Tori's Bloglet

Yesterday, I bought a purse. I've never bought a purse in my life; the last purse that I had that I used on a regular basis, Margaret and I found while cleaning our room at the end of freshman year, and it wound up as mine. I broke the strap on that purse when I'd left on the backseat in the car, and the seat had been put down to make room for something large and heavy, and I found the strap, and pulled, and snap! there was no more handle. Jamie gave me a replacement purse, which was too small to be at all useful, but I used it for most of the summer. And now I have a purse that will hold just about anything I want to put in it (Jamie and I have decided that it won't hold the powerbook I'm going to buy when I get financial aid money disbursed) but that is it. It is nice and sturdy. And is designed to help you stay organized. _
08:04:10 AM, Friday 13 August 2004

The financial aid office is trying to urge me off the phone and onto the computer, cause it is August, and they are busy, but I've found it's easier to talk to people on the phone. _
12:50:11 PM, Thursday 12 August 2004

I fell down some stairs like two months ago (going on three, now) and landed largely on my wrist. It mostly doesn't hurt, but then I do things like make bread or drive certain stick shift cars, and it hurts all over again. It's really driving me nuts. I wish I head health insurance. _
11:22:16 PM, Tuesday 10 August 2004

Now, despite the fact that this is one of those incredibly early sorts of trailers where it's like, well, we in fact have nothing to show you, I find the fact that it exists completely delightful. _
09:58:36 PM, Tuesday 10 August 2004

I got a letter from Penn today, explaining that the stuff they sent me before was out date, and that it doesn't matter if I preregister, or wait til I'm in Philly. And that I might be registered already. _
04:32:13 PM, Monday 9 August 2004

Does anyone know a website where you can convert recipes from metric to cups? _
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12:30:23 PM, Monday 9 August 2004

The Thief of Time is really really good. Hogfather is a bit tedious, but The Thief of Time was so so good. Lobsang and Susan would make a great couple, too. _
10:11:48 PM, Saturday 7 August 2004

Today was my last day at work. Yay! _
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07:19:58 PM, Friday 6 August 2004

The more I think about, the more I think someone probably should write Making Friends for Dummies. _
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10:03:26 PM, Thursday 5 August 2004

I tried again to make sourdough last night. It tastes pretty much the same. The bread calls for baking soda, so the whole thing has this Irish Soda Bread quality to it. But still not sour. It's sad. I think the recipe for "Quick Overnight Starter" lied. _
07:06:43 AM, Wednesday 4 August 2004

I am rereading The Thief of Time. I love Pratchett, and Susan is awesome (I really get a kick out of Susan when she's trying to be normal). There's an early description of Jeremy, before he goes totally bonkers, where it says something like "he's the sort of person who, when he wanted to make friends, would go do looking for a book on 'How to Make Friendds' and wouldn't know what to do when he couldn't find one." That description reminded me of Kerne. That is the only part of Jeremy that reminds me of Kerne. Just thought I'd say that before I totally insult Kerne, cause Jeremy's a pretty dreadful guy, and I don't think Kerne is. _
07:04:54 AM, Wednesday 4 August 2004

I love my boots. They are very nice boots. I always thought Kerne's thing about his big boots was odd, and so were everyone else's, but I love my boots. _
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07:33:23 AM, Tuesday 3 August 2004

We had accidentally left the collars for our dogs at the groomers the last time they went. So today I went to pick them up. There are two dogs who have been living at the groomers for two months. They're people had decided they didn't want them, and they didn't want to take them to the humane society (one of them is a chow. A very nice chow, but still a chow, which people are wary of). I felt very bad for them. The chow was so sweet and pretty I almost took them home, but then it occurred to me that would be a bad idea. _
06:24:04 PM, Monday 2 August 2004

As far as I can figure out, to register for classes, you have to have a PennKey. But they don't give you teh codes to get one of those til you've registered. Stupid people. _
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06:22:02 PM, Monday 2 August 2004

My watermelons are growing. This is very exciting. I hadn't had high hopes for anything happening with my watermelons, as I sort of dumped some seeds down, and then pretty much forgot about them. I guess I did dump them in an old compost pile, and it has rained a lot, but it's still very exciting. _
07:20:25 AM, Monday 2 August 2004

Today I made my first sourdough bread ever. I made sourdough starter, and when the lid popped off and got sourdough starter all over the table, I figured it must be finished. The bread is in the oven. I hope it turns out yummy. If it doesn't, I will be very very sad. _
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09:37:44 PM, Sunday 1 August 2004

My sister is trying to figure out if the liquor you buy in the duty free shops counts as part of the liquor you can bring home with you. Does anyone know? _
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06:06:26 PM, Sunday 1 August 2004

There was just a huge crack of thunder. It woke me up. And so here I am, about to the computer off. And I start wonder. What is the point in turning off a computer during a thuderstorm? We do it everytime. Is it just in case the house gets struck? _
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02:41:04 AM, Sunday 1 August 2004

15 hours is a really long day. _
11:51:20 PM, Friday 30 July 2004

So, tonight we went to the Kerry rally thing in Harrisburg. They spent a while stalling for time, cause the Kerry people stopped in Scranton on their way to Harrisburg, and were there way longer than they meant to be, and they were dragging out random local politicians to talk to the crowd. Connor and I sat with other Circle School people, a group which included Livi who is 7 (or 6). She didn't really understand what was going on, and was hot and tired. She was very well behaved and didn't whine like at all until shortly after the buses actually showed up (her mom "Livi, that's a famous movie star up there. Yes, John Kerry is going to be up there soon."). It was fun and interesting, and there were so many people. Kerry made disappointed noises about the Yankee's hat on a guy near the stage. Teresa Heinz Kerry seems very cool. _
11:49:32 PM, Friday 30 July 2004

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bloglet script by Moss Collum