Sarah's Bloglet

Julia found this guy, who might be the former owner of my pants. I wrote to him in order to find out:

Hi Jim,

My name is Sarah Peters. I'm writing to find out whether I may have bought a pair of pants that used to be yours. First I'll tell you about the pants, then I'll tell how I found you.

The pants: Rainbow madras-print cotton golfing pants, 34"w x 30"l. I found them in the Salvation Army in Lodi, CA. There was a wooden golf tee in the pocket that had the name "Jim Iler" printed on it.

How I found you: I mentioned these pants to a friend and said I wasn't sure whether "Jim Iler" was the name of their former owner or the name of some famous golf pro who had licensed his own line of golf-related products. My friend googled the (your) name and found your U Illinois home page ( She pointed out to me that your hobbies include golf and that you've worked at universities near Lodi.

So how about it? Did you ever give away any pants fitting that description?

Thanks for your time and for humouring my frivolity.


Sarah Peters _
04:18:37 PM, Tuesday 25 March 2003


More band names:
-Atari Booty (thanks Lizzie!)
-Pixellated Booty Dance _
respond? (7)
01:17:58 PM, Tuesday 25 March 2003


Silly 3-D images from this site. And I found them on this amusing livejournal community about robots. And I nearly spilled my coffee just now, so I'll go back to drinking it. _
respond? (1)
11:35:56 AM, Tuesday 25 March 2003


So a friend of mine tried to "freak" me (in the dancing sense of the word, thank you) at my house party on Friday and I got all embarrassed. I don't know why this embarrasses me so much, but every time someone does it (and no one I know ever does it except in jest) I start blushing. Didn't used to be this way. And I'm not so, um, modest in other arenas. Odd. _
respond? (3)
06:16:42 PM, Monday 24 March 2003


This morning on my way to work: I passed a wall on which someone had spray painted The USA is a pimp and we're all its hoes. _
respond? (1)
04:16:41 PM, Monday 24 March 2003


Here's a little TMI for y'all: I'm hating my uterus right now. And since this hatred is motivated by a periodic systemic disruption that involves a variety of symptoms, including cognitive disturbance, I often find myself ruminating on the situation in peculiar ways. E.g.: A Wagnerian duet between me and my anthropomorphized uterus. (I wear the viking hat -- she's got horns of her own.)
Sarah: Why must you torment me? [Singing this will take five minutes and will not involve a recognizable melody.]
Sarah's uterus: Shut up bitch! [She hits a high note on "bitch" and sustains it for three measures.] Anyway, it's not my fault, none of this would happen if it weren't for your pituitary!
Sarah's pituitary gland: Don't blame me! I'm just a slave to your genes!
Sarah's uterus: does a little dance

So. If you didn't already know I was weird, you do now. _
respond? (6)
02:23:39 PM, Monday 24 March 2003


Damn, I heart me some ghetto mocha.

Anybody else use that term? Besides my brother and those dudes from Portland, I mean. _
respond? (9)
11:39:37 AM, Monday 24 March 2003


Happy Happy Cassie Birthday! _
respond? (2)
11:16:25 AM, Monday 24 March 2003


Yesterday I was reunited with some high school friends at the Mills College senior art show. (My friend Melissa did an installation of high-concept video art.) There was one girl I hadn't seen in years -- she ended up crashing on my couch after we went to the Ruby Room. (Which reminds me -- I saw a chick in furry boots and lederhosen there. I'd always wondered what you could wear with furry boots.) We were all sitting in a booth and she said, "Seeing you in this booth reminds me of going to Lyons in Lodi." And we all cried out in dismay at the memory.

I realized that I'm now in touch with the only six people from high school whom I still want to know. Hm. _
respond? (3)
07:02:29 PM, Sunday 23 March 2003


Is California alienated? Maybe we should just secede. _
05:32:30 PM, Friday 21 March 2003


All sarcasm aside, she really is my hero. _
respond? (7)
02:09:37 PM, Friday 21 March 2003


And I thought my blog was frivolous. _
respond? (1)
01:17:58 PM, Friday 21 March 2003


glossomania: so i was all, "ma, do i have terminal nipple cancer?" _
respond? (12)
12:44:51 PM, Friday 21 March 2003


Goddamn stupid *knew* I checked that html goddamn motherfuckin grumble grumble. _
respond? (2)
12:32:49 PM, Friday 21 March 2003


of late, my shameful linguistic crimes

-overuse of the word "like" as filler, as a substitute for "said," or to imply exaggeration or uncertainty;

-overuse of hip-hop slang as a comical/ironical contrast to my bourgeois caucasian mien;

-saying "myar". No, I don't know where the fuck that came from.

In general, proclivity to latch onto a brief phrase and use it to death -- some people, whom I pity, will remember when I kept saying, "yeah, braaaaah" and laughing hysterically.

I'm sorry. I really, really am. _
respond? (14)
12:30:54 PM, Friday 21 March 2003


CassieSher: yo
glossomania: hee
glossomania: you sound so tough.
glossomania: i had this brief vision of "hip-hop cassie". (like malibu barbie. or "record-store clerk cassie.")
CassieSher: ::crosses arms across chest, shifts weight to back foot, and leers defiantly::
glossomania: yo yo yo, 'sup beeeeyotch???
CassieSher: Word.
CassieSher: (for lack of better one--I'm better at describing the walk than talking the talk)
glossomania: yeah
CassieSher: God. This is like, the sixtieth IM I've wanted to blog. But I'm not going to. I am drawing the line.
glossomania: why not? no Im conversations on your current blog page
CassieSher: Hm.
CassieSher: But on my LAST one...
glossomania: yeah, but that was funny
CassieSher: I donno. You can blog it if you want.

so there. _
respond? (21)
12:17:39 PM, Friday 21 March 2003


"It's not just Black Bloc that's violent. We could never match the violence of society.The bottom line is, we live in a society where you have to fuck people over to achieve security for yourself. Black Bloc is about taking anger and directing it toward an enemy, a rational target."

Interesting interview. Not so sure that their targets are rational, though. _
respond? (1)
12:10:03 PM, Friday 21 March 2003


You know somebody went to a party school when you ask them for a punch recipe and they wax poetical about the virtues of jungle juice. _
respond? (8)
07:12:51 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


Oh darn. No tear gas for the protesters. :( _
06:44:30 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


A little more about "shock and awe".

Speaking of punk band names ... _
06:39:47 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


So, uh, what's the difference between "shock and awe" and "terror"?

I'm just saying. _
respond? (5)
05:22:11 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


Spent the past 15 minutes chatting with the admin from downstairs and watching the police round up protesters and confiscate bicycles from the upstairs window. And speaking of my administrative colleague, let me tell you, there is nothing funnier than hearing someone with a cute Minnesota accent talk trash on George Bush. _
respond? (1)
04:56:12 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


What is this shit? "Operation Valiant Strike." "Operation "Iraqi Freedom." Not to mention Operations Desert Storm, Desert Shield, and Enduring Freedom.

Next time can we just call it "Operation Embarrassing Hyperbolae"?
respond? (4)
04:36:44 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


The parade just passed by on Mission. That reminds me: I saw somebody trailing a speaker that was blaring the sounds our assault on Baghdad. Which is pretty much all you need to say. _
respond? (4)
04:22:40 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


I want you to make love, not war, I know you've heard it before. _
03:52:44 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


Came back from lunch reeking of samosa grease.

So there are a bunch of people (well, like, 100-300, scattered) walking down Market with banners. They've got a lot of energy. The cops are out in riot gear but i didn't seethem arresting anybody.

Plus: hot anarchist skateboarders. (I have my priorities, after all.) _
respond? (1)
03:50:02 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


Have I told you lately how much I FUCKING HATE ROXIO "EASY" CD CREATOR?

'Cause I do. _
respond? (9)
02:14:08 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


My candidate for the funniest line from last night's presidential address: "Our nation enters this conflict reluctantly." _
respond? (1)
01:23:11 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


So all the bums around here have been inserting an anti-war message into their appeals for money. America's entrepreneurial spirit lives on. _
respond? (8)
01:09:46 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


Had to dodge some protesters on my way to work this morning, though not too many since I walk down Mission rather than Market. Buses were backed up and blocking the intersection at Mission and Third. The cops were clearing out Mission and Fifth when I passed by. One dude, walking ahead of me, was carrying a sign that just said, "NO".

Am I a bad and apathetic liberal because I don't see the point to this? To tell the truth, I don't see the point to any of these protests, even though I've gone to some. Maybe if we shut down D.C. -- can't be that hard -- it would have some impact. But Bush doesn't care about the world's opinion of his administration, and he certainly doesn't care about California's.

What a lovely sensation: helpless and hopeless. _
respond? (1)
12:09:53 PM, Thursday 20 March 2003


Spent last night feeling nauseated and distracted. My new Angel buddy came over and we kind of stared at the news for a while. We'd thought, hey, no Angel, but war, apparently, is not an event of sufficient magnitude to disrupt the WB's broadcast schedule. So I got to watch a story where good overcomes evil after a mighty struggle. Wouldn't it be nice if that ever actually happened. _
respond? (3)
11:37:17 AM, Thursday 20 March 2003


Whenever I hear any song that George Clinton has contributed to my ass starts moving as if of its own accord. What is this mystical power of funk? _
respond? (10)
05:09:00 PM, Wednesday 19 March 2003


Why I want a camera today:

Just up the street from my office is a tiny storefront with windows painted to advertise the wares within. The window says:

respond? (3)
04:14:33 PM, Wednesday 19 March 2003


So my coworker just saw a gunfight on the way back to the office.

I *heart* this neighborhood. _
respond? (4)
02:05:08 PM, Wednesday 19 March 2003


Anchovies anchovies you're so delicious

I love you more than all the other fishes! _
respond? (9)
01:56:08 PM, Wednesday 19 March 2003


I watched the first part of this amazing documentary about domestic violence last night. The filmmaker's website is here.

Part 2 will be on PBS tonight. You can check your local schedule here. _
respond? (4)
01:50:20 PM, Wednesday 19 March 2003


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site & script courtesy of Moss

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