Tori's Bloglet

The puppy has gotten the name Nattie, which is short for Natalya. She's sitting on my lap. Totally adorable little dog. _
12:02:29 PM, Sunday 9 June 2002

This afternoon, I was reminded of last summer. I was stuck in working in a kitchen where I didn't want to be. (Techincally, as a food runner, I am part of the kitchen staff. But I am also part of the up front staff. So it's all weird and confusing, and there are two different managers who tell me when it's okay for me to leave. I hate my job.) And it was hot and horrible and I was hot and miserable. This happened last summer as well, except that Brad was always a total trip to work with in the kitchen, and so that made it bearable. Also, last summer, I could always go upstairs, put on my bathing suit, and then run across the street, past a row of three or four beach houses and jump in the ocean and float for a while. It was awesome. Totally the best way to end a hot day in the kitchen. Much better than: buy flowers, pick your brother up, go to your mom's law school, drop stuff off, call their cell, find out that you weren't supposed to write "from Marianne Tyrrell" on an envelope, cause it's supposed to be anonymous, so go run back to the office to scratch it out, receive phone call telling you to stop at pet store to buy things like puppy food and small dog food bowl, pick up brother's girlfriend, go to liquor store where you stand there and try to figure out what is a good sort of wine, go to Giant to pick up things like sunflower seeds (not the eating sort, the planing sort), hair dye, creamy yummy Dannon yogurt and fake meat products. Go home, have mom freak out cause people are coming over and you just showed up and were supposed to clean the house when you got home, and you just showed up and they are about to be there. Do a tear through of cleaning the house, all the while attempting to at least sort of meet the new puppy, and to keep the old puppy relatively happy and aware that you all still love her. (I think she thinks we hate her right now, actually. But she did eat the cheese I fed her as a peace offering.) The Outer Banks were just so lovely. _
12:54:37 AM, Thursday 6 June 2002

So today my parents and sister went off and picked out a new dog, to keep Ellie company. Our new dog as of yet has no name. She is teensy tiny, brand new puppy. She is a crossbread of a bichon and a cavalier spaniel. She's mostly white with some tan. Very sweet, very obviously young. She gets distressed if there isn't a warm body nearby. Her noises to let you know that she is distressed is very quiet. Her tan spots are about the colour of a white russian, and so if my uncle hadn't had cocker spaniel for a very long time with the name, Kahlua would be a good name for her. So I then thought of, well, White Russian, but that really is a stupid name for a dog, Kahlua is at least a cool word. My mom has considered naming her after a champagne or chardonnay or after a cheese. K.D. was suggested, I'm not entirely sure why, but that isn't such a good idea, cause a different uncle has been in this odd relationship with a woman named Katie Daley, who sometimes spells her name K.D. _
12:40:45 AM, Thursday 6 June 2002

I did manage to work up the guts to ask about waitting tables at the restaurant where I'm working, and they already have too many serverers. Sucks. So I called Fridays again and I have an interview for Thursday. So I can be off running food at Cantone's for lunch and then wait tables at Fridays for dinner. And then sleep. And somewhere in there read War and Peace. If Borders wants to hire me, I'll drop Cantone's and will be happy to do so. _
11:15:35 PM, Tuesday 4 June 2002

Since we have lost Johnny the Amazing Dog due to Peg e being insane and running off with Jyles, and Ellie freaking out when we leave her home alone, we are most likely getting a new dog. Tomorrow. Tomorrow they go off to look at shit tsus from where Ellie came from, a mix of a bichon and something that I can never keep straight, but oh, my, are the pictures they have on their website adorable. There is someone else who has a standard poodle mixed with something that sounds like it could be lovely, if you don't feel the need to groom the dog so it has a bubble butt that they might go look at. _
11:13:06 PM, Tuesday 4 June 2002

I need to work up the courage to talk to one of the managers at work about waiting tables a few evenings a week. It's totally unfair. The waitresses make like $200 at night. And I made $40 running their food around. And I really need to make money this summer, cause of a shitty financial aid packet. _
12:02:06 AM, Tuesday 4 June 2002

I ran Ad-Aware. The top text links went away. And then they came back again. Fucking stupid windows fucking stupid microsoft...rrr.... _
12:00:27 AM, Tuesday 4 June 2002

Yay! They went away! _
12:09:55 PM, Sunday 2 June 2002

I think they are putting links on more words now. And phrases, such as the "get money" that I had in one of the entries from a day or two ago. _
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11:15:58 PM, Saturday 1 June 2002

To my delighted surprise, unlike Kings Quest V, Caesar II works fine on this computer. I'd totally forgotten about the game, and was looking for RollerCoaster Tycoon, and decided to see if I still liked Caesar II. I have been having fun in that frustrated way you do when you are playing a SimCity type game, and trying to figure out why they don't think they have a real water supply, or how to make the people who act as firemen do their job. _
11:14:45 PM, Saturday 1 June 2002

I have now reread all the Guards books. Well, I didn't just read Guards, Guards, but I read it in February, so I think that's okay. I read them in order, which I'm not sure I did the first time around. My little brother has Carrot tendancies, sometimes, I think. Now I should really start reading War and Peace. _
11:12:46 PM, Saturday 1 June 2002

So instead of watching a lovely Shakespeare play, we went to see About a Boy. It was cute. Not great, but it was cute. _
11:58:32 PM, Friday 31 May 2002

And so, of course, it rained just long enough for them to decide to cancel the show. These speakers came out, two people trying to get money for some Arts Association, and then our Congressman came out to talk about how Othello really is the best of Shakespeare's plays and why. And then it started raining, and getting really windy, and there was some lightning, so they cancelled the play. _
11:54:38 PM, Friday 31 May 2002

Tonight, barring rain, we will be watching Othello. Barring rain because the show is in the park.

Totally unrelated, I have found lovely MP3's like Arlo Guthrie and Pete Seeger singing "This Land is Your Land" complete with all the verses they don't teach you in elementary school, and possibly some others they made up, cause I don't remember seeing them in Rise Up Singing either. And Joan Baez and Paul Simon singing "The Boxer." _
05:59:14 PM, Friday 31 May 2002

This is a test, apparently for my computer: Europe alumnus orchid _
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08:28:40 AM, Thursday 30 May 2002

I started War and Peace this afternoon. I felt rather proud of myself, especially with the fiasco of last year and Don Quixote and not really reading it at all until I arrived in Annapolis. (The Iliad I dealt with much better, but I'd read it already , so I had a rough idea of how long it would take me to do the reading, and which long boring bits (read: Catalogue of the Ships, various long bits about people getting stabbed)could be skipped, or at least skimmed; the Genesis reading was short, so I didn't bother til I showed up in Annapolis either, but that was entirely different.) I stopped reading, cause my head was feeling weird, cause I'm sick, and cause I was feeling vaguely confused as to what was going on with Napolean over in Europe, and why they were speaking French to each other. _
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10:09:15 PM, Wednesday 29 May 2002

I worry about Libby, with the news about Alaina and Kristin. _
10:05:22 PM, Wednesday 29 May 2002

So since last night, on a few webpages (this included my blog when I posted the thing about being sick) there've been a few words which were underlined in green, which acted like links, only you only had to have your mouse over them, you didn't have to click. I don't remember where it took me. What is up with this? Has anyone else seen it? _
08:32:57 PM, Wednesday 29 May 2002

About three times in the past week, I've heard a thing or two about this Lemony Snicket guy. The first time I didn't take much notice of it, it seemed to be some passing obscure references in Neil Gaiman's blog. Then I heard an interview with him on Fresh Air. Who is this guy? Neither told me much about him. _
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07:46:58 PM, Wednesday 29 May 2002

The biggest problem with my new job is figuring out where to park. It's in the middle of downtown Harrisburg, where the only parking is either at meters which cost a fucking fortune or in parking garages, which probably also cost a fucking fortune, but at least you don't have to run out there and put more quarters in.

Also, trays are heavy. And I'd rather be waiting tables and getting tips than just taking people their food.

I think I'll call Borders. _
07:42:31 PM, Wednesday 29 May 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum