Tori's Bloglet

Wow, getting to any entry on takes forever. _
08:12:05 PM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

The Greek word menis, which begins The Iliad means rage. (It's in the accusative at the beginning of The Iliad but that isn't what's important right now.) But it doesn't just mean rage, so much. In The Iliad it is only used to describe the rage of gods and of Achilles against Agamemnon. Isn't that interesting? _
05:32:17 PM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

Jacob came knocking on my door, cause we'd agreed to go off and gather sticks to roast marshmellows with at Storytellers. He looked at me as I wandered over towards the door (where my coat was hanging) and said, "you might want a coat, you know." I laughed, said I know, put my coat on, and said "I'm not your girlfriend, you know, I wear coats." _
04:05:31 PM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

I know it's raining today, but I am ready for my prisms to start making rainbows again. Any time, guys, sun, you want to line up and make rainbows dance around my room all afternoon, I will be very happy. _
02:22:30 PM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

By word count, I am almost halfway to the minimum. By page count, I have about a third of the pages they want. I have bunches more to say, but right now I am sitting here at my computer, feeling stuck and playing Minesweeper. _
02:10:18 PM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

They had Two Towers posters at the dining hall. I don't think they really knew why, but they were giving them away. So I took one. And now I look at my walls and realize that I do not, in fact, have any space. _
01:03:40 PM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

On Saturday they are running two shuttles to Kinko's and shuttles most of the evening to the President's house. _
01:01:14 PM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

The genitive of Zeus (at least in Homeric Greek) is Dios. Dios is also an epithet for Achilles: Atreides te anax andron kai dios Achilleus. _
11:34:46 AM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

Realization. Tylor hit the same bits of me, I think, that Pratchett does. I quite like Pratchett, I own every paperback Discworld novel there is. I think Susan is awesome, and like Carrot an awful lot. Utena is getting me in the places Sandman and other Gaiman stuff does. And Gaiman I buy in hardback. _
02:37:19 AM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

I have what probably amounts to two pages on Paris. (Paris, not Pyrrhus.) And how he is most definately not a hero. I'm not actually quite sure how long it is, cause right now I'm reading over what I had written and writing stuff out by hand, cause I find it easier to think that way. And while I have a rough guesstimate, I'm ont entirely sure how my handwriting translates into double spaced 12 point Palatino. _
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02:27:59 AM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

Although I do quite like the elevator/confessional. _
02:24:02 AM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

I must say, I am waiting for the Black Rose duels to end. _
02:23:36 AM, Wednesday 29 January 2003

I have spent what seems like an absurd amount of time sitting on the little chest of drawers outside Mr. Larsen's office. I sat out there for almost half an hour today, and then Mandi showed up, Mr. Larsen had called our hall to tell me that he was ill and couldn't make it. _
03:46:30 PM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

Who knew Word knew the word "Myrmidons"? _
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02:04:15 PM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

I wish I could look at Perseus in Greek and read people like Cassie's blog in the same version of Netscape. _
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01:41:09 PM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

I have returned to my chair, having decided that I like the back rest better than the cushy bed. _
01:26:01 PM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

More that are in a perhaps way: Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle) and Alice. _
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11:41:50 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

My sister has been cast as the Fool in Lear at her school. She is disappointed only that the Fool is only in the first half, although I think she wanted to play Regan (or Goneril? I can never remember which is which) more. _
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11:30:29 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

I wonder what happened to my socks. I swear I used to have more socks than I see when I look right now. I did laundry like last week, and already I'm down to big thick socks. Maybe I should buy more cotton socks. _
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11:03:30 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

Some kind soul put rather a lot of firewood downstairs by the fireplace. Brianne said she would buy Smore's making stuff for Storytellers, and Jacob and I are going to go on a stick hunt at some point this afternoon. _
10:54:45 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum