Sarah's Bloglet

Amazon recommended a book by Ira Glass for me. It's like they're inside my brain! _
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03:36:19 PM, Friday 24 October 2003


That NPR joke got me all hot and bothered. Let's examine some Ira Glass beefcake shots together, shall we?

Ah, that's better.

P.S.: OMFG! He's from Baltimore. What a total stud. _
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07:35:26 PM, Wednesday 22 October 2003


NPR Blooper Reel. Via Gawker. _
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05:57:54 PM, Wednesday 22 October 2003


It would be overstatement to say that his music saved my life, but I knew it was there if I needed it. I guess there wasn't a medicine strong enough to fix him. _
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03:07:50 PM, Wednesday 22 October 2003


Elliott Smith is dead. _
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11:45:44 AM, Wednesday 22 October 2003


"No One Else": so catchy, yet almost as creepy as "Every Breath You Take". _
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04:02:06 PM, Tuesday 21 October 2003


glossomania: god, am i an asshole because i hate this guy for being a loser?
CassieSher: Maybe... he's trying to flirt with you?
glossomania: that is my greatest fear
glossomania: worse than the recurrent nightmare of the vampire chasing me off the cliff
CassieSher: hehehehehe
glossomania: actually, the whole loser-hater thing does kinda remind me of that. my interactions with him totally feel like high school. like, he says something lame, and i am politely uncomprehending or maybe faintly scornful.
01:55:16 PM, Tuesday 21 October 2003


When Damian comes to visit me I suddenly come up with a list of places I want to go and things I want to do (I don't mean those things), all of which I could be up to when he's not around. It's like I'm torn between this perfectly reasonable (or, rather, ureasoning) desire to stay at home and this only partly explicable desire to run around. Is it because he's hyperactive and I like to keep him occupied? Or because everything is more fun when he's around? _
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12:02:14 PM, Tuesday 21 October 2003


I just finished Tipping the Velvet (and stayed up 'til two reading it) and I really think Aristotle had a point about poesis causing an emotional purgation in the spectator. I'm glad that I'm reading Poetics again, although at this rate it'll be december before we hit the good stuff. (Heh, what am I saying. It's all good stuff.) _
respond? (4)
11:51:30 AM, Tuesday 21 October 2003


I see you been readin my nightmare journal _
11:41:44 AM, Tuesday 21 October 2003


Costume ideas? I've been invited to a party set in "dreamland". So far I've thought about Delirium (but don't want to shave my head), Little Nemo, The First Slayer and The Cheese Man (both unlikely to be picked up on), and some kinda 20's-Shanghai-opium den thing. (That would be the easiest one to pull off.)
I need some help here, y'all. _
respond? (5)
05:36:47 PM, Thursday 16 October 2003


Aaron McGruder on Fresh Air. His excoriation of Fat Albert is delightful. Also, he has no posse. _
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12:20:22 PM, Wednesday 15 October 2003


From today's Powell's Books Newsletter:
Think of one of your favorite songs, preferably a classic you've been enjoying most of your life. Now match it with a consumer product whose mere existence roils your stomach. Find the remote before the voice-over begins.
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11:53:00 AM, Wednesday 15 October 2003


Latin version of "Baby Got Back."

Via languagehat.

Added: The rest of the song, rendered into Latin. A Greek version.
But how would one say "LA face with the Oakland booty" in Latin? Verbum sursum, where my Wheelock's at?! _
04:57:22 PM, Tuesday 14 October 2003


Sometimes I forget what a horrific cesspool usenet can be. _
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04:51:15 PM, Tuesday 14 October 2003


An interesting answer to a question that I've often pondered.

Diane Sherlock: Why do you think that so many women have trouble defining themselves as feminists?
Carolyn Heilbrun: It's a double-barreled answer. It's probably got ten answers, but I'll mention only two. The first is the effect of the media. There's nothing feminist on television. Feminism is almost never presented there. If it ever is presented, it's always in arguments with an anti-feminist woman who just sits there telling lies. That's why many feminists, Steinem, myself, many people, will not go on television onto one of those program set-ups.
Second, there is a great fear of offending men. There's great fear among young women, particularly, that if they are feminist they'll be perceived as somehow man-hating and god knows what.
I would say to become and remain a feminist probably takes more courage in our western world than any other single revolutionary idea. The anxiety that we women internalize about being feminist is so acute that we will take almost any excuse to move away from it.

Full interview here. Via this entry on the Ms. Blog, which has links to a lot more info about Heilbrun. _
04:08:56 PM, Tuesday 14 October 2003


01:01:17 PM, Tuesday 14 October 2003


Damian bleats like a goat when I ask him to. It may be the cutest thing I've ever heard.- _
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12:47:19 PM, Tuesday 14 October 2003


I just can't stop listening to that first song on You Are Free. _
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07:34:30 PM, Monday 13 October 2003


This American Life "Episode 186: Prom" featured a story about a town that's nigh-obsessed with its prom. The lone skeptic interviewed: a high schooler who was re-reading Phaedrus because she'd enjoyed it so much the first time, and because she wanted to work on her Greek. _
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06:42:47 PM, Monday 13 October 2003


My parents came to Oakland on Saturday, bearing the plastic file crates I had left with them the prior weekend. I spent the evening unpacking my books (they had been cruelly imprisoned in cardboard boxes for the past three months). My favorite part was putting my Strunk & White next to the Bible. _
03:38:20 PM, Monday 13 October 2003


Damian and I spent a large part of last night's conversation trying to remember the lyrics to "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey. _
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11:48:33 AM, Monday 13 October 2003


The SF Library has a whole set of sound effects cds from the BBC. I checked out No. 44: Cats. In addition to over fifty individual tracks of meowing and growling, it has other choice feline sound effects, including track 36: "Cat Eating (Nice Crunchy Sound)." _
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04:12:32 PM, Friday 10 October 2003


This orchestral version of "Big Time Sensuality" sounds like a hoedown. _
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01:31:03 PM, Friday 10 October 2003


Music people, help me out here: So I know that in orchestral music the violin is frequently used as an analogue for the voice (e.g.: in the album of orchestral covers of Bjork songs, the violin plays the melody that she usually sings. There are many many examples of this, though) and that in jazz the trumpet is used for a similar result (e.g.: any Louis Armstrong song where he sings and then plays, check it out, it's really cool). What is it about these instruments that make them good for this? Besides the ways their ranges tend to coincide with the singer's, I mean. _
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12:59:15 PM, Friday 10 October 2003


Everyone has syphilis. _
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12:05:38 PM, Friday 10 October 2003


Does anybody else think that "You Still Believe In Me" from Pet Sounds sounds like a love song from Alcibiades to Socrates? Seriously.

I know perfectly well I'm not where I should be,
I've been very aware you've been patient with me,
Everytime we break up you bring back your love to me
And after all I've done to you how can it be
You still believe in me
I try hard to be more what you want me to be
But I can't help how I act when you're not here with me
I try hard to be strong but sometimes I fail myself
And after all I've promised you so faithfully
You still believe in me

Ok? Anybody else see this? _
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11:45:16 AM, Friday 10 October 2003


Stopped by Stormy Leather (google it yourself -- I'm not going to their website from work) on my way back from the post office today. Among the wonders: Striped undershirts (pirate scenes?) and really expensive pieces of bamboo (for "Harsh Singaporean Penal Code" games, I suppose). _
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06:14:42 PM, Wednesday 8 October 2003


We Want Your Soul, Inc.

Via my bro. _
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12:22:21 PM, Wednesday 8 October 2003


Bad news = Governator.
Good news = Study group was awesome! We started very slowly with a translationese version of the Poetics and OMFG it rocks. I'm totally philw-ing sophia right about now.
Good/weird news = At the group last night was this dude Mike that I went to elementary/middle school with and hadn't seen since he was tweleve. I recognized him immediately though, because he has the same jewfro as he did back in the day. (Speaking of jewfros, if y'all ever get the chance to see Sumana's former roommate, jump at it. Dude has the greatest jewfro I've ever seen in my life -- size and quality.) Now Mike's a jazz pianist and lives in Kate and Tom's neighborhood. = Weird!!! _
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11:45:49 AM, Wednesday 8 October 2003


Well, I voted in what will probably be remembered as California's most embarrassing election ever. Woo. _
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11:58:36 AM, Tuesday 7 October 2003


Complaint: I was awoken at five a.m. today by the INCREDIBLY LOUD HUM of the flourescent lighting from the laundromat across the street. (Yes, across the street.) By seven, of course, the owner had come in and made it stop, but by then I had to leave my house and could not take advantage of the newfound silence by sleeping. _
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07:16:17 PM, Monday 6 October 2003


I say under my breath, "Meeee-yar." _
01:58:09 PM, Monday 6 October 2003


One coworker just came up to tell me that another coworker is awesome and is the best asset we have on the project.

Work = good. _
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03:08:24 PM, Thursday 2 October 2003


Sometimes I just want to go around pointing out assumptions. So, so many. _
12:05:40 PM, Thursday 2 October 2003


Best headline on MSN this morning: "Rapper C-Murder Convicted of Murder". _
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11:14:49 AM, Thursday 2 October 2003


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