Tori's Bloglet

And the advantages, see, of living with the receiving manager is knowing things like that if you special order a book, it's going to wind up in "Front List" rather than "Back List". And to also know that they opened and received all the Front List books yesterday, so clearly my book just didn't get there yesterday, it's not like it's there it just wasn't unpacked. No, it's just not there. _
10:25:07 AM, Friday 15 June 2007

Also, The Lion Hunter didn't get to Barnes and Nobles yesterday. I am sulky. I wanted it yesterday I don't particularly feel like rereading Neverwhere, but also don't feel like starting anything new. _
10:14:32 AM, Friday 15 June 2007

Lesson for today: Tori should not try to move the printer in the office that correctly prints the pension statements by herself. It's quite possible that, somehow, the bottom paper-tray will fall off the printer with a loud bang that scares the entire office, because, quite frankly, it's the only printer that prints the pension statements. And so we all panicked and went "oh god, what if it's broken?!" But it's not broken, it has merely shed some unecessary plastic bits and scraped my wrist. _
10:13:46 AM, Friday 15 June 2007

Like I did not understand the shocked outrage of A Million Little Pieces (which I didn't read) I don't understand the anger over this either. Even moreso than I don't understand the outrage over A Million Little Pieces. It seems, if anything, practically Lemony Snicket-esque, and no one is furious with him for assuming a false identity. (Brianne and I think it is probably best that he didn't publish in his own name given the end of those novels. He would get beaten up.) _
09:47:01 AM, Friday 15 June 2007

Monday, there was mold on my carpet which made me allergic. Tuesday before I got in the cleaned it with some chemical that smelled like rotten milk. Last night they cleaned it with something else and now it smells like cleaning supplies. Really intense cleaning supplies that make my eyes hurt and make me dizzy. _
11:42:18 AM, Wednesday 13 June 2007

The rug in my office like molded over the weekend. _
11:11:08 AM, Monday 11 June 2007

I rather desperately need to get my hair cut. I cannot add moisture to the tips of my hair, and they feel painfully like straw. And by tips, I mean something like the bottom two inches. _
09:07:17 AM, Monday 11 June 2007

Well, that is lame. My gmail seems to have crashed. _
03:02:48 PM, Friday 8 June 2007

I want mashed potatoes. _
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12:29:25 PM, Friday 8 June 2007

I will restart my poll. Do you reread books? Were you read to as a child? _
respond? (19)
11:00:40 AM, Friday 8 June 2007

My bosses seem to think I'm an English major. G-- said she thought I was an English major because that's what M-- told her. She then said "but your good at grammar and vocabulary" and I was like "well, that's cause I've done intensive language studies. But believe me, not an English major." I don't even know what you study if you are an English major. _
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07:36:35 AM, Friday 8 June 2007

Basic page layout should be a requirement for anyone who wants to create forms. _
03:11:57 PM, Thursday 7 June 2007

Now I don't know where to go for lunch. _
12:47:26 PM, Thursday 7 June 2007

Silly Nate. _
12:28:07 PM, Thursday 7 June 2007

My DVD player doesn't spin the disk. Does anyone know if this is the sort of thing that is very costly to repair? _
11:29:58 AM, Thursday 7 June 2007

My parents town charges "township" tax. It's really frustratingly hard to get off their books. I am reminded of this once a y ear when I start getting calls from collection agencies. Never mind that I have lived in Virginia for two years and lived in Philadelphia before that. Apparently I owe them money. Last year I just paid it to make everyone just shut up at me about it, but this year I have decided it is too absurd. The guy is sending me an address change form. _
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02:52:25 PM, Tuesday 5 June 2007

I pulled The Winter Prince off my bookshelf last night, as I was looking about wondering what to read next. As The Lion Hunter is coming out next week, it seemed entirely fitting. I started just looking at the book, rather than flipping to the beginning and starting to read. It is rare that I can say "I read this book on x date(s)", but I can with The Winter Prince as it is signed and dated, and I read it the night before the signing. (Flipping through the journal I kept while traving around Britain, I could probably also figure out when I read The Sunbird for the first time. These are the only two books I can do that with. Probably.) I love Medraut and Lleu. _
09:16:51 AM, Monday 4 June 2007

My lavendar dryer bag broke in the dryer. _
11:06:02 PM, Sunday 3 June 2007

Armed with money and a stuffy nose, I braved Foodway to try to get more yellow and light blue Kool Aid to finish dying my yarn green. Turns out they didn't have either lemonade or ice blue raspberry, but they did, in fact, have both lemon-lime and some frightening green apple thing that sparkles in your mouth (seriously. I broke my 'don't taste the Kool-Aid dye' rule and tried it; it was like it had mini poprocks in it or something). Neither is going to be the right over dye for the pretty green that I had mixed up, so I will have to go back to the regular grocery store to finish it.

I wonder what I can get with Kool Aid points. _
04:14:15 PM, Saturday 2 June 2007

So, because I have been unable to find green Kool-Aid, I have become obsessed with making green. I just mixed up four packets of lemonade and two packets of the ice blue raspberry lemonade, and have managed to make a very pretty green. I'm so happy! Green! _
02:25:36 PM, Saturday 2 June 2007

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