Tori's Bloglet

I really have no idea what I'm doing for my next glass project.It's kind of sad. I really ought to be enjoying this class more than I am. _
11:57:21 PM, Wednesday 11 February 2004

Jamie and I were discussing Troy cause I was looking at the website while I was waiting for my mom to get off the phone. I am far less worried about this movie going horribly awry than I ought to be. I came to the slow realization that having Peter O'Toole and Julie Christie in it is making me feel remkarably reassured. I have this feeling that if they can get respectable older actors to be in it, then it can't possibly just be a "look at the cute boys we got to do the Greek heroes" and pull of something ridiculous. Putting Guenever in a few straps of leather and blue paint worries and upsets me, possibly because the only Guenever I have cared about is TH White's Jenny who is totally not a Pictish warrior woman. Anyway. I am extremely excited about Troy. I want to see those ships on a big screen. I think Brad Pitt is a good actor and will do Achilles just fine. Remember, of course, that I'm not a huge fan of whine-boy, but I do think he ought to be well cast. _
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11:56:46 PM, Wednesday 11 February 2004

Girl With the Pearl Earring was very pretty. Although the long hair didn't suit Mr. Darcy. _
09:01:46 PM, Wednesday 11 February 2004

Damn. Apparently, I would need 8 credits, and they'd need to be going towards a degree.Whereas I'm doing 6, apparently, and I don't give a shit about grades/degree. _
09:01:19 PM, Wednesday 11 February 2004

My bookmarks, the many many bookmarks I had on my computer, aren't on this computer. This makes me sad, and it also makes me incredibly quick at typing things like (I don't really know why I don't use the one at ninjavampire, but I don't). I probably would do it all exactly the same even if I still had bookmarks, because I like to take my hands off the keyboard as little as possible, because the fewer times my hands go off the keyboard, the fewer times I'm likely to confuse which letters are supposed to have the little dots on them and put my hands down wrong. _
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08:33:29 AM, Wednesday 11 February 2004

I threw a teabag and sugar and milk in my travel mug to pour hot water onto. I rarely use teabags, but the vanilla almond stuff is so yummy, I bought in bags at Fresh Fields, cause I can't find it loose anywhere. I stared at it, and it reminded me of breakfast at the Generator. Fortunately, I do have more options than white and wheat toast, and I don't have to go digging through the massively huge bin of jelly to find anything that's not black currant. (I"m not a huge fan of black currant, especially not on toast.) _
08:30:07 AM, Wednesday 11 February 2004

I wonder if I can get a Bunac visa and go to England next year, then. _
08:26:17 AM, Wednesday 11 February 2004

Apparently, my two art classes are enough to throw my loans into deferement. I went to find out how much I owe Sallie Mae and by when, and it said I don't owe anything til 2006. This makes me ridiculously happy. _
12:04:37 AM, Wednesday 11 February 2004

Does it occur to anyone else how silly it would sound if Remus had been the victor? Can you imagine Reme, and the Reman Empire? _
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10:43:58 PM, Tuesday 10 February 2004

I wandered into a conversation about Senior Math and Lab at TCS. It wasn't actually about "at St. John's, they study this in Math and Lab when they're seniors" but I wandered into a conversation about relativity, curving space, and quantum. And so I joined in, because it was mostly people asking questions, and one person answering them, so I tried to help. I explained Mr. Beall's parable of the ants when he started talking about gravity just being things going along at straight lines. And then I tried to explain other stuff, some of which they understood, and some of which they didn't cause it turned out I couldn't quite remember. And so I was just about to send Mr. Beall an email to ask him about the stuff that I couldn't figure out how to explain, and now I've forgotten which bits they were. I think it might've had to do with negative curvature, and what makes it negative. _
08:35:46 PM, Tuesday 10 February 2004

I love the List to Revolutionize the World. I love the Japanese mixed in with the pop and the bits of Les Mis that pop up. I love the different songs. I love the Leonard Cohen. I love this Julia Eckerd (l?) woman who I've only heard one song by. I love trying to figure out what songs go with what bits. I love that it makes me want to watch Utena all over again. _
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08:29:39 PM, Tuesday 10 February 2004

I think I like this gaim thing. It lets more than one person be signed on at once, which is nifty, and it means that Connor and I can both be online all the time if we want.And the IMs are tabbed in one window, so you aren't opening more and more windows constantly. And it doesn't crash spontaneously. _
03:15:41 PM, Monday 9 February 2004

We had an absolutely lovely fundraiser on Wednesday. We had a whole bunch of games, and a spaghetti dinner, and a silent auction. The Silent Auction was where we particularly made money, as we got all these donations which then sold for rather a lot of money. I made a lot of calls to restaurants to see if they'd be willing to make a donation, and a bunch of people said yes. It was one of the most terrifying things in the world, making those phone calls. My heart was beating like a mile a minute. But, it's done, and everyone had a good time, and we made money. _
07:30:05 AM, Saturday 7 February 2004

I was sitting there, organizing my buddy list, and deleting names that are never there, or that people don't use anymore. And I came across Medora's. And it just makes me sad, and I left it there, because I couldn't bring myself to delete it. _
11:57:15 PM, Friday 6 February 2004

Refined White Sugar
The average American eats about 120 pounds of sugar per year which represents up to 20% of caloric intake.
(via Trader Joe's

Eew. _
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11:15:10 PM, Thursday 5 February 2004

write about it on the open travel guide
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11:05:22 PM, Thursday 5 February 2004

This program also opens all the IMs in one window. NOt realizing this, I closed the window I'd opened when I was all confused, and then was all confused that Katherine wasn't there. _
09:36:45 PM, Thursday 5 February 2004

We got this weird version of AIM called GAIM. It makes odd noises and shows me people's buddy icons in the window. _
09:25:19 PM, Thursday 5 February 2004

They are doing a Physics of Galileo class at TCS, and it makes me so lonely it's unbelievable _
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02:42:19 PM, Thursday 5 February 2004

Connor said "put">this in your AIM profile." I said "I don't link in my AIM profile." Connor said "But then all your friends might see it!" So I said I'd blog it, and so here it is. _
10:01:18 PM, Wednesday 4 February 2004

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bloglet script by Moss Collum