Sarah's Bloglet

You know the idea, unfortunately a cliché by now, of "that song saved my life"? I guess it's a cliché because a lot of people go through it. I remember feeling lost to myself and finding songs that I clung to until I came to shore. I don't know that anything too bad would have happened to me if I hadn't been able to listen to "Heroin" or "Strings of Nashville" over and over and over, lying on my bed in the dark, but I'm glad I could. _
01:44:13 PM, Monday 19 May 2003


I thought if I ate my vegetables and got some exercise I'd be fine. What is this shit? _
01:29:28 PM, Monday 19 May 2003


I used a "<3" when IMing with Enjoli and she said, "That kind of looks like boobs with a hat." _
respond? (6)
12:31:59 PM, Monday 19 May 2003


Had a lovely dinner with Sumana last night. That chick is funny, man. _
12:18:17 PM, Monday 19 May 2003


From the hotline today: "elephantitis of the nuts." _
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08:27:27 PM, Sunday 18 May 2003


Yesterday I went to see Melissa graduate from Mills. Barbara Lee introduced Eleanor Holmes Norton. Big standing ovation for both of them, and Rep. Norton delivered an awesome speech about feminist revolution. It's so nice to be someplace where feminism is taken for granted. And Margaret and I got to shake Lynn Peril's hand. She was delighted to have fans. That's my kind of celebrity moment. _
08:15:43 PM, Sunday 18 May 2003


Evidently trucker hats are so over that the Times did a story on just how over they are. Whee! A related note: My most recent personal low came while reading the NYT article -- I felt relief when one of the former trucker-hat-wearing "hipsters" they interviewed was described as sporting a "striped engineer's cap instead" -- cuz, you know, that means I can still wear mine. It's moments like these that make me think I should be taken out back and shot. _
05:21:50 PM, Sunday 18 May 2003


First the mic, then a half cigarette/Singing "Cathy's Clown" _
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06:41:10 PM, Friday 16 May 2003


This is a shoutout to the finest of rabbits. <3! _
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06:15:33 PM, Friday 16 May 2003


Another conversation with a coworker. I said something about NPR doing a story with philosophy professors talking about The Matrix (ha ha, right?) and he rolled his eyes. I asked him about it, but I couldn't really understand his objections even after we talked about it for a bit. Apparently it boils down to two points: talking about the philosophical implications of the film is old hat, and it's a movie, and therefore merely (or primarily) entertainment, and therefore talking about it terms of philosophy is silly.
I'm sure y'all can figure out what I think of both these points (and no, I didn't share them). Yawn and yawn. I suppose I'm just writing this entry in order to explain why I often feel the urge to tie people down and hit them in the head with every book in the Program. In hardcover editions, naturally. _
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12:03:54 PM, Friday 16 May 2003


5/15/03, 11:45pm


Tonight I noticed an odd smell in the kitchen. Under the dishwasher I found (could it be?) a piece of rotting, maggot-covered fish. (Salmon with the skin on, in case you've been missing it.) FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, people, when you open the freezer and something falls out, look for it -- or you could be next! <3 Sarah
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11:23:38 AM, Friday 16 May 2003


The Crest Whitestrips make me salivate disgustingly. (Not that I'm supposed to eat anything while they're on, so I guess it works out.) _
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12:14:11 AM, Friday 16 May 2003


There are two engineers here, Senior and Junior. (Senior's about 28, Junior's about 25.) The other day I was talking to Junior, and somehow the SF Bay Guardian came up.
"Hey," says Junior, lowering his voice a little, "Senior tells me that's the gay paper."
"Uhhh..." I say.
What is this, the seventh grade? And do people realize what city they live in? I mean, really. _
respond? (3)
06:18:13 PM, Thursday 15 May 2003


"Spit on a Stranger" is so lovely it gives me shivers. Just the first notes, that repetitive guitar lick that sounds like bells tolling and waves lapping on a lakeshore. It makes me feel like my ribcage is opening up. (Feels better than it sounds.) _
04:43:40 PM, Thursday 15 May 2003


Good goddamn almighty. What a weird fucking world we live in. _
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02:09:27 PM, Thursday 15 May 2003


Somebody must have posted this link to the NPR segment on Buffy scholarship, right? I found it through the Ms. blog. _
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12:12:07 PM, Thursday 15 May 2003


Everybody else hates Buffy so much these days that I feel like some loser with no critical faculties (heh) because I don't. _
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07:53:00 PM, Wednesday 14 May 2003


