September 2009


respond? (3)
12:37:55 PM, Saturday 19 September 2009


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