Tom Daschle becames an important if distant figure in my worklife. Who will head CMS? _
03:30:08 PM, Wednesday 19 November 2008


 Somehow, turmoil at work makes me feel calmer, because it is no longer lurking. _
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12:37:04 PM, Wednesday 19 November 2008


Dahlia Lithwick reviews Lawrence Tribe's The Invisible Constitution, a book I wouldn't read on a bet. (I've read some essays, and the man is a pontificater of the first water). I have no problem with the fundamental notion: indeed, a large amount of the constitution of the US is not in the Constitution, and admitting this is a good start, and a large amount of what is unwritten are important human and civil rights. I just wish, and I realize this is impractical, that we could write it down somewhere, like, say, in a Constitution. Having important parts of the constitution unwritten is rather like not having a Constitution at all. Scalia says he doesn't want to be a Philosopher King, and I wholeheartedly concur, Magna Carta a good idea, etc, etc. _
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03:18:51 PM, Monday 17 November 2008


And now an entry for two of our occasional series, great american eccentrics, and people with appropriate last names, we bring you George Francis Train, aka Citizen Train: born in Boston, arrested for 'breaking and injuring' a london street by laying rails for a tramway, made a fortune around the Union Pacific railway, inspiration for Phileas Fogg, sympathized with Australian Chartists, helped fund Susan B. Anthony's The Revolution, ran for President, and later, Dictator, and late in life only spoke to children and animals.

A letter to the editor of the Times about a late Citizen Train candidacy, notable for it's use of the word 'gonfalon'.

An account of his skipping rope in Madison Square Park, also from the times archive. Note the emphasis on his lack of a hat. _
02:08:18 PM, Monday 17 November 2008


 One Theresa Button keeps trying to reset my google password, ordering things and putting in my email, and generally acting like she thinks she signed up for my address.  It's rather irritating. _
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08:32:02 AM, Monday 17 November 2008


If the coffee is awful, and the waitress asks how it is, what do you do? _
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07:16:15 PM, Saturday 15 November 2008


Find Toto: Disreputable and shady, while hiding behind puppies, or a useful innovation? I think it offends me less than, say, political robocalls. _
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07:14:55 PM, Saturday 15 November 2008


 Back on weightwatchers, after proving again that randomized food guilt is less effective.  Erika says randomized food guilt has the same drawbacks as kicking puppies: they don't draw the right conclusions.  The other insight to be gleaned from weightwatchers, is that they give you a minimum, and you try to not go too far over, rather than a maximum.  Several days this week I've eaten more than I otherwise would.    _
08:15:38 PM, Wednesday 12 November 2008


If the election was a game of Go, and the republicans captured Colorado, New Mexico (only one eye) and Florida, that's only 42 EC votes, so the Democrats are still fine.   _
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11:37:15 AM, Tuesday 11 November 2008


That the dynamic that means the dumbest person in the room gets quoted in the papers? Also holds true for rooms full of catholic bishops. (Trying to be open minded, but it hurts! There is something, god help me, unamerican about the unrepentant belief parts of the catholic heirarchy has in political answers to religious questions.) _
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11:37:13 AM, Tuesday 11 November 2008


Thoughts upon a balsa popsicle stick:  One of the things science fiction is going to be very wrong about is the death of natural material: wood being an extravagence, etc.  With genetic engineering, naturalish materials will push back on plastics.   We were farmers and herders long before we were chemists, it's just a better solution. _
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05:55:37 PM, Monday 10 November 2008


I believe it is time.  Time to unsubscribe from any and all Obama lists.  If they think I want to give money to the DNC, they clearly haven't gathered enough data on me. _
12:15:12 PM, Monday 10 November 2008


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