Tori's Bloglet

So, you can make sorbet in an ice cream maker. Can you put just about any (freezable) liquid in an ice cream maker and get an ice cream like substance? Ice cream recipes call for tons of nasty for you stuff, can you use milk instead of heavy cream? Could you make sweet milky tea and turn it into ice cream? _
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04:08:45 PM, Tuesday 1 February 2005

My 99 cent calendar from Michael's is a calendar of castles. I forgot that today was the first til just now, so I only just changed it. February is Cawdor Castle in Scotland. _
02:17:56 PM, Tuesday 1 February 2005

Did you know that vodka is the secret to making sorbet? You don't use very much, and apparently it keeps it soft, cause the alcohal part doesn't freeze. Of couse, I'm making sorbet today, and I don't have any vodka, so...My sorbet will turn to ice. _
12:57:41 PM, Tuesday 1 February 2005

I also broke down and bought the extended version of The Return of the King, cause I have the others, and while desperately searching for something to fill out the free shipping, I decided to really break down and give up my pretty illustrated version of Stardust as lots (it was signed! and hardback! and illustrated! and I haven't seen it in years! if I lent it to you at St. John's, and you have it, can I have it back?) and ordered the paperback illustrated version, cause the normal fantasy novel version (which someone sent me in a care package my freshman year) really isn't as cool. _
12:10:26 PM, Tuesday 1 February 2005

I found my headphones, which were in the pocket of a pair of pants I don't wear all that often, but, obviously, had worn at least once while transporting my iPod. _
12:08:32 PM, Tuesday 1 February 2005

Okay, so last year, there was Troy, King Arthur, and Alexander, and this year there will be Hannibal, and (possibly) Beowulf and Grendel. There's another Beowulf movie in the works, and one of Gilgamesh. So, when did ancient epics become so popular? Is The Lord of the Rings responsible? _
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06:44:43 PM, Sunday 30 January 2005

I stood outside for nearly half an hour in 11 degree weather waiting for the free Penn Shuttle. It sucked. I started to give up, and I tried to get a taxi. The taxis wouldn't stop for me either. So I called the Penn Shuttle people. "but one left the gym 3 minutes ago." "I've been here for nearly half an hour, and I'm going west. I've watched at least five shuttles go by, is one evenutually going to stop?" He put me on hold, and then one showed up, like then and there, with the W light lit up, and so I got on the shuttle and it took me home.

Normally, I walk home from campus, but it was 2:30, and I live in West Philly, and I'm small white girl who had drunk far too much margarita to walk through West Philly that late at night, even if Spruce is a safe street. _
03:17:20 AM, Saturday 29 January 2005

I have this thing where I think of nighttime on weekends as especially free time on a cell phone. I don't really know why.ostI have taken up reading at least the headlines on and I had been noticing how much more international the BBC was, but then, they are not the US, so they will be more international. But I would not know that Thursday was the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz if I hadn't been reading the BBC as well as the Washington Post, as the BBC was full of stories from Auschwitz surrivors, and still is. I suppose that, really, it goes to show how much more of an effect the holocaust had on Europe than it did on the US. _
03:09:25 AM, Saturday 29 January 2005

Around 12:30, I got an instant message from Katherine. Unforunately, I was reading Cicero and watching Smallville, and so I missed the wonderful opportunity to talk to Katherine. _
03:29:12 PM, Friday 28 January 2005

This morning, there was a note on the kitchen counter asking me to please look around the kitchen to try to find the "dead thing" my roommates thought they smelled, but hadn't had time to look for before leaving. Please pull out the fridge, it said. So, pull out the fridge I tried to do. I couldn't get it out far enough to look behind it, but, just to make it all better, I forgot to take the bottles off, and a bottle of whiskey fell on the floor. So I cleaned up the whisky. God, that smelled awful. _
08:27:26 PM, Thursday 27 January 2005

We use to get margaritas after Latin, now we get tea after Greek. _
08:16:51 PM, Thursday 27 January 2005

It slowly dawns on me to despair the loss of Katherine's List to Revolutionize the World, which was in the car which was stolen. I was able to replace The Hope and the Spirit, as Nate had not yet left for Africa, but Katherine is in Africa, and I no longer have it. _
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05:38:23 PM, Thursday 27 January 2005

Today is the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. _
04:53:24 PM, Thursday 27 January 2005

I lost my headphones _
12:03:31 PM, Wednesday 26 January 2005

Don't you want a chastity belt? _
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12:47:33 AM, Wednesday 26 January 2005

I fall asleep best when I'm too cold. Heat will make me sleepy (sometimes) but I can't fall asleep in a hot room. That being said, I have my window wide open and I rolled my pants up as far as they can roll and my shirt has no sleeves and I'm still about to start sweating. It's amazing I lasted a July in Istanbul. _
12:43:01 AM, Wednesday 26 January 2005

I need to go to Ikea. I need picture frames and I need candles. _
05:59:06 PM, Tuesday 25 January 2005

Howard Zinn on the Daily Show. _
03:55:55 PM, Tuesday 25 January 2005

It is 32 degrees out. My window is wide open and I'm in a sleeveless shirt, and I'm still too hot. Things are not right in my apartment. _
12:58:52 PM, Tuesday 25 January 2005

I have a picture of the London Eye on my wall. I don't think it propery conveys the sheer size of the thing, but it's still a pretty cool picture. I stood very close to the bottom of it and looked up while I took it. _
12:55:25 PM, Tuesday 25 January 2005

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