Tori's Bloglet

Tonight, I'm scheduled to close Kclingers. Then tomorrow I'm going to the Sandra Day O'Connor thing at St. John's, which means i have to be in Annapolis at 9 or earlier. _
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05:36:53 PM, Friday 10 October 2003

Do you suppose, then, that that was the end of Joey and Rachel? Cause if it was, that was an awful lot of buildup for nothing. _
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10:17:34 AM, Friday 10 October 2003

Johanna and I were talking about the getting up early thing. She started working for a temp agency, and had been used to thinking that getting up at 8 or 9 was early, and now she has to be at work at 8 or 9. I, however, am still doing the restaurant thing, and so I often get home at midnight or later, and so getting up at 10ish is early. I get up at 10 the days I have pottery, cause I don't have to look presentable, I just need to throw on clothes I don't particularly care about and go off to class, and become a respectable looking person when I get home before I go to work. _
10:03:17 AM, Friday 10 October 2003

So, this morning I got up obscenely early and went out to breakfast with dee as a graduation thing. A late graduation thing. We were supposed to do lunch in May, but she was really sick. Breakfast was nice, even if it was far earlier than I normally get up. _
10:01:22 AM, Friday 10 October 2003

Someone I work with was complaining about the new 20, thinking that it will look like Monopoly money. I think it will look like international money, so it's all fine with me. But I still think we should take Jackson off and put someone else on. _
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03:05:02 PM, Thursday 9 October 2003

I wonder when my pants will show up. _
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10:46:54 AM, Thursday 9 October 2003

HACC is running trips to England, Italy and Greece for classes. The one to England is just about 2 weeks and about $2000, right after new year, with a few days in Paris. _
12:05:55 AM, Thursday 9 October 2003

Actually, the last cylinder I tried to throw was nearly right, but there I didn't do a sharp enough corner at the bottom, so there was extra clay there, and then there wasn't enough at the lip. _
02:44:32 PM, Wednesday 8 October 2003

Today, I glazed. This took almost two hours, the whole deciding which glazes I wanted to use, mixing them up, and then cleaning up the bottom of my pots. So then I sat down and tried to do the cylinder assignment that we have, but I suck at cylinders. _
02:44:04 PM, Wednesday 8 October 2003

And, since I got a CD last night for $10, I should let everyone know the Chris Duarte Group (or maybe it's just Chris Duarte) is very good. _
10:08:13 AM, Wednesday 8 October 2003

I like that I can now blog without either opening a new window, or going somewhere else in the window I have open. _
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10:01:01 AM, Wednesday 8 October 2003

So, I was sitting here typing in URLs that I was going to, cause that tends to be how I do it, rather than going to bookmarks or whatever, and I typed in and got all confused. _
09:52:16 AM, Wednesday 8 October 2003

Tonight's blue's band at Kclingers was really quite good, and I got a copy of one of their CDs for $10 because I was working, and he signed it. _
01:11:41 AM, Wednesday 8 October 2003

So, to do this blogging by IM thing, I just hit send now? _
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01:07:30 AM, Wednesday 8 October 2003

Stupid computer, stupid windows, stupid Quicktime not working, stupid stupid...all I wanted to do was watch trailers for movies on, cause they usually work, but noo... _
10:12:56 PM, Sunday 5 October 2003

One of the hostesses I work with wants to set me up with a friend of her son. They (the son and the friend) came in on Friday, and so I sort of met him, and then Joann was talking him up to me, and was like "he's very straight, very religious..." and I was sitting there thinking, "oh, dear, and here's me who read Douglas Adams's essay on calling himself a 'radical atheist' and thinking of doing the same thing, for about the same reasons." _
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01:40:43 PM, Sunday 5 October 2003

I wonder if at least part of why Dream's story in Endless Nights was set so far back was to allow it to be the story of at least sort of the same Dream as whose story was told throughout the 75 issues of Sandman but also to have it not be related to the "Lord of Dreams realizes he must change or die and does" theme that was the theme of the comics. _
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11:08:13 PM, Saturday 4 October 2003

I would've been terribly upset with ER if Luka had been dead. _
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12:55:59 AM, Friday 3 October 2003

I think when I get a new fish, I will name it Borghal Rantipole. Or, at any rate, I will dig The Kindly Ones out of a box, and figure out what the name of Del's fish was. _
05:16:29 PM, Thursday 2 October 2003

So, my old school is trying to organize an alumni gathering/20th anniversary thing this coming Spring, which, since I'm home, they have roped me into helping with. So today I went to the first meeting about this, and wound up feeling very frustrated with things. Like, they want to do a book thing, of pictures from the school over the course of the history, and they also want a yearbook for this year, but they only have the budget for one, so they want to combine it. Eventually I talked them out of that, cause, you know, that's kind of stupid. And I was like "I will do the book thing. I will ask for help from certain people, and it will be pretty and nice." And they were like "No. You have to have help from certain people, you have to have current students. It has to be inclusive." I'm really frustrated. I don't know how to deal with this. It's like, ooo, art by committee, that's going to be great... _
05:15:41 PM, Thursday 2 October 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum