Tori's Bloglet

I am cleaning my house. An appraiser is coming, cause my parents are refinancing, and our house is totally completely messy. My sister and I both came home from college at the same time, and I can't for the life of me figure out where all my stuff went in Chase, as my room here is actually larger, and doesn't seem to be able to hold my stuff. And our dad sent us home from his house with stuff for apartments, and our spaces are bulging with stuff. I am sitting here taking a break. When I am finished, I will watch last night's Buffy (unless, of course, the thing I downloaded wasn't last night's Buffy in which case I will watch other episodes I downloaded) and I will be happy. And I am going to make banana bread, because we have these two bananas sitting out that are totally dark brown. My mom is paying me to clean the house, she was going to pay me by the hour, and then she saw how I was cleaning, and how distracted I was, and said she'd pay me $100 for cleaning, and she doesn't care if it takes me all day. _
02:26:26 PM, Wednesday 14 May 2003

My last blog from Chase, as I do my last bits of packing. _
04:05:24 PM, Sunday 11 May 2003

I have extraordinarily long eyelashes. _
09:42:09 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

Brianne's shoes, which I loved so much, cut up my feet. _
08:30:00 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

Roberta yesterday said we should prey for it to be clear, if we were in that sort of favour with the deity. My method is to just control the weather with my mind. (I'm now slightly afraid that if I stop concentrating really hard on it not raining, it will start raining.) _
08:28:34 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

Mirabai wrote her story about sleeping through most of her Commencement. I have realized that it is impossible for me to do such a thing, as I woke up at 7:30, and seem to have just given up on going back to sleep. If I have something big and important to do, I have an internal alarm clock that goes off long before the physical alarm clock goes off. Nerves, I suppose. My stomach feels like I drank too much champagne last night, which is interesting as I drank nothing at all last night. I'm going to try to get another 20 minutes of sleep. _
08:11:54 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

I have my pots with glass sort of on display in my bedroom, all spread out over my trunk, with a light set up to shine down on them, cause they look coolest in the light. _
08:08:27 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

Sitting here, waiting for my toenail polish to dry. _
02:41:09 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

Noam's mother came by to talk to me at the Waltz Party this evening. It was a little odd. She's a very nice woman, and seems totally different from her son. When she left, I turned to Cassie and said "I think she likes me far more than Noam does." Which I then realized isn't entirely true, I think Noam has a certain amount of respect for me because of my Greek Thing, and it held over through Freshman Year, probably because I was one of the few people who continued to care about the language. He may drive me nuts in class, but we're always pleasant to one another outside of class. _
02:40:41 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

Mr. Higuera played "Here Comes the Sun" and "Sweet Baby James" for us at the Class Day Excersizes (he also played this song Mr. Stickney wrote about being a Liberal Artist, which was really funny at Bee Gone Dull Care, but we couldn't hear a word he said this afternoon) and it was very sweet. And it also hasn't rained yet. _
02:30:10 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

Oh, Kerne, we thought you ought to know that your name got a good deal of applause when they read it off at the Senior Dinner. _
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02:20:09 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

I am thinking I want to make a "Best of St. John's Waltz Parties" CD, and I know a few songs to go after, but give me names, people. _
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02:13:57 AM, Sunday 11 May 2003

This collar thing, do we actually have to wear it? _
01:25:15 PM, Saturday 10 May 2003

Brianne's Mom just said that she meant to ask Jacob while he was up here just now why they couldn't've waited to break-up till after the moving thing was done. _
01:23:04 PM, Saturday 10 May 2003

Looking at digital photos I was sent a link to, seeing small children play around a May Pole. We all know, of course, that there's no symbolism whatsoever to a May Pole. It's just a fun thing to dance around cause it has ribbons which you weave down the sides. (In my precept last year, someone came up with the idea that a May Pole is a blend of tragedy and comedy, as tragedy goes in circles and comedy involves mock-up penises._ _
10:59:33 AM, Saturday 10 May 2003

Wow. It's like the weather actually has been listening to my urgings for it to be clear for Commencement. _
01:08:30 AM, Saturday 10 May 2003

And then I will go home, and my computer will go offline, and I will no longer always be on AIM. My plethora of away messages will lose their purpose. _
01:06:13 AM, Saturday 10 May 2003

Everytime Buffy (or Faith, now) leads the troupe of Bitty Slayers into danger where it looks like someone might die, Brianne and I go "Kennedy die!" It never seems to work. I loved Faith when she snapped at Kennedy to shut up in the most recent episode, though. _
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01:05:02 AM, Saturday 10 May 2003

My grandmother called, as I was standing in the hall after the dinner trying to figure out what I was going to do with myself for the evening (I found Brianne who was watching an extraordinarily bad movie, and we went away to watch evil Spike and Oz), delighted to have finally gotten ahold of me when I wasn't running off to class or sleeping, to find out what I want for graduation. Which I have no idea. She talked for a while, and I listened, and listened. She told me she's been saving these plates to give to me when I have an apartment, these silly little plates with pink flowers on them, and then when they got their new place she took the plates up there, and she was feeling all bad. I started laughing, and said over and over that it was okay, and she was genuinely distressed, but I'd never really liked the plates, and so I finally said something like "they're really not my style at all." We talked a little about my Europe trip (I need advice for my Europe trip, if anyone has any),a nd how I'm going right after Nate and Rebekah's wedding, and she asked how their blanket is coming. And I said something like, oh, it's coming, it's maybe about halfway done, and she said, in her way that's insulting even though it's trying/pretending not to be "oh, well, maybe you can get it done" to which I responded "I'm not at all worried about getting it done. I knit incredibly quickly, it just sat in a bag for about a month and wasn't worked on at all." _
12:45:23 AM, Saturday 10 May 2003

I find this absolutely delightful. _
12:39:19 AM, Saturday 10 May 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum