Tori's Bloglet
Half-moon manicure by ToriTyrrell
Half-moon manicure, a photo by ToriTyrrell on Flickr.

What I settled on. Sloppy, but fun.

09:26:24 AM, Thursday 7 July 2011
To leave white or half moon? by ToriTyrrell
To leave white or half moon?, a photo by ToriTyrrell on Flickr.

To leave white? Or turn into a half moon Kami?

08:42:07 PM, Wednesday 6 July 2011
I am a little annoyed that I am now in October 1944 in Foyle's War and there have been no doodlebugs. And I think the next one is meant to be VE Day, which will have none of them at all. _
08:28:10 PM, Wednesday 6 July 2011
Wow, things you can do with TV: sad music, running water and you wouldn't need to show the razor and everyone would assume it's going to turn to suicide. _
08:23:42 PM, Wednesday 6 July 2011
I have really trained Pandora, with my fast happy swing station. I never have to hit the dislike button. Woot.

Now, if only I could get rid of annoying ads (without paying money). At least the horrible one with the ditzes has stopped playing.

I think I am going to go watch Foyle's War and paint my nails. _

06:51:07 PM, Wednesday 6 July 2011
In the continuing week of Tori's meltdown, I found out yesterday that my mom and stepdad are splitting up. We are all fairly shocked and stunned, and seem to be dividing on gender lines, my brothers are all mad at my mom, and my sister and I are more on her side. (I am currently fairly mad at my stepdad about the mode of delivery and his handling of it. I realized that some of the things I'm angry with my stepdad about are residual anger about the way my dad handled the same situation 20 years ago.)

Anyway. There's that.

On the more positive, I almost definitely have a new place to live, so, YAY! _

respond? (4)
12:45:09 PM, Wednesday 6 July 2011
Happy birthday Moss! _
12:10:39 PM, Sunday 3 July 2011
It is a testament to nerds that Star Trek the Next Generation ever went beyond the first few episodes. Because OMG you guys, these are really all pretty terrible. I should just give it up and skip to season 3 or 4. _
respond? (10)
07:52:34 PM, Saturday 2 July 2011
Everytime I put on my converse, I think "skydiving shoes!" and it makes me smile.

I did buy them for the skydiving, since I didn't own sneakers, and they said "you must wear sneakers, no boots, no sandles, sneakers." But now I have this added benefit of thinking of skydiving everytime I put them on. _

11:54:01 AM, Saturday 2 July 2011
That being said, I still feel like I'm on the edge of tears about the whole thing. I don't like feeling unwanted, powerless, and kicked out.

I think the asshole roommate blocked me on Facebook. I figured this out because I was going to try to do the same thing. Of course, I suppose he could have deleted is Facebook account, but he probably just blocked me. _

04:31:01 PM, Thursday 30 June 2011
Of all my recent-ish moves, this is the one I am most looking forward to. Not the physical process of moving, the packing and lugging heavy boxes, or leaving the physical space of my apartment (I like my apartment, with its wood floors and central air), but god am I sick of my roommates. _
04:22:35 PM, Thursday 30 June 2011
I think I am holding all my tension in my thighs. And also my inability to fall asleep, especially give my almost complete lack of caffeine today. _
12:10:18 AM, Thursday 30 June 2011
On Monday, idiot girl roommate took the trash out of the bathroom, and then left it out, somewhere, where Sam was able to get into it during the work day. Asshole downstairs roommate (I have been harboring resentment about him generally since the debacle with his girlfriend living here for two months before he broke up with her and we had to get a new roommate and he basically bullied me into idiot girl) came upon the giant disgusting mess of girl bathroom trash and flipped a lid and basically told me that Sam can't live here anymore. "I will consult with the others, but clearly you can't control him." Control freak asshole.

Anyway, apparently they have discussed this. He thinks he is reasonable objective man. I told him, no, he wasn't being objective, that his idea of how dogs behave was clearly subjective, but that I would move out at the end of August, when my lease is up. We yelled at each other a little, him being a condescending little shit, and me trying to be reasonable, but also feeling angry and attacked.

I am actually basically completely okay with leaving these people. The third roommate is very quiet and I never really talk to him at all, and clearly I have low opinions of the other two. So. I am just so sick of moving. I have moved at least once a year since I left Alexandria. _

09:45:04 PM, Wednesday 29 June 2011
Have you ever noticed that you may say "to whom" but "who blah de blah to"?

I don't mind ending a sentance in a preposition. I do get sad when English loses case endings. _

02:58:26 PM, Tuesday 28 June 2011
Summer is eating raspberries pulled off a bush (probably, I shouldn't eat raspberries off my neighbor's bush. But they are so tempting and right out over the sidewalk, and you can never buy black raspberries), and watching children frolic in the park.

I watched two girls, one skipping in circles in that way that you do when you're little. I'm sure she was doing something that made tons of sense, if you were in her head. Not being in her head, she was skipping in circle, and the other rolling around in the grass. Rolling around in the grass always looks like fun, and like summer bliss. I am allergic to grass, and in addition to the pollen issues, I always find it itchy. (I know lots of people like to walk barefoot in grass. I lived in Texas long enough that I don't touch grass barefoot.)

But. It may still be in the 70's, but it feels like summer regardless. _

11:25:03 PM, Monday 27 June 2011
There is some tabloid paper, People or something, with a cover "Diana at 50." They have some picture of her on the front, looking out, lovely and all modern princess with a tiara and a pretty white dress, and a look on her face that says "really? Well, if I must sit for another picture." I almost laughed. I have lost track of how long she has been dead, but it amused me that she had such an exhausted look on her face for this picture. _
06:55:57 PM, Monday 27 June 2011
I don't think I'd realized just how much I missed Leverage until it came back last night.

Also, I really don't care about Nate+Sophie, but Hardison+Parker=YAY! _

11:03:56 AM, Monday 27 June 2011
Sam says hi! by ToriTyrrell
Sam says hi!, a photo by ToriTyrrell on Flickr.

Sometimes you just need cute pictures of dogs.

06:52:24 PM, Sunday 26 June 2011
Has ordered the cute swimsuit. Also a cute dress and sunglasses. I love the internet and laptops, I have done this all before getting out of bed.

Am now contemplating making cherry rhubarb jam today. (The thought process is going "it looks yummy. But, do I really want to deal with buying jars and taking them home on the T? And do I need a second large pot?") _

respond? (3)
10:13:57 AM, Sunday 26 June 2011
Is it weird that I occasionally go to my old job's website to see if one of my coworkers cracked and left yet? _
09:39:38 PM, Saturday 25 June 2011