Tori's Bloglet

Seeing Masi Oka's face during commercials will get me to actually play them. Okay, granted, I was trying to figure out why Fox was doing a Heroes promo, but I'm glad I actually watched his commercial for the One Laptop Per Child thing. _
09:24:48 AM, Wednesday 14 November 2007

My wireless connection spontaneously wasn't working this morning. I swore at it a bit, and decided I would get Tracy to muck about with the security settings again to try to make it give up on this whole "key" idea, and just have a password. _
09:07:33 AM, Wednesday 14 November 2007

Originally uploaded by ToriTyrrell
My new hair.
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02:45:55 AM, Wednesday 14 November 2007

Hurrah for Moss who has helped me reconnect to the internet! _
09:38:20 PM, Tuesday 13 November 2007

I so strongly don't want to call Netgear tonight that I might actually try to figure out how to make our wireless work all by myself. _
11:34:05 AM, Tuesday 13 November 2007

We have this stupid cornucopia thing resting on the receptionist desk. We all knock it over several times a day. Today, the UPS man knocked it over, and he apologized like 50 times. I'm standing there, picking back up fake fruit, going "look, I knock this thing over like five times a day. It's okay. It's okay." _
10:06:35 AM, Tuesday 13 November 2007

Brianne's computer, which was ancient and full of viruses, was plugged directly into our wireless router. All the router settings were set up from her computer. Her parents gave her a new computer for her birthday, and she brought it home and set it up. She has taken apart her old computer, moslty, although she swears she didn't unplug her computer from the router. Since she took her new computer downstairs, our wireless network has been down. Arr! I am stealing this internet connection from my neighbours wireless, because I really wanted to check my email. Is there any reason that Brianne disassembling her computer would do this? _
09:07:29 PM, Monday 12 November 2007

What does B.P. stand for (in an address)? Is it like P.O.? _
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03:01:05 PM, Monday 12 November 2007

I am in the midst of a laundry marathon, which is on break (obviously) as I am at work. There is something rather satisfying about doing load after load of laundry. (Of course, keeping up with my laundry in an actual manner would negate the need for a laundry marathon, and it would also help me realize that, in fact, I have more clothes than I often think I do.) It was hindered last night by me counting on Brianne to tell me when the washer stopped. And also to switch my clothes around before she went to bed, but that is okay. It turned out that I did, in fact, have socks in the first load of laundry. I had suspected it of all being sheets and towels. _
11:57:59 AM, Monday 12 November 2007

In the continuing saga of "Tori is stupid with keys", I put my keys in the pocket of my pants on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, I just forgot them. On Thursday, I picked them up and said "There they are" and apparently put them excactly where they belong clipped in my purse. I then forgot that they were clipped in my purse, and spent 15 minutes searching my pant and coat pockets (this is all on the bus on the way to work), and so I figured I didn't have them. I had to ring the doorbell to get back into my office everytime I had to pee. Also, as I was the first one to get home, I sat in the dark, in the cold, on the front stoop and read my book by the bits of street lights and the light from my cell phone until Brianne got home with a "did you lock yourself out?" This morning I went on a great key search, as I figured that yesterday when I had found my keys I had "put them somewhere obvious". And, oh, how foolish I felt. _
08:59:59 AM, Friday 9 November 2007

The sun pulled out behind some clouds for a moment and it was making everything glow. It hit the Washington monument and it it shone white. It was lovely. Now the sun has hidden again, and the fall glow is gone. _
03:13:56 PM, Wednesday 7 November 2007

The Joy of Cooking has a recipe for "Guy Fawkes Day Cake". Brianne decided she had to make it to take to work today. She made two, one for taste-testing and one that actually went to work. It was quite tasty--like gingerbread, only with oatmeal in it too. I tried to point out that I didn't think most American's know who Guy Fawkes is. Annie said (Annie was over when she started this plot) "well, just remind them of V for Vendetta". I tried to point out that that probably stuck out to you if you already knew who Guy Fawkes was, but they would have none of it. (The first place I ever heard about Guy Fawkes was Witch Week, but I will be the first to admit that I am unusual and odd.) _
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02:29:33 PM, Monday 5 November 2007

Apparently our drywall was rotting, where it was leaking, so they are here fixing it. They are going to remove some of the tiles and put down bleach and then new tiles. Sometimes whatever it is they're doing down there makes my brain rattle. _
02:24:53 PM, Saturday 3 November 2007

Lara's Sweater.jpg
Originally uploaded by ToriTyrrell
This is Lara's sweater.
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02:23:23 PM, Saturday 3 November 2007

Our landlord has suggested that we put bleach on Brianne's floor to deal with the mildew issue. This strikes me as...not the best of ideas. Lara nearly took me to the ER the last time I cleaned the bathroom with bleach. _
02:20:07 PM, Friday 2 November 2007

I am registered to vote in Philadelphia (possibly in Philadelphia and also in Lewisberry, but that is another story). As going up to Philadelphia to vote would be, oh, stupid, I should register to vote here. How do I register to vote her? In Philly, there were people hanging around Penn with clipboards, and that's how I did it. _
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10:41:10 AM, Friday 2 November 2007

A friend of Brianne's from St. John's was trying to get in touch with her, and Brianne despises voice mail. So, even though the girl left her a voicemail, Brianne didn't call her back. The way they eventually got in touch was the first girl left messages for Cassie on Facebook, and Cassie called me, and I made Brianne call her. Then they were on the phone for like an hour. It was kind of cute. When I need to get ahold of Brianne on the phone, I call her at work. _
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09:15:04 AM, Friday 2 November 2007

There are SweeTart Taffy things in our giant bag of SweeTart products. They are nasty. _
09:11:52 AM, Friday 2 November 2007

Last year, we ran out of candy and had to go out and get more. This year, Brianne and I bought a ton of candy, but then I didn't come home til late, and Tracy didn't know where the candy was, and Brianne had assumed I would be home, so we had like four trick-or-treaters. So we have a massive amount of candy. _
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08:58:18 AM, Thursday 1 November 2007

My blog has looked the same for more than 6 years (by about a month). It was created back when we blogged by logging into whorfin. It's ready to look like something else. I wonder if I'm ready to learn how to make it look like something else. _
12:32:02 AM, Thursday 1 November 2007

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bloglet script by Moss Collum