Tori's Bloglet

One of the perks to working at a school is getting snow days. Of course, I don't get a snow day from the restaurant, which is undeniably stupid. And I'm a bit bitter. But, I got to hang out in PJ's and watch XMen 1.5 special features and make a pesto roll bread. And now I have to get the snow off my car, go return the movie I rented to watch with my mom last night, and to mail back the netflix movies, and get to Kclingers by 4. Or not, if I can't drive, in which case I'll do it all later. _
02:58:04 PM, Monday 26 January 2004

I would love some Indian food. I'd been craving paratha and somosas, but now I want to go out and each bunch.I think, sometimes, that I learned to type quickly because of AIM and Kings Quest games.(And a handful of other text adventure games, like the Quest for Camelot, and early Quest for Glroy games.) _
10:29:06 AM, Sunday 25 January 2004

The Hamlet game doesn't seem to be loading for me, which is a shame. I generally do in fact have the patience for text adventure games, and I like Hamlet. And so long as I don't have to do any lint collecting, it will be fun. _
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04:34:58 PM, Friday 23 January 2004

Oh, hurrah, Ozy and Millie is new again. Just when I was beginning to think of despairing that it would never be new again, it comes back. _
06:46:06 AM, Thursday 22 January 2004

So, I started this project for my glass class, the sculpture with less than 50% glass. I got white fuzzy yarn and red glass beads and I'm going to finish this up before tomorrow night. It will be representative of Medraut and Lleu's strife and/or their long journey at the end of The Winter Prince. _
07:59:30 PM, Wednesday 21 January 2004

Sturgid is not a word. _
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01:30:01 PM, Wednesday 21 January 2004

I decided, in the end, to go with The Winter Prince. I eliminated the Eliot because Prufrock is short, and I haven't actually read "The Wasteland" in years and years, and I don't even actually have a copy of it. Homer was eliminated at the thought of not really feeling like rereading Homer just now. Tolkein and Carroll went away with the thought that they'd been mentioned in class, and so (while knowing they would be fine) were unappealling. The rest of the Program Books were eliminated at the though of "well, I'm not at St. John's, I can do any book I damn well please," and so I was left with The Winter Prince and Stardust. (The Once and Future King remains unfinished; Neverwhere is black, not glass.) And so, finally, the thought that The Winter Prince is like comfort food and that I take perverse pleasure in knowing books no one else knows, I went with The Winter Prince. I then spent a panicked hour trying to find it, and eventually found it at like two in the morning. I'm really exhausted. And I got one of those leg things in the middle of the night. (Damn. Pottassium. What is potasium in, other than bananas and pills?) _
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07:18:05 AM, Tuesday 20 January 2004

My pen arrived! _
02:54:27 PM, Monday 19 January 2004

For my glass class, I have to find a book which will serve as inspiration for my final project. I haven't been able to figure out what book to go with, and I need to figure it out by Tuesday. I've been going back and forth between Johnny books and nonJohnny books. The Johnny books I've been seriously considering have been The Iliad, Hamlet and Lear, and occasionally, I think of Euclid. The quasi-Johnny quasi-books I've thought of were "The Wasteland" and "The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock" I think if I were to go with either of the Eliot it would probably be "The Wasteland" but I would really need to reread it before deciding that. I've thought of Alice and The Lord of the Rings (although he mentioned it in class when he was telling us about books, and so I'm disinclined to do so). And then I thought of The Once and Future King, and this might be because I actually give a shit about Lancelot and Guenever in this book, which is completely not something I usually do. And I thought of The Winter Prince. At which point, I decided that I wasn't going to think of any new options, and then when I was getting dressed today, my eye fell on Neverwhere, and now I've added Neverwhere and Stardust to my list. And now I really am not going to add anything else to my list, and try to eliminate things. _
09:28:30 PM, Sunday 18 January 2004

So, if the Eagles win tonight, they will make it to the Superbowl for the first time in 20+ years. (My brother is a huge Eagles fan.) People come to Kclingers to watch the games on the big screen TV and eat cheap wings and drink beer. However, the roads are shitty. However, we are closer to Philly than Pittsburg, so Harrisburg is Eagles fans, not Steelers fans. I'm intensely curious as to what the crowd will be like tonight. _
03:06:44 PM, Sunday 18 January 2004

Yesterday, I saw a girl pounce on the back of another girl and the pouncess sort of doubled over, and the pouncer was all sqeelly and it reminded me of Wakaba. _
07:53:13 AM, Saturday 17 January 2004

I mean, really. I haven't gotten to sleep in once during this Farm Show Week. There should be ice all over the trees. There should be more than this powder-sugar snow. TCS should at least delay, goddamnit, so I can sleep. (Every school district around is is delayed. But did The Circle School decide to do anything? No. And I'm not a student anymore, so I still have to go in when I'm supposed to be there.) _
11:19:00 PM, Thursday 15 January 2004

Woosiest Farm Show week ever. _
11:17:03 PM, Thursday 15 January 2004

I put all my information that I knew of, work schedules and meetings and whatnot, into the Yahoo calendar, and they're emailing me the stuff. Granted, I wouldn't be in this particular restaurant right now staring blearily at the computer while I wait for my egg and cheese bagel to be finished rather than in my warm bed if I didn't know I was supposed to be at TCS at 8:30, but the idea is very nice. _
08:15:18 AM, Wednesday 14 January 2004

My brother's friend Dan is applying to St. John's, and wants to know what they're looking for in that book essay one. Like, should it be something that looks like a Program book, or could it be anything. I went the giving them an essay about a book I'd already written route, what routes did you take? _
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07:19:26 AM, Tuesday 13 January 2004

I think I like this organization. I've been struck by their Kermit billboard repeatedly on the way to the Circle school and it always makes me happy. I looked at their mission statement, and I think I like them even more. _
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03:39:24 PM, Monday 12 January 2004

We were going to have artichokes and scalloped potatoes with dinner, but then the artichokes all sucked, and we wound up spending far more time at the Victoria Secret sale than we'd thought we would, and so we are having grilled tofu and rice, and those who eat meat are eating salmon and clams. _
07:55:12 PM, Wednesday 7 January 2004

Kids are interesting. Today I saw a nine year old trip while playing tag and totally flip out because her pant leg got a little muddy. Her little brother accidentally got hit in the eye by some other kid at about the same time. She wound up screaming and crying because we wouldn't call her mom to ask her to bring a new pair of pants in, while her brother sat in my lap with an icepack and clung like only a five year old who got a little hurt and really should've taken a nap clings. _
02:50:24 AM, Wednesday 7 January 2004

Why is there no Tracy online when I have a Tolkein question? _
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09:10:27 PM, Tuesday 6 January 2004

Today I wandered around in Barnes and Nobles after working at TCS, and I found Sparks Notes for The Once and Future King and, feeling mildly curious as it's one of the books I'm currently reading, I picked it up to see what it said. In the beginning of the bit about "The Queen of Air and Darkness" it described Orkney as a kingdom in ancient Ireland. Which I wouldn't have nearly as many issues with if I hadn't almost gone to Orkney, and if the book didn't talk about Gawaine keeping his Scottish accent to prove that he wasn't ashamed of his heritage. _
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03:19:08 PM, Monday 5 January 2004

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