Tori's Bloglet

I'm so very nervous about money. So much so I feel like I might barf. I have no job, I'm about to move, and we're about to start trying to sell earrings. The first game they're going to is on Saturday, and we're all on pins and needles about whether or not they'll sell anything. _
11:22:16 PM, Wednesday 7 September 2005

Well, I think it's funny. _
11:20:49 PM, Wednesday 7 September 2005

And another! _
05:02:35 PM, Wednesday 7 September 2005

Apple is certainly on a roll today _
03:42:56 PM, Wednesday 7 September 2005

I have, for my new computer, those round apple speakers, because they came with the computer, and it's not actually all that new. Anyway, they seem to get almost no volume. Does anyone have any advice? And there is nowhere to plug speakers the computer that aren't USB speakers. _
01:42:21 AM, Wednesday 7 September 2005

If you feel like, help me think of names for goddesses, preferably ones that are easy to pronounce. _
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04:20:15 PM, Thursday 1 September 2005

Okay, so, I understand that the destruction was really really bad, but, like, how bad are we talking here? Will there still be New Orleans? _
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11:17:43 PM, Wednesday 31 August 2005

Somehow, the history on this computer got switched around, or something, so now when I hit open location and "tr" the bloglet tracker isn't the first thing on the list. _
07:06:23 PM, Wednesday 31 August 2005

Was Katrina a particularly nasty hurricane, or do they just not usually go up over New Orleans? _
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06:25:53 PM, Wednesday 31 August 2005

The unavailability of some beads makes no sense. _
03:59:17 PM, Tuesday 30 August 2005

It'll be awesome. _
02:12:55 PM, Tuesday 30 August 2005

I don't think anyone ought to be allowed to make movies of Oscar Wilde if they don't have Rupert Everett in them. _
11:33:43 PM, Sunday 28 August 2005

Pratchett has a new book coming out in September, for those of you who care. It's called Thud! and it's a Vimes book, a murder mystery, and there's a vampire on the watch. I think he might also be going on tour. Gaiman will also be on tour, and has Anansi Boys coming out, but people probably had a better idea of that than the Pratchett. _
12:54:45 AM, Sunday 28 August 2005

I got an email from A1Books asking me if I want to sell back I book I bought through their website. It's like, well, you're probably finished with it, and you bought it for about a buck, do you want to sell it for about a book? _
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11:20:45 AM, Saturday 27 August 2005

Is anyone else having problems with gmail? _
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02:15:37 PM, Friday 26 August 2005

We got the house! _
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11:05:16 AM, Wednesday 24 August 2005

After much heartache and hard work, the beadcaps we needed showed up today. I'm sure none of you particularly care. But I'm going to talk about it anyway, cause this is my place to write. Our designer made a design with a beadcap which she couldn't tell us where she got it. We found two places that did sell it, and one has been sold out since May when I started that search (possibly longer, I don't know), and the other place had like 100, which is a rather useless number for us. So, we got other beadcaps, and our designer was all pissed off, cause than the earring wouldn't look like what she'd designed. Meanwhile, I reacted poorly, cause I'd put tons of work into finidng what we could get. And so we got a whole bunch of ones we'd ordered a few of, and then they were completely out, and we still didn't have enough for what we wanted to do. And then finally, in the middle of July, Jamie found an entirely different place to get beadcaps, directly from Indonesia, rather than going through a jeweler in the states, and we ordered beads. By the gram, not by quantity, which was interesting. They said how much each one weighs, approximately, and so we ordered more than 2000 of what we thought we wanted, sight unseen. Today, they showed up. We were amazed. They shipped, from Indonesia on Sunday and they showed up before I got up today. _
11:39:44 AM, Tuesday 23 August 2005

As delightful as Mr. Firth and Ms. Ehle are, there is something remarkably stupid about putting the second disk in in the middle of Conan. _
03:36:08 AM, Tuesday 23 August 2005

So, when you have major heat waves in Spain and France for like three years running, at what point do you stop calling them weather flukes and start accepting that it's climate change? Especially if you're not part of the Bush administration. _
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10:30:33 PM, Monday 22 August 2005

Okay, so what is this Love Conquers all version of Brazil? All I really know about it is that Moss and Martin hated it, and that lately Netflix has taken to putting it in the "which of these movies did your friend hate?" game. _
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10:41:03 AM, Saturday 20 August 2005

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bloglet script by Moss Collum