drinking cat

The camera also has a burst mode. And Photoshop lets you make animated gifs. I had to learn about layers to do it, but it's about time I learned about layers anyway. Though the era of the animated GIF is clearly over. I could have just taken a video, and then you would have had slurping noises. I find the ripples kind of fascinating. _
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09:37:56 PM, Thursday 5 April 2007


I double posted the cheese. There is such a thing as too much. _
05:20:35 PM, Thursday 5 April 2007



everybody likes cheese. _
05:18:45 PM, Thursday 5 April 2007


My Eye

I've never really known what color it was. And the macro mode seems pretty good on this thing. _
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05:12:49 PM, Thursday 5 April 2007


It's snowing in april

ISO 3200! _
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03:42:44 PM, Wednesday 4 April 2007


I have a new camera

And it has mad ISO settings. No longer can the cat wave his head about to defeat me. _
respond? (2)
03:32:57 PM, Wednesday 4 April 2007


Matt Yglasias blogs a picture of the the sign at the smithsonian that made me cynical about global warming back in high school. Over 10 years later, it's still there. _
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02:04:33 PM, Tuesday 3 April 2007


I am for the first time able to listen to streaming audio and podcasts during the day. Any suggestions? Something John Peel-ish would be ideal. _
08:18:55 AM, Wednesday 28 March 2007


Am back from training, with a laptop from the employer. I just went to Micro Center and got a KVM switch, which lets me use the same monitor, keyboard and mouse for both. I have a button stuck to the bottom of the desk that swaps. Also a paper shredder, cross-cut, per corporate standards. I'm not actually convinced shredding junk-mail is necessary, but my is it cathartic. The cat doesn't like it one little bit.

I'd never been to Micro Center before, because I'm still not comfortable driving around Cambridge, but it's quite a place. They have a build your own system department, and apparently an entire division of sales representatives dedicated to making obscure jokes while watching Star Wars on mammoth screens. _
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02:36:40 PM, Sunday 25 March 2007


Angry about a gourd

from last fall. Unfortunately, the one where he looked insanely furious about it, right into the camera, came out blurry beyond salvation. _
12:56:47 PM, Saturday 17 March 2007


Last Day of Work! I've done everything there is to be done. I have said goodbye to everyone. I have returned all the symbols of office. And now I am drinking a ceremonial last cup of tea, before cycling home through the first real snowfall we got all winter. Crazy weather. _
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02:09:44 PM, Friday 16 March 2007


Anyone else make paper chains showing how many days until christmas? Is it english? I've suddenly discovered no one else seems to know about them. _
respond? (5)
09:11:54 PM, Tuesday 13 March 2007


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