Tori's Bloglet

I love my purple sheets _
12:30:12 PM, Wednesday 17 November 2004

You know, when you have a cold, that bit of time as you're waking up when you think "yay! I'm all better" and then you wake up all the way and get out bed, and you feel absolutely rotten. That bit in the morning is like a joke. _
11:31:34 AM, Wednesday 17 November 2004

I am getting a head cold. It's the sort of cold where your nose runs and your head is full of stuff and you can't really concentrate on anything. I was sitting in Greek and it was getting worse and worse as the class went on, and by the time we got back to me (we went around the room twice today) my head was so full of stuff I thought I might not be able to read it if the Plato in front of my were my nice Big Red rather than the silly Green and Yellow with the iotas in the iota subscripts next to the vowels. But I realized it was about to be me, so I figured out how to translate what I was going to read next before it was my turn, which made it a little better. _
11:40:59 PM, Tuesday 16 November 2004

The only honey we have in our house is the kind of honey that has wax and pollen floating around in it. Molly says it's very healthy. I said that's all well and good but when I put honey in my tea and then take a sip, I don't want my mouth to get covered in wax.

I'm having issues with floofiness. Excuse me. _
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11:36:53 PM, Tuesday 16 November 2004

What is the word for the sort of adjective that unique is? I sent something out to a mailing list with a rant about "especially unique" or "most unique" or something, explaining that unique doens't have more and most forms. But, does anyone remember the name of that kind of adjective? _
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11:34:51 PM, Tuesday 16 November 2004

I majorly scraped my floor moving the couch to vacuum. _
09:16:20 PM, Monday 15 November 2004

Did you know some guy claims to have found Atlantis? _
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05:52:10 PM, Monday 15 November 2004

Gawain the fish has died. _
05:31:07 PM, Monday 15 November 2004

The clock on my cell phone seems to keep changing the time. It has decided that it is 4:15 AM and I can't seem to change it. _
03:02:13 PM, Sunday 14 November 2004

There is nothing like waking up past ten and liesurely drinking tea while curled up on a sofa in a sunny window reading a novel to make your morning feel completely decadent. _
12:48:37 PM, Sunday 14 November 2004

My friend Mari has this theory she explained to me last week. First, you have to have a plant. Not a cactus or other succulent, but a normal plant. You have to keep it alive for a while (half a year? a year? we didn't hammer down the details.) And then you can get a fish. You must keep the fish a live for at least half a year (although we do all know that fish have this way of just floating to the top of the tank for no reason, so there is some leeway here.) Then you may get a dog. You must have the dog for at least a year before you can have a child. I have plants from freshman year. My fish are new, because our furnace was broken and it killed Astyanax and Ozymandias last fall. But I am proud of my plants. _
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11:01:17 PM, Saturday 13 November 2004

Molly decided to get this cherry vanilla soda at Whole Foods. Normally, I don't like cherry flavoured things. I adore cherries, it's cherry flavouring that I despise (I think it tastes like cough syrup, generally), but this soda is very very amazingly good. _
09:44:19 PM, Saturday 13 November 2004

Yesterday, for lunch we went to this restaurant called The Bubble House which I had been wanting to try, mostly because it had a cool name, but also because it looked pertty through the back window, I was curious about bubble tea (which I decided was weird, but tasty, but I always have enjoyed tapioca) and the sweet potato fries looked tasty. Then we came back to hang out in my apartment (which, let me tell you, was really exciting). My mom and I played bridge with my grandparents, but we split it up, so that my grandparents do play as partners, cause, frankly, they are far far better bridge players than my mom and I. I am a huge fan of bridge and spades, and I think more people our age should play such games. Then we went to the White Dog for dinner, which was a really spectacular meal. We have decided to mate Nattie and Benny, and I can have one of their puppies in the Spring, which makes me very excited. Molly thinks I should get myself a dog now, cause obviously my dog will want a friend, and I miss having the smogs around so much. _
09:38:09 PM, Saturday 13 November 2004

The smogs have gone away, and I am sad. But Nattie and Ben might be making babies, and I get a Nattie and Benny baby this Spring, and this makes me happy. _
01:19:46 AM, Saturday 13 November 2004

A mouse died in my living room this morning. _
10:07:29 AM, Friday 12 November 2004

Has anyone ever tried bubble tea? _
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11:09:01 PM, Thursday 11 November 2004

There is a food cart thing on Spruce St. that sells crepes in the afternoon. There are several that sell fresh fruit salad. I haven't bought any food from a cart, but the crepes and the fresh fruit both are very tempting. _
11:08:53 PM, Thursday 11 November 2004

My betta is named Gawain. I decided that from this point on my bettas will be named for Arthur's knights. Neil suggested Bors, but then I was lying in bed, and there was Sir Gawain and the Green Knight so that is his name. The black moore still has no name. I am debating Othello, but that feels a little obvious. There is a mock Egyptian statue in his/her tank, and I am considering giving her/him an Egyptian name. _
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11:08:08 PM, Thursday 11 November 2004

They turned on our heat and it is so fucking unbelievably hot in here. And we can't turn it down. It sucks, and I don't like it. Both of my roommates said "better too hot than too cold" but I disagree completely. I need to get my ac out of my window so I can open it. _
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10:16:54 PM, Thursday 11 November 2004 WB started running Smallville at the same time as UPN picked up Buffy. The odd similarities between the two shows no longer seems quite so odd. One thing which must be said for Buffy is that they never did fucking cliffhanger season finales. Also, there was never only one episode on a DVD which just drives you nuts. Now we have to wait to find out what's going to happen next, cause we didn't know it was going to be a cliffhanger. _
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09:57:18 PM, Thursday 11 November 2004

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