Tori's Bloglet

I don't actually really care about the Pope selection thing, but I do think it's pretty cool that they vote on paper ballots and no one's allowed to see what's going on, and the signal that there is a new Pope is white smoke, and then bells ringing. It's's one of those nifty Catholic things, dramatic, and grand, and probably unneccesary. (I had a theory going, and was reminded of it at Easter when I went to church with my dad again, that people's religious beliefs/habits/anyway, people going to church started to die down when the music started to suck. I have spent actual money on Mozart church music, but I would never spend money on the stuff they sing at my dad's church. Am I even explaining this right? Probably not. It is late, and this is a digression.) I love that the major news people didn't know at one point whether the smoke was black or white. I think it's hilarious. Yes, they have can have a reporter just about anywhere they care to have a reporter damn quickly, there's the whole sattelite photography thing, but, to know if there's a new pope, they have to watch a chimney to see what colour the smoke is. And then the bells will ring, and they will know for sure, and then a little old man came out and spoke Latin. _
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01:08:34 AM, Wednesday 20 April 2005

And Bath and Bodyworks raised the price on my favourite handcream from $5 to $12 (at least for the little container. The big one is $21, which actually is a better deal.) Maybe they will hire me, and I can get it cheaply. _
10:54:47 PM, Tuesday 19 April 2005

This is why today sucks: I have no job, and just over $100 in the bank (I was shocked at the money that was in my account when I checked my balance this morning, but then I realized that the cheque to Hiram hadn't cleared), Croquet will cost a sizeable chunk of money, just getting down there and eating food while there, and so on, my rent is due on the first of May, and I had somehow completely misjudged the count of weeks between now and when my rent is due while searching for a job, and so I have to borrow money from my parents, or my little brother if that's not going to work out. I don't have my puppy yet, and I might not be able to live here with Sam anyway, cause he is majorly scared of big dogs, and Buella is mean to puppies, so I then have to decide if Chris is going to babysit him longer (my inclination is no to that) and so, then, if I'm going to go live in Lewisberry or with my grandparents or what so I can live with my dog. And I don't really want to do either. And I want to find my dress, because I like my dress, and it's mine. And I'm probably going to do terribly on the Seneca final, cause Seneca sucks. _
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10:52:08 PM, Tuesday 19 April 2005

Have you ever just been completely unable to make anything stick in your head for something you're studying? Yeah, that's been Seneca for me. And I have a final on it tomorrow. _
10:45:03 PM, Tuesday 19 April 2005

Sam, it turns out, is a total chicken about other dogs. This won't be a problem when I get an apartment with Brianne, but Buella is mean to other, so it will be a problem here. I might move out, to be with my Sammy. _
11:30:30 AM, Tuesday 19 April 2005

Chris says that you should run Disc Doctor until it doesn't find any errors. I think I've run it like 7 times now, and it's still finding Major Errors. At what point to you scream and say "oh my god my computer is broken!" _
11:28:09 AM, Tuesday 19 April 2005

I'm (probably) going to bring my copy of Trivial Pursuits down with me. Would people be interested? _
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10:49:00 PM, Monday 18 April 2005

My dress has vanished. _
02:24:34 PM, Monday 18 April 2005

It's comforting to know that if you scream in the middle of the night, no one wakes up, isn't it? Fucking mice. _
10:54:06 AM, Monday 18 April 2005

Everyone needs to think "sun" really hard. Picture blue skies, and the yellow sun, and sunburns, and whatnot. Because they're predicting rain all next weekend. _
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10:15:31 PM, Saturday 16 April 2005

I suppose there will only be a little more than a month between the season finale of Lost, and all the speculation (what the fuck is in the hatch, what's with the monster, will Jack kill Locke? Will Sayid? Will anyone? What's at the end of the wire that doesn't lead to the French chick? etc.) and Harry Potter 6, and the speculation that will raise. _
10:08:42 PM, Friday 15 April 2005

You know what would be cool? A pop-up Greek Myths book. If it were well done. We were talking about the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece in my Latin class yesterday (we are/were reading Seneca's Medea which is a lot like Euripides' only not as good), cause just about everyone was a bit sketchy on all the details of everything Jason and Medea did. And I thought it would be very cool if there were a popup book of Jason and the Golden Fleece. This thought occurred to me when our prof said that she had a picture book of Jason while we were talking about the dragon teeth guys, and I had this image of the dragon teeth earth born soldiers coming out when you pulled the little tab. Wouldn't that be awesome? _
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09:32:51 PM, Thursday 14 April 2005

The thing that sucks most about washing jeans is going through a "did I gain wait" thing when you put them on again. _
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12:17:19 PM, Wednesday 13 April 2005

Free cone day is next Tuesday, people, if you want to konw. _
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06:02:41 PM, Tuesday 12 April 2005

I called two temp agencies today, and they had me email them my resume. Then I went walking, and I applied for a job at one coffee house, Ben and Jerry's and a bakery. Then my cold caught up with me for real, and I decided it was time to go home. And read Theocritus. Maybe start a letter to Katherine. It's time for a Katherine letter, and I did just get one from her yesterday as well. Or maybe I'll just work on Theocritus and watch TV and work on a letter to Katherine later. I hope someone calls me to say "hey, we want to hire you!" I hope I hear from a temp agency instead of one of the food places, cause they will pay better. And I might not have to work on weekends. _
05:57:19 PM, Tuesday 12 April 2005

I dropped my Netflix return in a different mailbox than I usually drop it in, and this one has a collection at 5 (which is why I used it instead of my normal one) I wonder if they will still get my movie tomorrow. _
05:38:38 PM, Tuesday 12 April 2005

No one in my building locks the front door. This drives me up a wall. I asked our landlord if they could put an automatic lock in when I paid my rent for this month, but it hasn't happened. And so, inevitably, unless I'm the last person to go through that door before I go through it again, it is unlocked. It's like, hello, West Philly people, lock the fucking door! _
05:37:14 PM, Tuesday 12 April 2005

I had a couple of dreams last night where I lost Sam. It was very sad. _
09:53:08 AM, Tuesday 12 April 2005

I put my AC back in my window the night before last. Just an open window wasn't cutting it. I feel bad for my friends who live on campus, apparently they won't turn on the AC until it's been 80 for three consecutive days. But they can't open their windows. I have a friend on the 13th floor who thinks it's all a bit ridiculous. _
11:48:13 AM, Friday 8 April 2005

The morals of tonight's episode of Lost: 1) Don't trust crazy men on islands named John Locke, 2) and Know what kind of blood you have, in case you are trapped on a tropical island and someone needs it. _
10:04:54 PM, Wednesday 6 April 2005

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bloglet script by Moss Collum