Tori's Bloglet

I have no hat. For whatever reason, I want a hat. But I don't want to, say, spend the money to buy a hat. Or the time to go hat shopping, only to find that the hat I might purchase would clash with my dress. _
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11:21:16 AM, Thursday 24 April 2003

The coolest part about sending emails is getting responses. _
11:04:17 AM, Thursday 24 April 2003

I am really getting sick of "Super Flumina Babylonis." We sing it over and over, and we can never get it right. Someone slows it down; people sing flat. Rrr. _
12:47:49 AM, Thursday 24 April 2003 Shit. They serve no veggie entrees. What will I do? _
11:57:44 PM, Wednesday 23 April 2003

I have been so unbelieveable tired lately. _
05:51:53 PM, Wednesday 23 April 2003

One thing I must say about this antibiotic, is it has made my eyes stop gooing. This is nice. I had thought it was allergies, but apparently not. Ah, getting sick in the Spring. I don't know what's sick and what's allergies. Fall is even worse. _
01:37:31 AM, Wednesday 23 April 2003

We discussed animals who change their gender today in lab. Apparently, the gender of bees is dependant on what they are fed as larvae. There are turtles and other lizards who, when their eggs are subjected to high tempertures or to low temperatures, will change genders. Mr. Maistrellis knew a bit about bees, and said he thought there was stuff about amphibians and reptiles, and then pointed to Isadora as the expert on such matters. It was really adorable, cause she really did know rather a lot about such things. _
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01:10:06 AM, Wednesday 23 April 2003

We played a lot of cards at The Circle School, back when I was still there. We all got quite good at things like remembering what trump and what high cards had been played. Many of us got fairly decent at stacking the deck as well. It was cute. You got the right four people together, and everyone knew the other people were stacking the deck, so you didn't feel bad about doing it yourself. And you always offered the cut. The whole stacking and cutting the deck was cute cause when you are playing a game like Spades (Spades was the the game of choice; Connor, Jyles and I were the only ones who could stack the deck and also play Bridge, but we held Bridge in too much honour to stack the deck while playing that) all the cards are dealt out. In a circle. You may very well stack yourself a lovely hand and give your partner one as well (all right, none of us could do an entire hand). Hands stick together in such games. So, the cut is made, and there is a 1 in four chance that you are going to get the hand you stacked for yourself. A 50-50 chance you and your partner are going to get the good hands. Anyway. The point was, these were both skills I was proud of. And we don't play such games at St. John's. I am not dissing Mao. I enjoy Mao. Mao is the only cards I have really played since I got here. But Mao is silly and fun and brainless. And you can't talk, so it's not very sociable. I like games that utilize your brain, and that you can talk while playing. _
12:56:28 AM, Wednesday 23 April 2003

One of the various things I need of my own someday is a copy of Hoyle's. One should always be able to drag such a thing out in order to stare at it and realize that the only games you can play with more than four people are idiotic games such as Michigan and I Doubt It (a.k.a. BullShit). But it also has great details on how to play Bridge, which is one of my favourite card games, and could do things like tell you how to play Whist. I think we should play Whist at Croquet, because it's a Jane Austen sort of game, but I've forgotten completely how to play. _
12:47:35 AM, Wednesday 23 April 2003

Hmm...Ani DiFranco is playing at the Philly Folk Fest this year. I wonder if I should consider going again, now that I'm not 14, and won't be babysitting for the child from hell. _
12:06:14 AM, Wednesday 23 April 2003

Brianne and I just watched "Once More, With Feeling" and "Tabula Rasa" cause I've been feeling this lack of Buffy and was feeling sick still and didn't want to do anything that required as much thought as homework or even reading Bridget Jones's Diary. It was fun. We are waiting for Lindsey's computer to finish downloading last week's episode of Buffy. She has downloaded the most recent episode of Charmed three times now, each time it was labelled as Buffy. _
11:33:46 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

Hey, Sarah, can you take us shopping for croquet food Friday afternoon/early evening? _
09:33:58 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

Reloading BLT is cute; watching people make comments on each other's blogs, so that Anne and I are practically having a conversation on Cassie's. _
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08:37:09 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

There was a poem in our cummingsesque poems that was all about croquet. It was cute. _
05:42:29 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

I am volunteering to organize the Croquet food thing, would like help and suggestions (and if anyone else wants to do it, by all means, you are welcome to take it from me). So people should put up suggestions for food and beverages that they want. _
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05:41:58 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

Apparently, next year they are putting freshmen in the doubles in Chase as singles. This floor will be a guys' floor and my room will belong to the R.A. _
05:40:02 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

My mom wants me to make a lunch/brunch reservation for the Sunday of graduation, and I haven't a clue what time to make it for. Does anyone have a rough guess as to how long the ceremony goes, so I can then add that together with the time I want to spend at the reception thing so I can figure out when to make this reservation for? _
05:37:35 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

I am on a King Arthur kick again. Or maybe it's a Mordred kick, I'm not entirely sure, as whichever it may be it was started up again by A Coalition of Lions and The Winter Prince. (The former having nearly nothing to do with Arthur as Goewin is entirely ficticious and Artos dying on the second page, but it had Medraut, and I like Medraut). So, um. Yes. I don't really know what I want to read, but I want to read more Arthur. I was thinking of T.H. White; is he good, and does anyone have any other suggestions? _
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05:31:34 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

The nurse finally came to the conclusion that I am sick and gave me antibiotics (as well as more sudafed). Ha ha. _
03:53:20 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

I want a pill that will make me feel all better. Goddamn it, why don't they make such a thing? And why did I leave my echinecea in Pennsylvania? That always helps. _
12:21:32 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum