Tori's Bloglet
Siri is pretty awesome. And it probably makes sense that she's not allowed to download things for you. It's annoying though _
10:08:03 PM, Sunday 20 November 2011
There is a hockey game going on on our TV right now. Having never watched hockey before, I was surprised that there is a neutral zone.

me: "There's a neutral zone?"

K: "Yes."

G: (walking back in) "Did you say something about the neutral zone?"

me: "Yes, I didn't know there was one."

G: "Given the number of French Canadians who play hockey, there are occasionally players whose last name is Picard."

me: "Wait, really?"

G: "Yes. Sometimes Picard enters the neutral zone!"

Such better roomates than I had last time around, with S who would sneer when I watched Star Trek. _

09:02:32 PM, Saturday 12 November 2011
On a whim, we watched Disney's Sleeping Beauty on bluray earlier this week. It's been ages since I saw it, and I had forgotten just how beautiful it is. At the end, when they are waltzing through the clouds, you can see that the clouds are watercolored and everything else is some other kind of media. It's the kind of thing that's lost with digital animation.

Also, they were more clever back then. I noticed, possibly for the first time, that when she is waltzing with her make belief prince, made of the rabbits and the owl and the real prince's boots and cape, she isn't actually waltzing. She's approximating, but the steps are wrong. And then he steps in, and sweeps her into a real waltz, and the feet are making the right steps and everything.

There are flaws, of course, there are always flaws. Like, how do you spend 16 years pretending to be normal humans only to be stumped by making a cake and a dress? Really? You haven't figured these things out yet? But. Still.

Also, my very quick internet research into when the "girl" color switched from blue to pink suggests that it was sometime in the 50's, which is when Sleeping Beauty came out. Which makes the color changing dress more interesting, I think.


01:18:34 PM, Friday 11 November 2011
It had been about half a year since I last got my hair trimmed. The bottom inch and a half were seriously unhappy with  me. The girl who cut my hair seemed totally bewildered that I would have let my hair go so long without getting trimmed. "Well," I said, "I moved three months into the last haircut." She wouldn't let me out of her sight afterwards without making sure I'd booked my next haircut. It was kind of hilarious.

Also, my hair looks fabulous. Hairdressers do this thing with a blow dryer and a circular brush that makes my hair mostly straight with just a bit of wave that I cannot for the life of me do. I like my curls, but I like a little variety, too. _

05:33:39 PM, Saturday 5 November 2011
Since I started the nerd out thing about the pluraziation of octopus over on Neil's blog, I'm going to bring this here. Has anyone else noticed, and found excting, that there are osme journalists out there who have started saying "hoi polloi" instead of "the hoi polloi"? _
11:09:11 PM, Thursday 3 November 2011
I was emailed a picture of the snowman outside the kitchen window of the house I grew up in (currently being rented by friends of ours), and I thought "Aw, you shouldn't be able to build snowmen before you go trick or treating!"

And then I remembered that, wait, they probably went trick or treating already, because it's Central PA and weird as hell and, sure enough, I was right. Fairview Township trick or treated, as usual, on the last Thursday of October, between 6 and 8.

The coolest year was the year Fairview, Lewisberry, and New Cumberland trick or treated on seperate days and so we went trick or treating in all three. _

11:40:34 AM, Sunday 30 October 2011
Camo dog! by ToriTyrrell
Camo dog!, a photo by ToriTyrrell on Flickr.

Search for Sam should be the next Where's Waldo.

Sent from my Palm Pre on the Now Network from Sprint

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10:21:58 PM, Saturday 22 October 2011
Has managed to put on two duvet covers this evening, with only minimal amounts of time spent inside the cover trying to find the corners. I wish I knew were my duvet cover clips were, but I can get new ones at some point.

Also, I discovered that when I went out and bought sheets last week, I managed to buy two fitted sheets and no top sheets. While I may now be even in number of fitted sheets to top sheets, I kind of wish I had bought a full set. Oh well. If I ever do go to Ikea and get a rolling island for the kitchen, I can get more sheets there. _

07:08:00 PM, Saturday 22 October 2011
Having gone to Wegman's yesterday with my roommate from New York and watching her get all excited about "things from home" made me really wish I had a grocery store that would sell Pennsylvania treats. I want to be able to buy Gazebo Room salad dressing, and the good pretzels, and...I don't know, A-Treat red cream soda, and Tastycakes. (And the good marshmallow fluff, but that's a different issue.) _
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04:01:16 PM, Saturday 22 October 2011
We have a new router, which is fantastic. I used to reset our router every morning, and often it would need to be reset again in the evening. I tried to take care of it last night, but it was not happy talking to my Mac, so we needed to wait until the PC came home.

We are nerds. K laughed at us, given the naming scheme of routers in this house. It is probably one of the less nerdy things we said this evening, at that. _

12:09:01 AM, Friday 21 October 2011
But, on the plus side, Sundays are the perfect days for experimental wffles with candied walnuts and maple cinnamon whipped cream for breakfast. _
08:00:18 PM, Sunday 16 October 2011
The problem with Sundays is that you have to go back to work in the morning. And here's me, all used to not having to be at work, since it's been Sukkot. _
07:57:01 PM, Sunday 16 October 2011
This morning (or early afternoon?) I had an im conversation with my brother that went like this:

"Tori. I have something very important to ask you. Did you know that Buttercup from The Princess Bride was Jenny from Forrest Gump?" Apparently, it has taken him this long to figure that out. I don't know how. I also don't know why he asked me this weekend, when we had watched The Princess Bride yesterday, over brunch. (We were inspired to watch it from a podcast we all listen to, and Kelly buying the BluRay.)

Also, if you haven't watched The Princess Bride recently, it's totally worth watching. There's all the quotable bits, sure, but it's actually the back and forth in between the parts everyone remembers that makes it particularly fantastic. And Carey Elwes manages to both smirk and smolder at the same time which is quite impressive.

And apparently the only injury Mandy Pitimkin took during the movie was bruising a rib by holding in laughter while working with Billy Crystal; Rob Reiner couldn't even be on set with Billy Crystal, he was just laughing too hard. _

09:59:18 PM, Sunday 9 October 2011
I just wish I knew he was warm and comfy. by ToriTyrrell
I just wish I knew he was warm and comfy., a photo by ToriTyrrell on Flickr.

Sam's blanket nest.

Sent from my Palm Pre on the Now Network from Sprint

07:33:29 AM, Thursday 6 October 2011
For some reason, my grandmother had out a little photo album this weekend of my parents' (my mom and dad, not stepdad) wedding. We flipped through it; I'm not sure I'd ever seen pictures from my parents' wedding. They got married when my mom was 18 and my dad was 20. They look like children, it was amazing. It was also the most Jewish I have ever seen my mom look, her hair was long, and someone had curled it (it is usually wildly frizzy/wavy), the way the photos faded made her nose particularly prominent, and she was wearing my grandmother's wedding gown and had a very simple veil pinned to the back of her head, it looks very old world. My dad is more handsome than I have ever seen him in real life, and looks like my cousin. My dad's mother looks exactly the same now, 33 years later, she is incredibly well preserved; my paternal grandfather looks fit and alive and healthy, which I don't even really remember, he had his first major stroke when I was 6. No one else looks the same, really at all; my mom's brothers all had a lot of growing up to do, and the ~10 year age difference between my grandmothers makes all the difference.

Also, the bridesmaids dresses were hideous. We were laughing and laughing, and I finally looked at one of the bridesmaids (she might have been the maid of honor, I'm not sure; she is my godmother, though) and I said "well, come on, weren't your bridesmaids dresses that aqua 80's crazy thing with the puffed sleeves?"

I wish I had had a scanner, really, it was pretty cool to see the pictures. _

05:45:16 PM, Sunday 2 October 2011
Buttons by ToriTyrrell
Buttons, a photo by ToriTyrrell on Flickr.

It's not that I can't sew buttons. It's that it's tedious.

Sent from my Palm Pre on the Now Network from Sprint

09:17:52 PM, Tuesday 27 September 2011
Sam followed in me into the bathroom this morning, and when I was brushing my teeth, he jumped in the bathtub and started licking water up off the tub. He was then super excited when I got out of the shower because I had wet feet. OMG WATER.

Seriously, where is fall? _

07:45:57 AM, Tuesday 27 September 2011
I had this weird dream where Sam had wandered off while visiting my mom and wasn't seen for a week because some family with a 6 year old girl had fallen in love with him and taken him in. Then they were going to keep him, and he came to say goodbye and I couldn't give him up after seeing him again.

Super stressful dream. I woke up and had to hug him, but he is so hot in this ridiculous humidity that I feel bad hugging him. _

07:24:17 AM, Tuesday 27 September 2011
I now have a roommate who will do things like get all excited about finding a sign about a meeting for Pythagoreans hanging up in an ice cream shop and a) get all excited and b) get all excited to show me.

New roommates are so much better than the last roommates. _

07:16:43 AM, Tuesday 27 September 2011
Watching Some Like It Hot. Admiring the BluRay. And being impressed with the makeup job they've done on Michelle Williams for Marilyn Monroe movie (the Firefly/Mad Men chick could probably do it too), which I haven't looke at against the real woman before. Wondering what normal people did during prohibition. Like, people like us. _
09:43:23 PM, Friday 23 September 2011