Tori's Bloglet

I got tired of pulling my curtain back and forth twice a day, largely cause it always got stuck on one part of my curtain rod, and so I have started tying it in the middle. Unfortunately, this means there is less light, and I am currently sitting in a room with two lights on. _
10:36:28 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

Tuesday means Utena tonight, and this will make me very happy. _
10:34:40 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

Short of taking my keyboard apart and putting it back together, are there any suggestions as to how to get the dust away from my keys? _
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10:33:50 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

I had worried that Hector wasn't eating. He certainly didn't like the flakes I got him originally, and then he wasn't really eating the pellets that came with his tank either. When I changed his water last week, there were massive amounts of pellets sitting there in his marbles. So lately I have taken to watching him while he eats, and he is in fact eating. The key seems to be to have him close to the top of his tank to begin with. _
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10:21:29 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

I dreamt, sometime after I set my alarm to go off an hour later than it was set to, that Tracy was writing short little two page papers on my paper topic as a demonstration of something. That I wasn't awake writing, probalby. _
10:14:16 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

I'm finding myself looking forward to classes again. I'm not entirely sure I remember where all my classes are. Someone asked me yesterday at lunch if I still remembered where my Seminar is, and I said probably not, shut my eyes, and said, okay, it's in that room on second McDowell that's on the far side from here, closer to the Quad. Which is amusing, of course, because at least once last semester I went up to the third floor, walked in the room, wondered why none of these people looked like people in my seminar, then wondered why they didn't have Hegel, and ran out of the room. _
10:13:12 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

I think I succeeded in completely confusing the spellchecker on Word this evening. This would give me great satisfaction if it were a real person. _
02:16:13 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

Netscape 4.7 which I went back to to look at Greek is interesting cause I can't hit tab to get to my password entry box. I keep trying, and it doesn't work. _
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01:32:17 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

Juniors rock cause they gave us food and will continue to give us food all week. _
01:31:24 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

Good lord, 10 pages of sitings of the word "heros" (I can't make it Greek, don't make me try) from The Iliad alone when I copied them out of Perseus's search tool and into Word. _
01:30:43 AM, Tuesday 28 January 2003

Tried to write "Hector was the husband of Andromache" and first almost used the word "mother" then tried to use the word "wife." Nearly repeated mistake in blog as well. _
07:57:43 PM, Monday 27 January 2003

My computer has decided that it does like the CD I made at the beginning of the school year full of pictures. I have this adorable picture of my dogs as my background right now. I miss my dogs. _
07:31:05 PM, Monday 27 January 2003

My dad's oldest sister is dying. My dad found out a week or so ago that she had cancer. They'd thought it had gone into remission, but they were wrong, and said she had a few months to live. Then she had a stroke a few days ago, and they say she has a few weeks to live, maybe. My dad says I should write her a card, something cheery and upbeat, and not say things like "gee, I'm sorry you're dying." It seems so strange. I haven't seen her since 96, and before that I hadn't seen her since 89. It's not like there was enmity, it's just that their family never left Wisconson, and we never went to Wisconson. I really have no idea how to write this card, and I'm sure I will feel extremely guilty if I don't write it. (It's not like when Grandpa died. If I'd known he was dying, I probably could've written him a card.) _
02:05:07 AM, Monday 27 January 2003

I want to make a CD of all the songs Hameln played. _
12:37:59 AM, Monday 27 January 2003

My hair doesn't stay back in a ponytail. There are these bits that would be bangs if they were half a foot shorter, but they are short enough not to stick in anything unless it's two french braids. Which is sad, cause the entire poit of pulling my hair back was to get them out. _
12:33:10 AM, Monday 27 January 2003

Note to self: As brilliant an idea as it may seem to lie on stomach and type with keyboard on bed, it is actually rather painful to lower arms. _
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12:07:45 AM, Monday 27 January 2003

Thinking about "good guys" and "bad guys" for my paper. If the book were simpler, they would be obvious. If nothing else, the "bad guys" would be so obvious, we would know automatically which side is which. And I am reminded of Hameln, where when I counted off the characters I liked for Tracy the other day, I came up with 4, although she pointed out three more that I had to agree with, even though I don't quite count two of them as characters, cause of how little they actually appeared (Hameln, Sizer, Clary and Obo were the 4 I counted, Tracy pointed out Chestra and Pandora, and Bass). With the exception of Clary, I didn't give a shit about the humans, even though they were techincally the "good guys" and the demons (except for Sizer and somewhat Bass) were rather despicable as well. What an interesting show. Hm. Not really related to Homer at all, and I'm going to keep it that way. _
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12:06:45 AM, Monday 27 January 2003

Word recognizes Phthia as spelled properly. This leads me to believe that I have used this word in a paper before. (Actually, this isn't a paper, this is the catalgue of the ships for Moira.) _
11:09:52 PM, Sunday 26 January 2003

Beauty and the Beast is the only faerie tale I can think of where there is really any character growth at all. Of course Beast changes; no self-respecting Beauty would fall in love with the ass who turned the faerie/witch/sorcess/whatever away in the beginning. He needs her to be the catalyst for his change, otherwise he would be happily suited to Beauty's sisters. Beauty's change seems to happen in the beginning of the story: she is the daughter of the failed merchant who steps into the role of a servant, but that isn't even really change, now that I think of it, it is a change in circumstance, and nothing else. Hmm...It could certainly bear closer scrutiny. I like the story more and more, the more different retellings of it I read. _
05:22:53 PM, Sunday 26 January 2003

I'm sitting here, waiting for my sister to call me or IM me or something, the inevitable response to the phonecall she is about to receive. _
04:50:05 PM, Sunday 26 January 2003

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bloglet script by Moss Collum