Sarah's Bloglet

Dear giant microbes,

I see from your website that you are planning on making more giant microbes. Is the dengue fever virus included in your plans?

I ask because dengue fever is my mother's favorite disease. (She's a nurse.) I would love to buy her an entire colony's worth of giant, cuddly dengue fever virii to call her own.

If you aren't planning on making a giant dengue fever microbe, please consider it. As you can see from this link, they are colorful and attractive.

Thanks for your time.

Sincerely &tc
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05:39:16 PM, Friday 30 May 2003


Extreme Croquet!

At Salon, so y'all have to do the loop-de-loop and so on. _
respond? (2)
01:46:59 PM, Friday 30 May 2003


Awwwww yeah! Donald Kagan talking about the Peloponnesian War on Talk of the Nation. _
01:09:17 PM, Friday 30 May 2003


Reading Cannery Row: I think Steinbeck swallowed Hemingway and shat Kerouac. _
01:01:39 PM, Friday 30 May 2003


Per a conversation with Julia: What would comprise bottled cuteness?
I'm going to start with extract of kitten. Anything else? _
respond? (7)
11:57:52 AM, Friday 30 May 2003


Myaaaaarrrrrrgh. _
11:55:42 AM, Friday 30 May 2003


Just thought of something that would be great in a movie: A guy who carries around pictures in his wallet, but they're pictures of his coworkers. _
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12:05:34 PM, Thursday 29 May 2003


Terribly cool dreams last night which were probably influenced by seeing Rushmore for the first time. Highlights:
-An old man who claimed to have lost a foot "in the war" (when said foot remained attached to his leg) got said foot run over as the crazed young hero (in a single-minded frenzy to visit a researcher in New York, something about a new method of reproduction) exited a driveway. Yelling ensues.
-Walking through a flock of butterflies (do butterflies flock?) resting on the ground. The flock rises up and rushes past my head. They pass so quickly that I'm knocked to the ground in their wake.

About Rushmore -- I just read on the Yankee Racers discussion board that Pauline Kael "didn't know what to make of it" when she saw it. In my opinion, although the character of Miss Cross was central to the plot, she wasn't fully realized and at many points acted in a way that seemed completely unrealistic and only made sense as a teenage boy's fantasy of a woman -- that is, existing with respect to him, not in herself. And don't get me started on poor Margaret Yang.

But hey, the obvious Bunuel reference was sweet! _
11:15:57 AM, Thursday 29 May 2003


Am I a jerk for thinking that people who won't engage in oral sex (and this is with healthy, clean partners who reciprocate, and with no prior oral-sex-related trauma for the giver) are, well, lame? _
respond? (13)
05:03:57 PM, Wednesday 28 May 2003


Somebody's cribbing from Rick Santorum: Proposed dating show for gay men draws protests.

The pertinent remark: "Clearly, they've hit a new low," Lafferty said. "What's next after `Boy Meets Boy'? `Boy Meets Sheep'?"

I mean, really, what the fuck is wrong with these people? Why can't they mind their own business and stick to fag jokes and ostracizing gay family members? _
12:34:32 PM, Wednesday 28 May 2003


I suppose it's possible that some of you don't read Sumana's blog, and therefore don't know about, a collection of things overheard in and around Berkeley. Now go read them both. _
11:35:37 AM, Wednesday 28 May 2003


On a frivolous note, I see these nasty-ass sunglasses everywhere, and let me tell y'all, they fucking suck. If it don't look good on J-Lo, it don't look good on nobody. _
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01:18:42 AM, Wednesday 28 May 2003


I wonder about a person's sense of "otherness" and how s/he comes to define or contextualize it. (Gender-neutral pronoun brought to you in honor of my tranny ex-boyfriend, who is not, in my opinion, transgendered -- the dysphoria came about after and, I suspect, as a result of a psychological trauma in late adolescence -- but who found an emotional home in the trans movement. (Last time I checked. Haven't talked to hir in years.) I feel like s/he had a preexisting sense of difference/otherness and found a way to define it in a way that fit both her ideals and her (recent) experience.) Parentheses aside, I feel like I put a lot of my otherness/alienation into identifying as bisexual when I was in high school. Not that I haven't schtupped my share of women, but nowadays I'd say I'm more straight-identified but, you know, kinda gay. (Like, 20% gay.)
And this is not to say that I don't think identity can and should be fluid -- but our culture (maybe any culture) forces/encourages us to label (or balkanize) ourselves. Also, I do think there are people with a specific, though perhaps unconscious, "otherness", of whatever variety. _
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10:52:34 PM, Tuesday 27 May 2003


Oh. my. god. I just found out that Andrea Dworkin is straight.