So apparently the "ooh-la-la-la" bit is not so identical as I thought. It appears in "You Won't See Me" (Beatles, Rubber Soul, 1965) and on "Waterloo Sunset" (Kinks, Something Else, 1967). So apparently Ray Davies ganked it from Lennon/McCartney (well, probably from Paul, considering). Too bad -- I was rooting for the underdog. _
07:44:58 PM, Wednesday 14 May 2003


Dudes, I'm serious about the "ooh-la-la-la" backup vocals on "Waterloo Sunset". It sounds just like the "ooh-la-la-la" backup vocals on a Beatles song -- but which one? I thought it was "In My Life", but since downloading it I realize that's not the case. Did I just hallucinate this? The Beatles song I'm looking for is either one of John's sweeter and poppier tunes, or one's of Paul's less annoying ones. THat should at least narrow down the candidates from Paul's oeuvre. _
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03:56:49 PM, Wednesday 14 May 2003


Watched Dude, Where's My Car? last night. Joanna wrote her thesis on it (along with Saving Silverman and The Matrix -- it was a constructions of heterosexual masculinity sorta thing), so at least I got to discuss it a bit with her afterwards. A friend came over to watch Buffy, and this is how we came to watch the movie:

Friend: Did you ever watch Dude, Where's My Car??
Me: No. But Jo's got a copy. Wanna watch it now?
Friend: Sure, but -- do you have weed? 'Cause there's no way I'll see that without getting hella stupid first.

I have to say, I was forced to refuel midway through the film, cause the lame X-Files references were piling on thick just as I began to regain brain function. _
03:26:56 PM, Wednesday 14 May 2003


It's not that I'm obsessed with Crooked Rain -- at least I don't think so -- but the guitars on "Gold Sounds" and "Range Life" have this lovely clarity to their tone.

And everybody in the office was just standing around talking about Jackass. S-weeeet. _
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01:19:43 PM, Wednesday 14 May 2003


Rarrrrgh! _
12:22:22 PM, Wednesday 14 May 2003


San Francisco summer is here -- you can tell by the dense shroud of fog. _
12:07:10 PM, Wednesday 14 May 2003


Damn, I hope it's not foggy tonight. _
11:40:57 AM, Wednesday 14 May 2003


This article on Salon is very good and contains at least one great parenthetical comment: "One of the hazards of reading cultural histories is having to hear about Rousseau over and over again."

You'll have to do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around to read it, as usual. _
11:25:50 AM, Tuesday 13 May 2003


Coming home from work, for what seems like every home and every job I've had, there's always been a point somewhere along the path where I turn and the road keeps going. With some routes I've known what lay on the horizon, with other routes I never went out of my way. Towards the back of my field of vision the edge of buildings and trees soften in the haze and are drowned in dulcet golden light.
I know this place seems more perfect for being distant. I sometimes stop myself from going so I can hold on to that remoteness. _
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11:33:27 PM, Monday 12 May 2003


Disclaimer (pursuant to a comment from a friend)and obligatory metablog commentary: This blog doesn't necessarily reflect my current mental, emotional, or spiritual state (assuming that state is something that sticks around longer than it takes me to write an entry). If you noticed that I was in a foul mood on Friday, then you were paying attention, but just because I blogged about it doesn't make it more important than any other foul mood that I didn't blog about. Does it? Well, not for me. _
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07:06:56 PM, Monday 12 May 2003


Stupid stupefied somatic condition. _
04:53:23 PM, Monday 12 May 2003


Walking down Market today, I saw a new set of posters advertising some aspect of the new Matrix movie and its related products. They read, "THIS POSTER IS NOT REAL" and refer the viewer to this web site (for the video game). It was like that Magritte painting, except lame. _
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04:25:49 PM, Monday 12 May 2003


So *now* the only song I want to hear is "Waterloo Sunset." Did the Kinks steal the "Oooh-la-la-la" line from the Beatles or was it the other way around? _
07:10:09 PM, Friday 9 May 2003


Beautiful amputation. _
06:15:31 PM, Friday 9 May 2003


Call me uneducated, but I never noticed until just now that the cover of Dig Me Out is a direct homage to the cover of The Kink Kontroversy. Further proof that Sleater-Kinney rules. _
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05:55:12 PM, Friday 9 May 2003


"Git up outta that bed or I will bite and bite and bite you." _
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05:18:34 PM, Friday 9 May 2003


Want: not to want. Does that ever happen? _
04:59:34 PM, Friday 9 May 2003


I make gagging noises in my heart. _
04:48:35 PM, Friday 9 May 2003


Relief of doldrums achieved by buying CDs. Hm? _
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02:40:52 PM, Friday 9 May 2003


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