Tori's Bloglet
So many birthdays today...


Happy birthday Nate! _

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09:52:09 AM, Tuesday 6 May 2008
Does anyone understand the point of the security picture images? If I were hacking an account, would I really take a moment to look at the picture? Or change it? _
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11:03:25 AM, Monday 5 May 2008
Eddie Izzard was awesome. Even if the acoustics sucked and we missed about half of his words. Still funny. _
03:40:36 PM, Friday 2 May 2008
To further follow up on the free ice cream thing: apparently Haagan Daaz is giving out free scoops of their honey vanilla ice cream on May 13th at their shops. Apparently this will help save the bees. _
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08:46:12 AM, Friday 2 May 2008
Do you ever wonder if the way a plot is going is painfully obvious because you have prior knowledge, or because of the writing? I want to smack Mel. _
02:28:26 PM, Thursday 1 May 2008
One of my things is that when I am in a situation I want to get out of, I want it all to change. I was miserable living with M-- in Philly (and Penn kind of sucked) and so I had to leave Philly altogether. I am sick of my job, and while I'm generally trying to find another job in the area, I occasionally think thoughts like "well, what about finding an entirely different city to live in? Maybe I should just go back to my parents's and regroup." I rapidly realize that perhaps I'm just not meant to have a job in an office, behind a desk, but I'm not sure what it is that I want to do if that's not it, and even if that isn't it, how will I afford a place to live, and food, and student loan payments, and books and yarn. I struggle with money making what I do. _
01:17:49 PM, Wednesday 30 April 2008
Or, oh, say, Lyra, who started out at about 12 and was good at 12, and probably aged a year over the course the books, and yet Pullman seemed to forget that she was 12-14 by The Amber Spyglass (I hated The Amber Spyglass). Or, oh god how much did I want to smack Harry when he was particularly teenage.

It's been ages since I read Diana Wynne Jones properly, and I wonder if her children as children would annoy me if I hadn't started reading her books when I was like seven. _

11:06:46 AM, Wednesday 30 April 2008
Julia, it seems, is a spectacular person for me to ask for advice on what to read next. She suggested Tithe and The Crown Duel at Croquet. I finished Tithe this weekend, and finished the first half of The Crown Duel yesterday (I think it was originally the first book of two). I have enjoyed both quite a lot, even if I do occasionally get frustrated with the main characters for being...such children. This, I suppose, is part of the gambit of reading YA novels--if the main characters are children, and they act like children, well, probably well done. Lately, when I've been reading YA novels, they've been about rather exceptional children -- ten year olds spy princes who bring down salt smuggling rings, or Tiffany Aching, who will probably be Granny Weatherwax in fifty, sixty years (I must have veered off of children's fantasy novels, lately, cause I can only think of Tiffany and Telemakos) -- children known by all around them to be awesome. Kaye is ordinary, and unusual things happen to her, and while Mel might be unusual, she isn't astounding. _
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10:52:29 AM, Wednesday 30 April 2008
Mike, Katherine and I are looking to move into DC, and we need advice about neighbourhoods to avoid/seek out. Martin suggested we talk to you. Can you help us? _
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09:43:46 AM, Saturday 26 April 2008

Lace hat3.jpg
Originally uploaded by ToriTyrrell
I'm absurdly in love with this hat, so I must continue to show off pictures. Also, sorry about the double post.
respond? (3)
10:09:24 PM, Thursday 24 April 2008

Lace hat.jpg
Originally uploaded by ToriTyrrell
The bow deserves showing off. Tracy did this for me, and I think it is awesome.

The ribbon doesn't actually look that plastic-y; it must be some weird combination of the light and the flash.
10:08:32 PM, Thursday 24 April 2008

Lace hat.jpg
Originally uploaded by ToriTyrrell
The bow deserves showing off. Tracy did this for me, and I think it is awesome.

The ribbon doesn't actually look that plastic-y; it must be some weird combination of the light and the flash.
10:08:19 PM, Thursday 24 April 2008

Lace hat2.jpg
Originally uploaded by ToriTyrrell
I was going to wear this to Croquet.
10:06:45 PM, Thursday 24 April 2008

Shaggy Sam under nest.jpg
Originally uploaded by ToriTyrrell
This is Sam, before I tried to cut his hair and ran him off to the groomer in a panic.
08:51:54 PM, Thursday 24 April 2008
I quite feel that if you lose a Stradivarius by leaving it in a cab, you don't really deserve to have it returned to you. It should go to some other violinst who can take care of his/her valuables. _
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07:43:44 AM, Thursday 24 April 2008
So, I know I'm apparently supposed to eject my external harddrive or iPod or whatever before disconnecting it from my computer, and that it says there might break or something. Is there actual potential damage? _
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09:39:31 PM, Monday 21 April 2008
It is still raining here. I threw away an umbrella yesterday at Croquet (it blew out backwards, and had also cut my hands up, and I said "I think this is trash now), and I had lent one to Amy. While I went to Croquet with three umbrellas, I wasn't sure where the third was, so I ran off to the bus with my new rainboots on, and got all wet.

Croquet should be on Saturdays, always, so that you can then sleep all day the next day and not have to pretend to be at work. _

09:03:04 AM, Monday 21 April 2008
Oh, I finished my book. Annie showed up 10 pages before the end and I just looked up said "hi Annie, I have 10 pages left in my book so..."

And, oh, wow the poor children. _

11:28:10 PM, Friday 18 April 2008
I got two pairs of rather spectacular shoes, last night. One is pretty much the same shoe I tried to wear to Croquet last year, but they are half a size larger, so maybe I can walk and not, well hobble. The other is a pair of absurdly high black sandles. I swear, wearing them, I am like half a foot taller.

Also, my book was waiting for me at home. Yay book! I wished I had today off so I could just curl up and read it, but that was not an option. _

03:20:41 PM, Friday 18 April 2008
We watched some Daily Show episode last night (we have a bunch on TiVo, and I have no idea when this week it originally aired) and Jon Stewart was talking about Obama's remarks about small towns in PA. I can't accurately describe why those comments irk me so. To some extent, I've had a gut reaction of "you're not allowed to say disparaging things about former industrial towns in PA if you're not from Pennsylvania." I grant the quote was probably taken out of context. Also, I could have an incredibly warped view of small towns in PA, but they probably weren't going to vote for Obama anyway (nor Hillary, for that matter. McCain maybe, but Ron Paul probably has a better shot in a bunch of those areas). And maybe I'm an atypical (former) Pennsylvania democrat, but if I were voting in the Pennsylvania primaries, I would vote for Hillary, now. _
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08:59:27 AM, Friday 18 April 2008