I feel like my world just turned inside out. What the fuck? _
respond? (11)
10:11:36 PM, Monday 26 May 2003


Weird weird long dreams. The weirdest bit was how "I" kept switching identities the whole time. Anyone else move from actor to observer throughout their dreams? I wonder whether everyone does this, or just people who get 5s on the enneagram. Or just people who are inclined to pay attention to their dreams. _
respond? (3)
03:31:02 PM, Saturday 24 May 2003


By now I ought to have learned not to go to parties where I won't know anyone. I keep going to them and hoping I'll magically transform into an extrovert. I've even tried interrogating extroverts about their abilities to make small talk -- apparently you have it or you don't. At least I'm not painfully shy anymore. Well, not most of the time. _
respond? (8)
03:20:10 PM, Saturday 24 May 2003


dancin' time! _
07:17:33 PM, Friday 23 May 2003


Just remembered something I saw at a bar last weekend: a bachelorette party. The victim/bride-to-be was staggering around in a veil/tiara combo and clutching a water-bottle shaped like a (horribly deformed) penis. _
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11:56:32 AM, Friday 23 May 2003


Stupid friggin' knight. _
respond? (2)
07:31:02 PM, Thursday 22 May 2003


When you play Trogdor long enough, you get to see a "Parade of Trogdors." Shit fuckin' RULES. _
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05:43:48 PM, Thursday 22 May 2003


Indie hair. Ha ha!
Brought to my attention by Gawker, which everybody already reads. _
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04:47:29 PM, Thursday 22 May 2003


When I used to wear glitter on my face my grandmother would call me "Sparkle Plenty" after the character in the old Dick Tracy comic strip. Lizzie just advised me on going to watch the new Matrix, to "smoke plenty." It's funny what word choices call up. And can someone make a character of "Smoke Plenty"? But maybe Davey's already done that. _
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01:20:22 PM, Thursday 22 May 2003


Overheard in the carpool today:
"Wow, he sounds very active."
"Yes, he's a party bunny." _
12:21:33 PM, Thursday 22 May 2003


Dirty old river, must you keep rolling/Flowing into the night _
07:39:30 PM, Wednesday 21 May 2003


This person must share my habit of combining collaging with drug use. That or he's really into collage. _
07:06:21 PM, Wednesday 21 May 2003


The other day I saw two black and white pugs pass each other on the street. I had seen each of them on opposite ends of the crosswalk, waiting with their humans for the light to change. I wonder whether they noticed their likeness. _
07:02:18 PM, Wednesday 21 May 2003


Ants are invading the office bathrooms. The maintenance chief says they're looking for water. This makes me wonder how they carry water back to the anthill. In their wee thoraces?

I've despised ants since they invaded my underwear drawer when I was 13. Of all drawers, they pick the most disturbing. _
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02:52:36 PM, Wednesday 21 May 2003


That was neato. _
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11:07:30 AM, Wednesday 21 May 2003


And does anyone have Tania's address at her parents' house? (And did I do that apostrophe correctly? Shit.) _
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06:04:32 PM, Tuesday 20 May 2003


It is now officially Davey P. day on my blog. Let us now contemplate his pimpitude. _
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04:12:38 PM, Tuesday 20 May 2003


"What you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the cheese. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a mushroom in your large Hawaiian Style driving you mad."

Pizza Matrix script here. Brought to my attention by the inimitable Davey P. _
respond? (7)
02:21:18 PM, Tuesday 20 May 2003


glossomania: "Besides, Xander got so much goddamn tail."
trickseyJump: or, in the translation for our posse, "Besides, Davey gets so much goddamn tail."
glossomania: for real dude!
glossomania: how does he do it?
trickseyJump: cause he's Davey!
glossomania: but he just bumbles around like irresponsible captain tyler!
trickseyJump: but women fall for that.
trickseyJump: i mean, don't you find it endearing and wonderful and lovely?
glossomania: well, yeah. _
respond? (4)
01:03:36 PM, Tuesday 20 May 2003


You'll have to do the hokey pokey to read this, but it's worth it: new Salon article on Buffy and heroism. _
12:03:37 PM, Tuesday 20 May 2003


yarrrrrrggggggh. _
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07:41:41 PM, Monday 19 May 2003


The past two minutes: Got all teary eyed while reading about the Underground Railroad, brushed it off as hormonal in nature, then checked the calendar and realized it couldn't be. Jesus I'm a sap. _
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03:33:46 PM, Monday 19 May 2003


Sense of accomplishment because I just ordered a burrito in Spanish.
How fucking lame I am. _
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02:26:16 PM, Monday 19 May 2003


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