Tim's Bloglet

These geese don't seem to make nests. I did find an empty mallard nest, but being empty, the picture is remarkably dull. _
04:33:17 PM, Sunday 2 May 2004


This egg was simply sitting out by itself on the shore of the island. Deduction suggests it belongs to a canada goose. _
04:31:22 PM, Sunday 2 May 2004


04:29:56 PM, Sunday 2 May 2004


The swan, encountered at sea. (at pond?) _
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04:25:57 PM, Sunday 2 May 2004


A question I never thought I'd need ask: What is an appropriate present for a landlord? _
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06:39:37 PM, Saturday 1 May 2004


My new glasses arrived, so I can read signs properly again. I got the color-changing lenses. They make me look less like me than I've ever seen myself. However, I now understand sunglasses. Felt very strange not squinting, and the colors were all better. They only take a few moments to be functionally untinted after you go inside. The trouble is, they continue to make me look like I want a BMW for a good long while. _
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05:52:40 PM, Wednesday 28 April 2004


I have an internal window in my workspace. I'm on the 2nd floor. On the 6th floor, there is a skylight. once at 11:30 and once at 1:30, the sun bounces off the glass banisters on the 4th and 5th floor, respectively, and comes through my window. Either I didn't notice it during the winter, or the sun didn't get high enough to do this. Yay regular movement of the heavens. _
01:15:28 PM, Wednesday 28 April 2004


Easterblogg is no more. _
04:37:35 PM, Tuesday 27 April 2004


Enjoyed Katherine's party, which was quite a surprise, and something of a first. I found croquet proper overwhelming and was unable to calm down, which was to be expected. I need to work out how to be more sociable while accepting the limitations of my nature. At any rate, very good to see those of you I knew, and meet those I didn't. I didn't get to talk to any of you enough. Hopefully I'll see you again, somewhere less crowded, less festive, less sunny, and less marinated, with fewer forgotten ghosts lurking about.

Perhaps, if I were hooked up to the appropriate machinery, my desire to flee from crowds could be used to approximate their size. Gollum. _
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02:36:41 PM, Monday 26 April 2004


Elizabeth, New Jersey and environs are the boiler room of civilization. It is Mordor, and it is wonderous. Not that we saw all that much of it. _
12:12:00 PM, Sunday 25 April 2004


A massive difference of magnitude: The BBC's two top stories: The explosion in North Korea, which destroyed thousands of homes and possibly killed thousands of people. The North Korean media has not reported this.
Then, a story about the pentagon being upset over pictures of coffins. Same instinct, but on a completely different order. We can't even keep pictures of coffins hidden, even if some sadly wrongheaded people try. _
08:37:10 AM, Friday 23 April 2004


Current plan is to arrive on campus in time for the play, and depart sometime saturday afternoon. Will we be missing anything terribly exciting on this schedule? Are staying in Glen Burnie of all places, because we had a free Holiday Inn night we need to use. Free holiday inn stays are not the most inspiring credit card loyalty program. _
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06:20:03 PM, Wednesday 21 April 2004


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